Items where contributor is "Moore, Sarah"
Jump to: Article | Book Section ArticleGeorgiades, M. and Alampounti, A. and Somers, J. and Su, M. P. and Ellis, D. A. and Bagi, J. and Terrazas-Duque, D. and Tytheridge, S. and Ntabaliba, W. and Moore, S. and Albert, J. T. and Andrés, M.. (2023) Hearing of malaria mosquitoes is modulated by a beta-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor which serves as insecticide target. Nat Commun, 14. p. 4338. Hofer, L. M. and Kweyamba, P. A. and Sayi, R. M. and Chabo, M. S. and Maitra, S. L. and Moore, S. J. and Tambwe, M. M.. (2023) Malaria rapid diagnostic tests reliably detect asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections in school-aged children that are infectious to mosquitoes. Parasit Vectors, 16. p. 217. Kamande, D. S. and Odufuwa, O. G. and Mbuba, E. and Hofer, L. and Moore, S. J.. (2022) Modified World Health Organization (WHO) tunnel test for higher throughput evaluation of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) considering the effect of alternative hosts, exposure time, and mosquito density. Insects, 13 (7). p. 562. Kibondo, U. A. and Odufuwa, O. G. and Ngonyani, S. H. and Mpelepele, A. B. and Matanilla, I. and Ngonyani, H. and Makungwa, N. O. and Mseka, A. P. and Swai, K. and Ntabaliba, W. and Stutz, S. and Austin, J. W. and Moore, S. J.. (2022) Influence of testing modality on bioefficacy for the evaluation of Interceptor® G2 mosquito nets to combat malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania. Parasit Vectors, 15. p. 124. Lees, R. S. and Armistead, J. S. and Azizi, S. and Constant, E. and Fornadel, C. and Gimnig, J. E. and Hemingway, J. and Impoinvil, D. and Irish, S. R. and Kisinza, W. and Lissenden, N. and Mawejje, H. D. and Messenger, L. A. and Moore, S. and Ngufor, C. and Oxborough, R. and Protopopoff, N. and Ranson, H. and Small, G. and Wagman, J. and Weetman, D. and Zohdy, S. and Spiers, A.. (2022) Strain characterisation for measuring bioefficacy of itns treated with two active ingredients (Dual-AI ITNs): developing a robust protocol by building consensus. Insects, 13 (5). p. 434. Lissenden, N. and Armistead, J. S. and Gleave, K. and Irish, S. R. and Martin, J. L. and Messenger, L. A. and Moore, S. J. and Ngufor, C. and Protopopoff, N. and Oxborough, R. and Spiers, A. and Lees, R. S.. (2022) Developing consensus standard operating procedures (SOPs) to evaluate new types of insecticide-treated nets. Insects, 13 (1). p. 7. Mbwambo, S. G. and Bubun, N. and Mbuba, E. and Moore, J. and Mbina, K. and Kamande, D. and Laman, M. and Mpolya, E. and Odufuwa, O. G. and Freeman, T. and Karl, S. and Moore, S. J.. (2022) Comparison of cone bioassay estimates at two laboratories with different Anopheles mosquitoes for quality assurance of pyrethroid insecticide-treated nets. Malar J, 21. p. 214. Namango, I. H. and Marshall, C. and Saddler, A. and Ross, A. and Kaftan, D. and Tenywa, F. and Makungwa, N. and Odufuwa, O. G. and Ligema, G. and Ngonyani, H. and Matanila, I. and Bharmal, J. and Moore, J. and Moore, S. J. and Hetzel, M. W.. (2022) The Centres for Disease Control light trap (CDC-LT) and the human decoy trap (HDT) compared to the human landing catch (HLC) for measuring Anopheles biting in rural Tanzania. Malar J, 21. p. 181. Odufuwa, O. G. and Moore, S. J. and Mboma, Z. M. and Mbuba, E. and Muganga, J. B. and Moore, J. and Philipo, R. and Rashid, M. A. and Bosselmann, R. and Skovmand, O. and Bradley, J.. (2022) Insecticide-treated eave nets and window screens for malaria control in Chalinze district, Tanzania: a study protocol for a household randomised control trial. Trials, 23. p. 578. Somers, J. and Georgiades, M. and Su, M. P. and Bagi, J. and Andrés, M. and Alampounti, A. and Mills, G. and Ntabaliba, W. and Moore, S. J. and Spaccapelo, R. and Albert, J. T.. (2022) Hitting the right note at the right time: circadian control of audibility in Anopheles mosquito mating swarms is mediated by flight tones. Sci Adv, 8 (2). eabl4844. Cheng, I. T. T. and Sawi, J. K. and Msellemu, D. and Lobo, N. and Bradley, J. and Moore, S.. (2022) Volatile pyrethroid spatial repellents for malaria prevention. