Heer, Barbara.
Cities of entanglements. social life in Johannesburg and Maputo through ethnographic comparison.
Urban Studies.
Aceska, Ana and Heer, Barbara.
Everyday Encounters in the Shopping Mall: (Un)Making Boundaries in the Divided Cities of Johannesburg and Mostar.
Anthropological Forum, 29 (1).
pp. 47-61.
Aceska, Ana and Heer, Barbara and Kaiser-Grolimund, Andrea.
Doing the City from the Margins: Critical Perspectives on Urban Marginality.
Anthropological Forum, 29 (1).
pp. 1-11.
Heer, Barbara.
Propertied Citizenship in a Township and Suburb in Johannesburg.
Middle classes in Africa. changing lives and conceptual challenges.
Cham, pp. 179-202.
Heer, Barbara.
Shopping Malls as Social Space: New Forms of Public Life in Johannesburg.
Cities in Flux. metropolitan spaces in South African literary and visual texts.
Berlin, pp. 101-122.
Heer, Barbara.
Being together with strangers.
Peeps Magazine - Tracking cultural shifts around the world.
pp. 94-113.
Heer, Barbara.
We are all Children of God: A charismatic church as space of encounter between township and suburb in post-apartheid Johannesburg.
Anthropology Southern Africa, 38 (3-4).
pp. 344-359.
Heer, Barbara.
[Rezension von] Schaumburg (2013): Bonyatsi. Heirat, Status und Beziehungsstrategien in einem südafrikanischen Township. Kölner Ethnologische Studien, 34. Berlin: Lit.
Anthropos, 110 (2).
pp. 268-270.
Heer, Barbara.
Die Kirche als öffentlicher Raum der Post-Apartheid Gesellschaft : zur ethnographischen Untersuchung von Begegnungsräumen in Johannesburg.
Erfassen – Deuten – Urteilen : Empirische Zugänge zur Religionsforschung.
Zürich, pp. 205-224.
Heer, Barbara.
(1 September 2012)
Wessen Alexandra? Kampf um Bestimmungsmacht im ältesten Township von Südafrika.
iz3w, (332).
pp. 20-21.
Förster, Till and Heer, Barbara and Heer, and Engeler, Michelle and Kaufmann, Andrea A. and Bauer, Kerstin and Heitz, Kathrin.
The Emic Evaluation Approach : epistemologies, experience, and ethnographic practice.
Heer, Barbara.
Der Weg von Tischmatten aus dem Kameruner Grasland nach Basel : ethnologische Untersuchung einer Warenkette des Fairen Handels.