Items where contributor is "Mehlin, Michaela"
2015Mehlin, Michaela. Efficient explicit time integration for the simulation of acoustic and electromagnetic waves. 2015, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Grote, Marcus J. and Mehlin, Michaela and Mitkova, Teodora. (2015) Runge-Kutta Based Explicit Local Time-Stepping Methods for Wave Propagation. SIAM journal on scientific computing, Vol. 37, H. 2 , A747–A775. Grote, Marcus and Mehlin, Michaela. (2015) Runge-Kutta type Explicit Local Time-Stepping for Electromagnetics. In: 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Karlsruhe, pp. 266-267. Almquist, Martin and Grote, Marcus and Mehlin, Michaela. (2015) Multi-Level Runge-Kutta based Explicit Local Time-Stepping for Wave Propagation. In: 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Karlsruhe, pp. 268-269. Gaudio, Loredana and Grote, Marcus and Mehlin, Michaela. (2015) Convergence Analysis of Leap-Frog Based Local Time-Stepping for the Wave Equation. In: 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Karlsruhe. 2014Grote, Marcus and Mehlin, Michaela and Mitkova, Teodora. (2014) Runge-Kutta Based Explicit Local Time-Stepping Methods for Wave Propagation. Preprints Fachbereich Mathematik, 2014 (05). 2012Grote, Marcus J. and Mehlin, Michaela and Mitkova, Teodora. (2012) High-Order Local Time-Stepping with Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods. In: SCEE2012. Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. pp. 41-42. Grote, Marcus J. and Mehlin, Michaela and Mitkova, Teodora. (2012) Theory and Applications of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. In: Theory and Applications of DG Methods, 9. pp. 572-574. |