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2016Blanc, Jérémy and Furter, Jean-Philippe and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2016) Extension of automorphisms of rational smooth affine curves. Mathematical research letters, 23 (1). pp. 43-66. 2015Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2015) A note on the stable equivalence problem. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol. 67 , H. 2. pp. 753-761. Edo, Eric and Pierre-Marie Poloni, . (2015) On the closure of the tame automorphism group of affine three-space. International mathematics research notices, Vol. 2015, no. 19. pp. 9736-9750. 2014Dubouloz, Adrien and Moser-Jauslin, Lucy and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2014) Automorphism groups of certain rational hypersurfaces in complex four-space. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 79. pp. 301-312. 2011Dubouloz, Adrien and Moser-Jauslin, Lucy and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2011) Noncancellation for contractible affine threefolds. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139 (12). pp. 4273-4284. 2010Dubouloz, Adrien and Moser-Jauslin, Lucy and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2010) Inequivalent embeddings of the Koras-Russell cubic threefold. The Michigan mathematical journal, Vol. 59, H. 3. pp. 679-694. 2009Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2009) Classification(s) of Danielewski hypersurfaces. Transformation groups, Vol. 16, H. 2. pp. 579-597. Maubach, Stefan and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2009) The Nagata automorphism is shifted linearizable. Journal of algebra, Vol. 321, H. 3. pp. 879-889. Dubouloz, Adrien and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2009) On a class of Danielewski surfaces in affine 3-space. Journal of algebra, Vol. 321, H. 7. pp. 1797-1812. 2006Moser-Jauslin, Lucy and Poloni, Pierre-Marie. (2006) Embeddings of a family of Danielewski hypersurfaces and certain C⁺-actions on C³. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, T. 56, no. 5. pp. 1567-1581. |