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NoBaez-Camargo, Claudia and Dufitumukiza, Abel and Kamanyi, Egidius and Lugolobi, Robert and Kassa, Saba and Stahl, Cosimo. (2019) Social Norms and Attitudes Towards Corruption: Comparative Insights from East Africa. In: Corruption, Social Sciences and the Law. Exploration across the disciplines. London, pp. 223-237. YesJacobs, Eelco and Baez Camargo, Claudia. (2020) Local health governance in Tajikistan: accountability and power relations at the district level. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19. p. 30. Baez-Camargo, Claudia and Koechlin, Lucy. (2018) Informal Governance: Comparative Perspectives on Co-optation, Control and Camouflage in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. International Development Policy, 10. pp. 78-100. Baez-Camargo, Claudia and Ledeneva, Alena. (2017) Where Does Informality Stop and Corruption Begin? Informal Governance and the Public/Private Crossover in Mexico, Russia and Tanzania. Slavonic and East European Review, 95 (1). pp. 49-75. |