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2012Siffert, Andrea and Schwarz, Beate and Stutz, Melanie. (2012) Marital conflict and early adolescents' self-esteem : the role of parenting quality and early adolescents' appraisals. Journal of youth and adolescence : a multidisciplinary research publication, Vol. 41. pp. 749-763. Lemola, Sakari and Schwarz, Beate and Siffert, Andrea. (2012) Interparental conflict and early adolescents' aggression : is irregular sleep a vulnerability factor? Journal of adolescence, Vol. 35, H. 1. pp. 97-105. Schwarz, Beate and Stutz, Melanie and Ledermann, Thomas. (2012) Perceived interparental conflict and early adolescents' friendships : The role of attachment security and emotion regulation. Journal of youth and adolescence, Vol. 41. pp. 1240-1252. 2011Siffert, Andrea and Schwarz, Beate. (2011) Spouses’ demand and withdrawal during marital conflict and their well-being. Journal of social and personal relationships, Vol. 28. pp. 262-277. Siffert, Andrea and Schwarz, Beate. (2011) Parental Conflict Resolution Styles and Children's Adjustment: Children's Appraisals and Emotion Regulation as Mediators. Journal of genetic psychology : developmental and educational psychology, 172 (1). pp. 21-39. 2010Schwarz, Beate. (2010) Generationenbeziehungen im Kulturvergleich. In: Psychologie-Kultur-Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden, pp. 141-160. Schwarz, Beate and Albert, Isabelle and Trommsdorff, Gisela and Zheng, Gang and Shi, Shaohua and Nelwan, Peter R.. (2010) Intergenerational Support and Life Satisfaction: A Comparison of Chinese, Indonesian, and German Elderly Mothers. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 41 (5-6). pp. 706-722. Schwarz, Beate and Siffert, Andrea. (2010) Die Bedrohlichkeit elterlicher Konflikte aus Sicht der Kinder : eine deutsche Fassung der Skala Threat aus der Children’s Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale. Diagnostica : Zeitschrift für psychologische Diagnostik und differenteielle Psychologie, Vol. 56. pp. 222-229. Schwarz, Beate and Trommsdorff, Gisela and Zheng, Gang and Shi, Shaohua. (2010) Reciprocity in intergenerational support : a comparison of Chinese and German adult daughters. Journal of family issues, Vol. 31. pp. 234-256. 2009Schwarz, Beate. (2009) Elterliche Konflikte und Depressivität Jugendlicher in Trennungsfamilien : zur Rolle der Triangulation. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, Vol. 56. pp. 95-104. Schwarz, Beate and Walper, S.. (2009) Adolescents' individuation, romantic involvement and mothers' well-being : a comparison of three family structures. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 4. pp. 499-520. Schwarz, Beate. (2009) Kinder nach Trennung und Scheidung. In: Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie, Band 3: Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Berlin, pp. 855-864. 2007Trommsdorff, G. and Schwarz, Beate. (2007) A study on the "Intergenerational Stake Hypothesis" in Indonesia and Germany: Adult daughters' and their mothers' perception of their relationship. Current sociology, Vol. 55, No. 4. pp. 599-620. Schwarz, Beate. (2007) Reorganisation der Familie nach Trennung und Scheidung. In: Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie. Göttingen, pp. 522-533. Schwarz, Beate. (2007) Jugend im Kulturvergleich. In: Erleben und Handeln im kulturellen Kontext. Göttingen, pp. 599-641. 2006Schwarz, B.. (2006) Adult daughters' family structure and the association between reciprocity and relationship quality. Journal of family issues, Vol. 27, H. 2. pp. 208-228. Schwarz, Beate and Trommsdorff, G. and Kim, G. and Park, Y. -S.. (2006) Intergenerational support: Psychological and cultural analyses of Korean and German women. Current sociology. Monograph, Vol. 54, No. 2. pp. 315-340. 2005Schwarz, Beate and Gödde, M.. (2005) Gemeinsame elterliche Sorge nach Trennung und Scheidung in der internationalen Perspektive. Familie Partnerschaft Recht, 11. pp. 98-101. Schwarz, Beate and Trommsdorff, G.. (2005) Attachment and intergenerational support. European journal of ageing, Vol. 2. pp. 192-199. Schwarz, Beate and Trommsdorff, G.. (2005) Intergenerationaler Austausch von Unterstützung und Reziprozität im Kulturvergleich. In: Generatives Verhalten und Generationenbeziehungen. Wiesbaden, pp. 199-212. |