Browse by Basel Contributors ID
2020Krapf, Tobias. (2020) Die mattbemalte sog. Lianokladi-Ware (Δ1β / Δ1γ) im Lichte der neuen Funde aus Platania bei Lamia. In: Journée d'études égéennes. Actes de la rencontre du 3 novembre 2012 à l'Université de Genève. Bern, pp. 41-58. Gori, Maja and Krapf, Tobias. (2020) The Challenges and Potentiality of Using Network Analysis in Exploring Interactions in the Southwestern Balkans during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. In: Spheres of Interaction. Contacts and relationships between the Balkans and adjacent regions in the Late Bronze/Iron Age (13th-5th centuries BCE) : proceedings of the conference held between 15-17 September, 2017. Rahden, pp. 21-35. Krapf, Tobias. (2020) Regionality in the Middle Helladic Period: Replacing Attica in its Wider Context. In: Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, 27-31 May 2015. Oxford, pp. 399-406. Krapf, Tobias. (2020) Vom Hofpflaster zur dritten Dimension. Der Kontext der Graffiti des Chnumtempelvorhofs von Elephantine. In: Epigraphy through five millennia. Texts and images in context. Wiesbaden, pp. 157-167. Papakonstantínou, María-Foteiní and Koutsokéra, Nikolétta and Krapf, Tobias. (2020) Νεα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα για την μεσοελλαδική κατοίκ ηση στον προϊστορικό οικισμό του Λιανοκλαδιού. In: Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στερέας Ελλάδας, 5. Bolos, pp. 827-840. Krapf, Tobias and Papakonstantínou, María-Foteiní. (2020) Μεσοελλαδικός οικισμός Αγίας Παρασκευής Λαμίας, ανασκαφικές έρευνες 2012-2013. In: Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στερέας Ελλάδας, 5. Bolos, pp. 863-876. Krapf, Tobias and Reber, Karl. (2020) À la recherche du sanctuaire d'Artémis Amarysia, dix ans de fouilles à Amarynthos. CRAI (2). pp. 849-881. Reber, Karl and Knoepfler, Denis and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Krapf, Tobias and Greger, Daniela. (2020) Das Artemision ΕΝ ΑΜΑΡΥΝΘΩΙ (Kampagne 2019). Antike Kunst, 63. pp. 106-114. Lera, Petrika and Touchais, Gilles and Oberweiler, Cécile and Aslaksen, Ole Christian and Blein, Charlotte and Boleti, Athina and Elezi, Gazmend and Fadin, Lionel and Gori, Maja and Krapf, Tobias and Maniatis, Yannis and Odie, Charlotte. (2020) Bassin de Korçë, Kallamas. Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l'étranger. pp. 1-19. Oberweiler, Cécile and Lera, Petrika and Kurti, Rovena and Touchais, Gilles and Aslaksen, Ole Christian and Blein, Charlotte and Elezi, Gazmend and Gori, Maja and Krapf, Tobias and Maniatis, Yannis and Wagner, Stéphanie. (2020) Mission archéologique franco-albanaise du bassin de Korçë. Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l'étranger. pp. 1-59. Ackermann, Guy and Krapf, Tobias and Pop, Laureline, eds. (2020) ἀποβάτης, Euböische Schriften für Karl Reber von seinen Student/-innen aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstags. Lausanne. Krapf, Tobias. (2020) Fragmente zweier Kieselmosaiken aus dem Artemision von Amarynthos. In: άποβάτηϛ : Mélanges eubéens offerts à Karl Reber par ses étudiant-e-s à l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire = Euböische Schriten für Karl Reber von seinen Student/-innen aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstags. Lausanne, pp. 134-139. 