Items where contributor is "Lanz, David"
2015Lanz, David. (2015) African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). In: Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford, pp. 779-790. 2014Lanz, David. (30 November 2014) Der Aufbau einer Mediations-Support-Einheit. Rundbrief der Schweizerischen Helsinki-Vereinigung. pp. 1-3. Lanz, David. (1 March 2014) Renforcement des capacités de soutien à la médiation de l’OSCE. Swiss Peace Supporter. pp. 12-13. Lanz, David. (2014) The perils of peacekeeping as a tool of RtoP : the case of Darfur. In: Peacekeeping in Africa. The evolving security architecture. London, pp. 208-225. 2013Gabrielsen Jumbert, Maria and Lanz, David. (2013) Globalised Rebellion: The Darfur insurgents and the world. The Journal of modern African studies, Vol. 51, H. 2. pp. 193-217. Lanz, David and Gasser, Rachel. (2013) A Crowded Field: Competition and Coordination in International Peace Mediation. Mediation Arguments, 2. 2012Lanz, David and Mason, Simon. (2012) Switzerland’s Experiences in Peace Mediation. In: Global Networks of Mediation: Prospects and Avenues for Finland as a Peacemaker. Helsinki, pp. 73-78. 2011Lanz, David and Péclard, Didier. (2011) Peacebuilding through Statebuilding? Lanz, David and Santschi, Martina. (10 January 2011) Entscheidend ist die Zeit nach dem Referendum. Der Bund. p. 23. Bern. Santschi, Martina and Lanz, David. (2011) Referendum in Sudan: Prelude for a North-South Divorce? Lanz, David. (2011) The EU and the 'Darfurisation' of eastern Chad. In: Paix sans frontières: Building Peace across Borders. London, pp. 39-42. Lanz, David. (2011) EUFOR Chad/CAR: A Regional Solution for a Regional Problem? In: EUFOR Tchad/RCA Revisited. Vienna, pp. 35-58. Lanz, David. (2011) Who Gets a Seat at the Table? A Framework for Understanding the Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Peace Negotiations. International Negotiation, 16 (2). pp. 275-295. Lanz, David. (2011) Why Darfur? The Responsibility to Protect as a Rallying Cry for Transnational Advocacy Groups. Global Responsibility to Protect , 3 (2). pp. 223-247. 2010Lanz, David. (2010) Electing the Future of Sudan. Lanz, David. (2010) Warum macht die Schweiz Frieden in der Welt? 2009Lanz, David. (2009) Save Darfur : a movement and its discontents. African Affairs, Vol. 108, H. 433. pp. 669-677. Mason, Simon and Lanz, David. (2009) Mehrwert oder Leerlauf? : der "Whole of Government"-Ansatz der Schweiz in Sudan. In: Bulletin 2009 zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2009. Zürich, pp. 57-82. Lanz, David. (2009) Vom linken Projekt zur gängigen Praxis : viele Methoden der zivilen Friedensförderung sind heute weithin akzeptiert. Giroux, Jennifer and Lanz, David and Sguaitamatti, Damiano. (2009) The Tormented triangle: The regionalisation of conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic. [S.l.]. Lanz, David. (2009) Of lions and mice in Darfur : [Rezension von] The scramble for Africa: Darfur-intervention and the USA, von Steven Fake and Kevin Funk : 2009. 2008Lanz, David. (2008) Subversion or reinvention? : dilemmas and debates in the context of UNHCR's increasing involvement with IDPs. Journal of refugee studies, Vol. 21, H. 2. pp. 192-209. Lanz, David. (2008) Involving IDPs in the Darfur peace process. Forced Migration Review, 30. pp. 71-72. Lanz, David. (2008) Complicating Darfur : review of de Waal, Alex (ed.) 2007: War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. The Fletcher forum of world affairs, 32 (1). pp. 213-219. Lanz, David. (2008) Northern Uganda, Juba Talks. In: Unpacking the Mystery of Mediation in African Peace Processes. Zürich, pp. 60-65. Lanz, David. (2008) Sudan/Darfur, Abuja Negotiations and the DPA. In: Unpacking the Mystery of Mediation in African Peace Processes. Zürich, pp. 78-84. Lanz, David. (2008) Conflict management and opportunity cost: the international response to the Darfur crisis. |