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ArticleEpting, Jannis and Raman Vinna, Carl Love and Affolter, Annette and Scheidler, Stefan and Schilling, Oliver S.. (2023) Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures for alluvial aquifers - Solution approaches based on the thermal exploitation of managed aquifer (MAR) and surface water recharge (MSWR). Water Research, 238. p. 119988. Epting, Jannis and Raman Vinna, Carl Love and Piccolroaz, Sebastiano and Affolter, Annette and Scheidler, Stefan. (2022) Impacts of climate change on Swiss alluvial aquifers - A quantitative forecast focused on natural and artificial groundwater recharge by surface water infiltration. Journal of Hydrology X, 17. p. 100140. Scheidler, Stefan and Huggenberger, Peter and Dresmann, Horst and Auckenthaler, Adrian and Epting, Jannis. (2021) Regional groundwater flow and karst evolution-theoretical approach and example from Switzerland. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80 (5). p. 201. Scheidler, Stefan and Huggenberger, Peter and Butscher , Christoph and Dresmann , Horst. (2019) Tools to simulate changes in hydraulic flow systems in complex geologic settings affected by tunnel excavation. Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment, 78. pp. 969-980. Scheidler, Stefan and Anders, Birte and Regli, Christian and Bolay, Stephan and Huggenberger, Peter. (2019) Geothermal use of an Alpine aquifer - Davos pilot study. Grundwasser, 24. pp. 277-286. Zechner, Eric and Dresmann, Horst and Mocuţa, Marius and Danchiv, Alex and Huggenberger, Peter and Scheidler, Stefan and Wiesmeier, Stefan and Popa, Iulian and Zlibut, Alexandru. (2019) Salt dissolution potential estimated from two-dimensional vertical thermohaline flow and transport modeling along a Transylvanian salt diapir, Romania. Hydrogeology journal, 27. pp. 1245-1256. Epting, Jannis and Scheidler, Stefan and Affolter, Annette and Borer, Paul and Müller, Matthias H. and Egli, Lukas and García-Gil, Alejandro and Huggenberger, Peter. (2017) The thermal impact of subsurface building structures on urban groundwater resources – A paradigmatic example. Science of the Total Environment, 596. pp. 87-96. Butscher, Christoph and Scheidler, Stefan and Farhadian, Hadi and Dresmann, Horst and Huggenberger, Peter. (2017) Swelling potential of clay-sulfate rocks in tunneling in complex geological settings and impact of hydraulic measures assessed by 3D groundwater modeling. Engineering Geology, 221. pp. 143-153. Huggenberger, Peter and Epting, Jannis and Scheidler, Stefan. (2013) Concepts for the sustainable management of multi-scale flow systems: the groundwater system within the Laufen Basin, Switzerland. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69 (2). pp. 645-661. Page, Rebecca M. and Scheidler, Stefan and Polat, Elif and Svoboda, Paul and Huggenberger Peter, . (2012) Faecal Indicator Bacteria : Groundwater Dynamics and Transport following Precipitation and River Water Infiltration. Water, air and soil pollution, Vol. 223, no. 5. pp. 2771-2782. Page, Rebecca M. and Affolter, Annette and Epting, Jannis and Huggenberger Peter, and Jaggi, Roger and Meier, Karl and Scheidler, Stefan and Waldmann, Daniel and Wiesmeier, Stefan. (2012) Nachweis und Interpretation von Grundwasserschwankungen in einem flussnahen Trinkwasserfördergebiet mittels multivariater Analyse. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Vol. 31.12. pp. 108-113. Affolter, A. and Huggenberger, P. and Scheidler, S. and Epting, J.. (2010) Adaptive groundwater management in urban areas Effect of surface water-groundwater interaction using the example of artificial groundwater recharge and in- and exfiltration of the river Birs (Switzerland). Grundwasser, Vol. 15, H. 3. pp. 147-161. Conference or Workshop ItemZechner, Eric and Dresmann, Horst and Mocuţa, Marius and Danchiv, Alex and Huggenberger, Peter and Scheidler, Stefan and Wiesmeier, Stefan and Popa, Iulian and Zlibut, Alexandru. (2020) Relating thermohaline simulation of salt dissolution to land collapse at a Transylvanian salt diapir, Romania. In: UNSPECIFIED. EGU2020-19529. OtherEpting, Jannis and Scheidler, Stefan and Schilling, Oliver S. and Christe, Pierre Guillaume. Wärmetransport im Tiefengrundwasser - Erschliessung geothermischer Potenziale im Kanton Wallis. Pilotstudie Brig – Schlussbericht. |