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Gantenbein, Pascal and Volonté, Christophe. (2019) Corporate governance in the European context. Die Unternehmung / Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 73 (2). pp. 122-145.

Gantenbein, Pascal and Kind, Axel and Volonté, Christophe. (2019) Individualism and Venture Capital: A Cross-Country Study. Management International Review, 59 (5). pp. 741-777.

Volonté, Christophe. (2019) Regulation and evolution of boards of directors in Switzerland over 30 years. An analysis of Swiss board of directors from 1988 to 2017. Expert Focus, 9. pp. 674-679.

Volonté, Christophe and Gantenbein, Pascal. (2016) Directors’ human capital, firm strategy, and firm performance. Journal of management and governance, 20 (1). pp. 115-145.

Volonté, Christophe. (2015) Culture and corporate governance: the influence of language and religion in Switzerland. Management International Review, 55 (1). pp. 77-118.

Volonté, Christophe. (2015) Boards : independent and committed directors? International review of law and economics, 41 . pp. 25-37.

Volonté, Christophe and Zaby, Simon. (2013) Proxy advisors: a critical analysis. Corporate Ownership and Control, 11 (1). pp. 857-863.

Book Section

dela Rama, Marie and Volonté, Christophe and Zaby, Simon. (2014) Corporate governance in the Philippines and Switzerland - a comparison of environment and practices. In: Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets. Heidelberg, pp. 351-372.

Volonté, Christophe. (2014) Capital structure and payout policies : theory and practice in Switzerland. In: Proceedings of the second international conference on credit analysis and risk management. Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 197-220.

Gantenbein, Pascal and Volonté, Christophe. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility and the Board's Role in Switzerland. In: Board Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility. Basingstoke, United Kingdom, pp. 202-214.

Working Paper

Gantenbein, Pascal and Volonté, Christophe. (2012) Does culture affect corporate governance? WWZ Working Papers, 2012 (04). Basel.

Volonté, Christophe. (2012) Foundations of Corporate Governance. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2012 (05).

Gantenbein, Pascal and Volonté, Christophe. (2011) Boards: Independent and Committed Directors? WWZ Discussion Papers, 2011 (12).

Gantenbein, Pascal and Volonté, Christophe. (2011) Director Characteristics and Firm Performance. WWZ Discussion Papers, 2011 (11).

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Volonté, Christophe. (30 January 2021) Was Nachhaltigkeit mit Managerboni zu tun hat. Finanz und Wirtschaft, (8). p. 11. Zürich.

Volonté, Christophe. (28 March 2019) Fehlanreize bei Manager-Salären. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 13. Zürich.

Volonté, Christophe. (18 August 2018) Gehör für Minderheitsaktionäre. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 13.

Volonté, Christophe. (27 January 2018) Wie Schweizer Verwaltungsräte ticken. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 13.

Volonté, Christophe. (26 August 2017) Viel Geld für wenig VR-Sitzungen. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 13. Zürich.

Volonté, Christophe. (29 May 2017) Heikle Rolle der Grossaktionäre. Finanz und Wirtschaft. Zürich.

Volonté, Christophe. (22 March 2017) Die unbekannte Macht an der GV. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 15. Zürich.

Volonté, Christophe. (21 December 2016) Revisoren müssen unabhängig sein. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 16.

Volonté, Christophe. (10 September 2016) Mehr Wissen im Verwaltungsrat. Finanz und Wirtschaft . p. 15.

Volonté, Christophe. (22 June 2016) Mehr Transparenz wünschenswert. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 13.

Volonté, Christophe. (27 April 2016) Stromkonzerne auf dem Prüfstand. Finanz und Wirtschaft. p. 14.