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 11. CD015128. Tambwe, M. M. and Saddler, A. and Kibondo, U. A. and Mashauri, R. and Kreppel, K. S. and Govella, N. J. and Moore, S. J.. (2021) Semi-field evaluation of the exposure-free mosquito electrocuting trap and BG-Sentinel trap as an alternative to the human landing catch for measuring the efficacy of transfluthrin emanators against Aedes aegypti. Parasit Vectors, 14. p. 265. Tambwe, M. M. and Moore, S. and Hofer, L. and Kibondo, U. A. and Saddler, A.. (2021) Transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide (EPTI) reduces human landing rate (HLR) of pyrethroid resistant and susceptible malaria vectors in a semi-field simulated peridomestic space. Malar J, 20. p. 357. Monroe, A. and Moore, S. and Olapeju, B. and Merritt, A. P. and Okumu, F.. (2021) Unlocking the human factor to increase effectiveness and sustainability of malaria vector control. Malar J, 20. p. 404. Denz, A. and Njoroge, M. M. and Tambwe, M. M. and Champagne, C. and Okumu, F. and van Loon, J. J. A. and Hiscox, A. and Saddler, A. and Fillinger, U. and Moore, S. J. and Chitnis, N.. (2021) Predicting the impact of outdoor vector control interventions on malaria transmission intensity from semi-field studies. Parasit Vectors, 14. p. 64. Tambwe, Mgeni M. and Moore, Sarah J. and Chilumba, Hassan and Swai, Johnson K. and Moore, Jason D. and Stica, Caleb and Saddler, Adam. (2020) Semi-field evaluation of freestanding transfluthrin passive emanators and the BG sentinel trap as a "push-pull control strategy" against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Parasites and vectors, 13. p. 392. Lorenz, L. M. and Bradley, J. and Yukich, J. and Massue, D. J. and Mageni Mboma, Z. and Pigeon, O. and Moore, J. and Kilian, A. and Lines, J. and Kisinza, W. and Overgaard, H. J. and Moore, S. J.. (2020) Comparative functional survival and equivalent annual cost of 3 long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) products in Tanzania: a randomised trial with 3-year follow up. PLoS Med, 17 (9). e1003248. Matowo, Nancy S. and Koekemoer, Lizette L. and Moore, Sarah J. and Mmbando, Arnold S. and Mapua, Salum A. and Coetzee, Maureen and Okumu, Fredros O.. (2016) Combining synthetic human odours and low-cost electrocuting grids to attract and kill outdoor-biting mosquitoes : field and semi-field evaluation of an improved mosquito landing box. PLoS ONE, 11 (1). e0145653. Moore, S. J.. (2016) A new perspective on the application of mosquito repellents. Lancet, 16 (10). pp. 1093-1094. Mayagaya, Valeriana and Ntamatungiro, Alex and Moore, Sarah and Wirtz, Robert and Dowell, Floyd and Maia, Marta. (2015) Evaluating preservation methods for identifying Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis complex mosquitoes species using near infra-red spectroscopy. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (60). Andrés, Marta and Lorenz, Lena M. and Mbeleya, Edgar and Moore, Sarah J.. (2015) Modified mosquito landing boxes dispensing transfluthrin provide effective protection against Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes under simulated outdoor conditions in a semi-field system. Malaria journal, Vol. 14 , 255. Maia, M. F. and Kliner, M. and Richardson, M. and Lengeler, C. and Moore, S. J.. (2015) Mosquito repellents for malaria prevention. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (4). CD011595. Ogoma, Sheila B. and Lorenz, Lena M. and Ngonyani, Hassan and Sangusangu, Robert and Kitumbukile, Mohammed and Kilalangongono, Masoudi and Simfukwe, Emmanuel T. and Mseka, Anton and Mbeyela, Edgar and Roman, Deogratius and Moore, Jason and Kreppel, Katharina and Maia, Marta F. and Moore, Sarah J.. (2014) An experimental hut study to quantify the effect of DDT and airborne pyrethroids on entomological parameters of malaria transmission. