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NoKeller, Daniela. (2014) Rev. of Travelling Goods, Travelling Moods. Varieties of Cultural Appropriation (1850-1950), ed. Christian Huck and Stefan Bauernschmidt. Journal for the study of British cultures, Vol. 21, H. 1. pp. 106-109. YesHabermann, Ina and Keller, Daniela. (2021) Introduction: In the Shallows of National Identity. In: Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity. Tübingen, pp. 9-22. Keller, Daniela. (2021) Sensing I and Eyes in Ali Smith's 'How to Be Both'. In: Diffractive Reading: New Materialism, Theory, Critique. Blue Ridge Summit, pp. 153-173. Keller, Daniela. (2017) Rev. of British Nuclear Culture: Official and Unofficial Narratives in the Long 20th Century (2016), by Jonathan Hogg. Journal for the study of British cultures, 24 (1). pp. 91-94. Habermann, Ina and Keller, Daniela. (2016) English Topographies: Introduction. In: English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Leiden , pp. 1-13. |