2019Reber, Karl and Knoepfler, Denis and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry. (2019) L'Artémision d'Amarynthos (Campagne 2018). Antike Kunst, 62. pp. 145-157. Krapf, Tobias. (2019) Searching for Neo-Minoan Architecture. In: MNHMH/MNEME: Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age. Leuven, pp. 709-712. Krapf, Tobias. (2019) A Typology for the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Pottery of Southeastern Albania. In: L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’Antiquitére dans l’Antiquité VI : Actes du VIe colloque international de Tirana (20-23 mai 2015), 1. Paris, pp. 67-82. Krapf, Tobias. (2019) Reconstructing the Statuary of the Courtyard of the Temple of Khnum on Elephantine. In: Statues in Context. Prodcution, Meaning and (Re)Uses. Leuven, pp. 147-158. Ruka, Rudenc and Desideri, Jocelyne and Krapf, Tobias and Al Qadi, Amjad. (2019) Eugène Pittard: Archaeological Explorations in Southeast Albania. Iliria, 42. pp. 35-56. Reber, Karl and Knoepfler, Denis and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry. (2019) Το ιερό της Αμαρυσίας Αρτέμιδος στην Εύβοια, Αναζητώντας έναν χαμένο ναό. Θέματα Αρχαιολογίας (3). pp. 206-215. 2018Krapf, Tobias. (2018) Sovjan (Korçë): First Remarks about the Late Bronze Age Pottery. In: Το αρχαιολογικο εργο στην ανω μακεδονια, 3. pp. 115-131. Krapf, Tobias. (2018) The Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age Transition in the Korçë Basin (SE-Albania) and the Modern Perception of the Emergence of Illyrian Culture. In: Archaeology across Frontiers and Borderlands. Fragmentation and Connectivity in the North Aegean and the Central Balkans from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Wien, pp. 411-426. Reber, Karl and Knoepfler, Denis and Theurillat, Thierry and Krapf, Tobias. (2018) La découverte du sanctuaire d'Artémis Amarysia à Amarynthos (Eubée, Grèce). Desmos, 51. pp. 3-6. Knoepfler, Denis and Reber, Karl and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry. (2018) L'Artémision d'Amarynthos (Campagne 2017). Antike Kunst, 61. pp. 129-137. Reber, Karl and Knoepfler, Denis and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry and Fachard, Sylvian and Karapaschalidou, Amalia. (2018) Auf der Suche nach Artemis - Die Entdeckung des Heiligtums der Artemis Amarysia. Antike Welt (4). pp. 52-58. 2017Papakonstantinou, Maria-Photeini and Krapf, Tobias. (2017) Η σφίγγα της Υπάτης. Υπάτη, 55. pp. 21-34. Krapf, Tobias. (2017) Middle Helladic (central) Euboea and its cultural connections: The state of research. In: An Island between two Worlds. The Archaeology of Euboea from Prehistoric to Byzantine Times. Athens. Nakas, Yannis and Krapf, Tobias. (2017) Medieval Ship Graffiti from Amarynthos, Euboea, Greece. The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 46 (2). pp. 433-437. Krapf, Tobias and Mistireki, Aleksandra. (2017) Ein Vierteljahrhundert Vernetzungsarbeit. 25 Jahre Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Archäologie SAKA-ASAC. NIKE-Bulletin, (5). pp. 14-17. Knoepfler, Denis and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Reber, Karl and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry. (2017) Amarynthos 2016. Antike Kunst, 60. pp. 135-145. Krapf, Tobias. (2017) From Central Greece to the North and then Westwards? Tracing Influences in Matt Painted Pottery from Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age. In: Hesperos. The Aegean Seen from the West. Leuven. Krapf, Tobias and Agolli, Esmeralda and Aslaksen, Ole Christian and Ilieva, Ekaterina and Ivanov, Stoyan and Kleitsas, Christos and Papadias, Giannis and Papazovska Sanev, Aleksandra and Tsafou, Evgenia and Tsonos, Akis and Vliora, Evangelia. (2017) Balkan Bronze Age Borderland, Along Ancient Routes from the Aegean to Albania, F.Y.R.O.M., Kosovo and SW Bulgaria. In: Hesperos. The Aegean Seen from the West. Leuven, pp. 279-286. Fachard, Sylvian and Knoepfler, Denis and Reber, Karl and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry and Kalamara, Pari. (2017) Recent Research at the Sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia in Amarynthos (Euboea). Archaeological Reports, 63. pp. 167-180. Orgeolet, Raphaël and Skorda, Despoina and Zurbach, Julien and de Barbarin, Lou and Bérard, Reine Marie and Chevaux, Brice and Hubert, Jonhatan and Krapf, Tobias and Lagia, Anna and Lattard, Alexia and Lefebvre, Raphaëlle and Maestracci, Jérémy and Mahé, Alexandre and Moutafi, Ioanna and Sedlbauer, Simon. (2017) Kirrha 2008-2015: un bilan d'étape. 