Items where contributor is "Matschiner, Michael"
2011Matschiner, Michael. Population genetic and phylogenetic insights into the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fishes. 2011, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. 2010Matschiner, Michael and Hanel, Reinhold and Salzburger, Walter. (2010) Phylogeography and speciation processes in marine fishes and fishes from large freshwater lakes. In: Phylogeography: concepts, intraspecific patterns, and speciation processes. New York, pp. 1-31. 2009Matschiner, Michael and Hanel, Reinhold and Salzburger, Walter. (2009) Gene flow by larval dispersal in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Gobionotothen gibberifrons. Molecular ecology, Vol. 18, no. 12. pp. 2574-2587. Matschiner, Michael and Salzburger, Walter. (2009) TANDEM: integrating automated allele binning into genetics and genomics workflows. Bioinformatics, Vol. 25, H. 15. pp. 1982-1983. |