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 131. Irish, S. R. and Moore, S. J. and Bruce, J. and Cameron, M. M.. (2014) Preliminary evaluation of a nonanal lure for collection of gravid Culex quinquefasciatus. Journal of the American mosquito control association : mosquito news, Vol. 30, H. 1. pp. 37-41. Vontas, John and Moore, Sarah and Kleinschmidt, Immo and Ranson, Hilary and Lindsay, Steve and Lengeler, Christian and Hamon, Nicholas and McLean, Tom and Hemingway, Janet. (2014) Framework for rapid assessment and adoption of new vector control tools. Trends in parasitology, Vol. 30, H. 4. pp. 191-204. Hill, Nigel and Zhou, Hong Ning and Wang, Piyu and Guo, Xiaofang and Carneiro, Ilona and Moore, Sarah J.. (2014) A household randomized, controlled trial of the efficacy of 0.03% transfluthrin coils alone and in combination with long-lasting insecticidal nets on the incidence of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria in Western Yunnan Province, China. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 208. Sangoro, Onyango and Lweitojera, Dickson and Simfukwe, Emmanuel and Ngonyani, Hassan and Mbeyela, Edgar and Lugiko, Daniel and Kihonda, Japhet and Maia, Marta and Moore, Sarah. (2014) Use of a semi-field system to evaluate the efficacy of topical repellents under user conditions provides a disease exposure free technique comparable with field data. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 159. Sangoro, Onyango and Turner, Elizabeth and Simfukwe, Emmanuel and Miller, Jane E. and Moore, Sarah J.. (2014) A cluster-randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of using 15% DEET topical repellent with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) compared to a placebo lotion on malaria transmission. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 324. Lorenz, Lena M. and Overgaard, Hans J. and Massue, Dennis J. and Mageni, Zawadi D. and Bradley, John and Moore, Jason D. and Mandike, Renata and Kramer, Karen and Kisinza, William and Moore, Sarah J.. (2014) Investigating mosquito net durability for malaria control in Tanzania - attrition, bioefficacy, chemistry, degradation and insecticide resistance (ABCDR) : study protocol. BMC public health, Vol. 14 , 1266. Ogoma, Sheila B. and Ngonyani, Hassan and Simfukwe, Emmanuel T. and Mseka, Antony and Moore, Jason and Maia, Marta F. and Moore, Sarah J. and Lorenz, Lena M.. (2014) The mode of action of spatial repellents and their impact on vectorial capacity of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, H. 12 , e110433. Tambwe, Mgeni and Mbeyela, Edgar and Massinda, Brian and Moore, Sarah and Maia, Marta. (2014) Experimental hut evaluation of linalool spatial repellent agar gel against Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto mosquitoes in a semi-field system in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. Parasites and Vectors, 7 (550). Ntamatungiro, A. J. and Mayagaya, V. S. and Rieben, S. and Moore, S. J. and Dowell, F. E. and Maia, M. F.. (2013) The influence of physiological status on age prediction of Anopheles arabiensis using near infra-red spectroscopy. Parasites and Vectors, 6 (298). Maia, Marta Ferreira and Onyango, Sangoro Peter and Thele, Max and Simfukwe, Emmanuel Titus and Turner, Elizabeth Louise and Moore, Sarah Jane. (2013) Do topical repellents divert mosquitoes within a community? : Health equity implications of topical repellents as a mosquito bite prevention tool. PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, H. 12 , e84875. Book SectionSangoro, O. and Moore, S. J.. (2014) Evaluation of repellent efficacy in reducing disease incidence. In: Insect repellents handbook. - 2nd ed.. Boca Raton, pp. 117-157. Moore, S. J.. (2014) Plant-based insect repellents. In: Insect repellents handbook. - 2nd ed.. Boca Raton, pp. 179-211. White, G. B. and Moore, S. J.. (2014) Terminology of insect repellents. In: Insect repellents handbook. - 2nd ed.. Boca Raton, pp. 3-30. |