1. La fouille et les structures archéologiques. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 141 (1). pp. 41-116. Krapf, Tobias and Mistireki, Aleksandra. (2017) Ein Vierteljahrhundert Vernetzungsarbeit. 25 Jahre Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Archäologie SAKA-ASAC. NIKE-Bulletin, 5. pp. 14-17. 2016Charalambidou, Xenia and Kiriatzi, Evangelia and Müller Celka, Sylvie and Georgakopoulou, Myrto and Krapf, Tobias. (2016) Eretrian ceramic products through time: Investigating the early history of a Greek metropolis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7. pp. 530-535. Krapf, Tobias. (2016) Symbolic Value and Magical Power: Examples of Prehistoric Objects Reused in Later Contexts in Euboea. In: Metaphysis. Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 15th International Aegean Conference. Leuven, pp. 531-536. Knoepfler, Denis and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Krapf, Tobias and Theurillat, Thierry and Ackermann, Delphine. (2016) Amarynthos 2015. Antike Kunst. pp. 95-103. 2015Krapf, Tobias. (2015) Pfahlbauer im bronzezeitlichen Albanien. Bulletin der SAKA-ASAC. pp. 51-56. Papakonstantinou, Maria-Photeini and Krapf, Tobias and Koutsokera, Nikoletta and Gkotsinas, Angelos and Karathanou, Angeliki and Vouvalidis, Konstantinos and Syridis, Georgios. (2015) Αγία Παρασκευή Λαμίας, θέση "Πλατάνια". Το πολιτισμικό και φυσικό περιβάλλον ενός οικισμού στη δελταϊκή πεδιάδα του Σπερχειού κατά τη Μέση Εποχή του Χαλκού. In: Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στερέας Ελλάδας 4, 2. Volos, pp. 989-998. Krapf, Tobias. (2015) Ερέτρια και Αμάρυνθος: Δύο γειτονικοί αλλά διαφορετικοί οικισμοί της Μέσης Εποχής Χαλκού στην Ευβοία. In: Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στερέας Ελλάδας 4, 2. Volos, pp. 681-696. 2014Boucher, Anaïs and Krapf, Tobias. (2014) Des jeux Olympiques aux mangas japonais : l’art égéen est partout! In: La Grèce des origines : entre rêve et archéologie. Paris, pp. 195-199. Krapf, Tobias. (2014) Le cas de la céramique du Bronze récent de la Grèce du Nord et de l’Albanie du Sud. In: Matières premières et gestion des ressources : actes de la 7e journée doctorale d'archéologie, Paris, 23 mai 2012 ; travaux de l'Ecole doctorale d'archéologie. Paris, pp. 235-254. Krapf, Tobias. (2014) The Late Bronze Age pottery of Macedonia: comparisons with the plain of Korçë. In: A century of research in prehistoric Macedonia, 1912-2012 : Proceedings of the International Conference, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 22-24 November 2012. Thessaloniki, pp. 585-597. Knoepfler, Denis and Karapaschalidou, Amalia and Fachard, Sylvian and Krapf, Tobias and Baeriswyl, Philippe and Theurillat, Thierry. (2014) Amarynthos 2013. Antike Kunst, 57. pp. 127-133. 2013Müller Celka, Sylvie and Krapf, Tobias and Verdan, Samuel. (2013) La céramique helladique du sanctuaire d'Apollon Daphnéphoros à Érétrie (Eubée). Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 135[2013]. pp. 21-61. Knoepfler, Denis and Reber, Karl and Ackermann, Guy and Baeriswyl, Philippe and Krapf, Tobias and Saggini, Tamara. (2013) Amarynthos 2012: Campagne de Sondages. Antike Kunst, 56. pp. 100-107. 2012Zurbach, Julien and Skorda, Despina and Orgeolet, Raphaël and Lagia, Anna and Moutafi, Ioanna and Krapf, Tobias and Simier, Bastien and Bérard, Reine Marie and Sintès, Gilles and Chabrol, Antoine. (2012) Kirrha (Phocide). Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 136-137 (2). pp. 569-592. 2011Krapf, Tobias. (2011) Amarynthos in der Bronzezeit, Der Wissensstand nach den Schweizer Grabungen 2006 und 2007. Antike Kunst, Jg. 54. pp. 144-159. |