Items where contributor is "Müller, Nico"
2024Müller, Nico Dario. (2024) A History of the Development of Alternatives to Animals in Research and Testing. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. Online ahead of print. 2023Müller, Nico Dario. (2023) The 3Rs Alone Will Not Reduce Total Animal Experimentation Numbers: A Fundamental Misunderstanding in Need of Correction. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, 5 (2). pp. 269-284. 2022Müller, Nico Dario. (2022) Kantianism for Animals: A Radical Kantian Animal Ethic. The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series. New York. Müller, Nico Dario. (2022) Korsgaard's Duties Towards Animals: Two Difficulties. Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism, 10 (1). pp. 9-25. 2019Müller, Nico Dario. (2019) Animal Boredom. In: Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Dordrecht, pp. 193-197. 2018Müller, Nico. (2018) [Rezension:] Maja Schepelmann: Kants Gesamtwerk in neuer Perspektive. Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur, 6 (2). pp. 40-46. |