Browse by Basel Contributors ID
2016Ackermann Krzemnicki, Sonia and Hägele, Bernd F.. (2016) Die Standardisierung von Forschungsinformationen an Schweizer universitären Hochschulen. 2013Bolanz, Ralph Michael and Blaess, Ulrich and Ackermann, Sonia and Ciobotae, Valerian and Roesch, Petra and Tarcea, Nicolae and Popp, Juergen and Majzlan, Juraj. (2013) The effect of Antimonate, Arsenate, and Phosphate on the Tranformation of Ferrihydrite to Goethite, Hematite, Feroxyhyte, and Tripuhyite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 61 (1-2). pp. 11-25. 2009Ackermann, Sonia and Giere, Reto and Newville, Matthew and Majzlan, Juraj. (2009) Antimony sinks in the weathering crust of bullets from Swiss shooting ranges. Science of the total environment, 407 (5). pp. 1669-1682. Ackermann, Sonia and Gieré, Reto and Newville, Matthew and Majzlan, Juraj. (2009) Antimony sinks in the weathering crust of bullets from Swiss shooting ranges. Science of The Total Environment, 407 (5). pp. 1669-1682. Ackermann, Sonia and Lazic, Biljana and Armbruster, Thomas and Doyle, Stephen and Grevel, Klaus-Dieter and Majzlan, Juraj. (2009) Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of kornelite [Fe2(SO4)3 ~7.75H2O] and paracoquimbite [Fe2(SO4)3 9H2O]. American Mineralogist, 94 (11-12). pp. 1620-1628. Ziegler, Sibylle and Ackermann, Sonia and Majzlan, Juraj and Gescher, Johannes. (2009) Matrix composition and community structure analysis of a novel bacterial pyrite leaching community. Environmental microbiology, 11 (9). pp. 2329-2338. Ziegler, Sibylle and Ackermann, Sonia and Göttlicher, Jörg and Majzlan, Juraj and Gescher, Johannes. (2009) Matrix composition and community structure analysis of a novel bacterial pyrite leaching community. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13, Supplement). A1535. 2008Ackermann, Sonia and Majzlan, Juraj and Bolanz, Ralph and Gieré, Reto and Newville, Matthew. (2008) Sb sorption complexes on Fe oxide surfaces: An EXAFS study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (12, Supplement). A5. 2007Ackermann, Sonia and Gieré, Reto and Majzlan, Juraj. (2007) Antimony speciation in shooting ranges and its association with iron oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (15, Supplement). A5. |