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ArticleBezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2016) Returning from the ‘infernal deepes’: Fiammetta’s Early Modern English Stepsisters. Rassegna Europea di Letteratura Italiana, 47. pp. 105-118. Atmanspacher, Harald and Bezzola Lambert, Ladina and Folkers, Gerd and Schubiger, August. (2014) Relevance Relations for the Concept of Reproducibility. Interface : journal of the Royal Society, 11 (94). Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2005) Moving in circles : the dialectics of selfhood in religio medici. Renaissance Studies, vol. 19, no. 3. pp. 364-379. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2002) Envisioning a plurality of worlds : metaphors as systems of thought. Papers on French seventeenth century literature, Vol. 57. pp. 361-386. BookBezzola Lambert, Ladina, ed. (2013) Ortlose Mitte: Das Ich als kulturelle Hervorbringung. Göttingen. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina and Ochsner, Andrea and Jermann, Jennifer and Hohl Trillini, Regula and Marti, Markus, eds. (2009) Moment to Monument : The Making and Unmaking of Cultural Significance. Cultural studies (Transcript), Vol. 32. Bielefeld. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina and Engler, Balz, eds. (2004) Shifting the scene : Shakespeare in European culture. Newark, NJ. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2002) Imagining the unimaginable : the poetics of early modern astronomy. Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 58. Amsterdam. Book SectionBezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2016) Repetition with a Difference: Reproducibility in Literature Studies. In: Reproducibility: principles, problems, practices, and prospects. London, pp. 491-510. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2013) Zur Emanzipation eines neuen Gewerbes. In: Heilen – Gesunden. Das andere Arzneibuch, 9. Zurich, pp. 227-232. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2013) »Von uns selber schweigen wir« Francis Bacon auf der Schwelle zum modernen Wissenschaftsverständnis. In: Ortlose Mitte: Das Ich als kulturelle Hervorbringung. Göttingen, pp. 86-101. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2012) Shakespeares perverse Sonette: Zur Poetik der Wiedervergabe in A Lover’s Complaint. In: Liebesgaben: Kommunikative, performative und poetologische Dimensionen in der Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 240. Berlin, pp. 413-430. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2010) New Historicism. In: Literaturtheorien des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, pp. 377-383. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2002) The consumed image : friendship in Montaigne and Bacon. In: Masculinities - Maskulinitäten. Stuttgart, pp. 186-193. Conference or Workshop ItemBezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2009) Shakespeare's belated Lucrece. In: The construction of textual identity in medieval and early modern literature. Tübingen, pp. 143-161. Bezzola Lambert, Ladina. (2008) The art of anamorphosis in new historicist criticism. In: Mediality - intermediality. Tübingen, pp. 125-138. |