Items where contributor is "Hasemann, Wolfgang"
2022Urfer Dettwiler, Pia and Zúñiga, Franziska and Bachnick, Stefanie and Gehri, Beatrice and de Jonghe, Jos F. M. and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2022) Detecting delirium in nursing home residents using the Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium (I-AGeD): a validation pilot study. European Geriatric Medicine. pp. 1-15. 2021Soldi, Manuela and Mauthner, Oliver and Frei, Irena Anna and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2021) Experience of adult patients and professionals with a program for the prevention of alcohol withdrawal delirium in the acute care setting - A case study. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 57 (2). pp. 726-733. 2020Weber, Christa and Fierz, Katharina and Katapodi, Maria and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2020) An advanced practice nurse-led delirium consultation service reduces delirium severity and length of stay in orthopedic patients: A nonrandomized posttest only evaluation study. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 56 (4). pp. 804-810. 2019Hasemann, Wolfgang and Grossmann, Florian F. and Bingisser, Roland and Hafner, Martina and Breil, Dieter and Kressig, Reto W. and Nickel, Christian H.. (2019) Optimizing the month of the year backwards test for delirium screening of older patients in the emergency department. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 37 (9). pp. 1754-1757. Grossmann, Florian F. and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Nickel, Christian H.. (2019) Detecting delirium in elderly medical emergency patients: validation and subsequent modification of the German nursing delirium screening scale-comment. Internal and emergency medicine, 14 (6). p. 1009. 2017Grossmann, Florian F. and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Kressig, Reto W. and Bingisser, Roland and Nickel, Christian H.. (2017) Performance of the modified Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale in identifying delirium in older ED patients. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 35 (9). pp. 1324-1326. Leuenberger, Deborah Linda and Fierz, Katharina and Hinck, Andreas and Bodmer, Daniel and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2017) A systematic nurse-led approach to withdrawal risk screening, prevention and treatment among inpatients with an alcohol use disorder in an ear, nose, throat and jaw surgery department-A formative evaluation. Applied Nursing Research, 33. pp. 155-163. 2016Morandi, Alessandro and Han, Jin H. and Meagher, David and Vasilevskis, Eduard and Cerejeira, Joaquim and Hasemann, Wolfgang and MacLullich, Alasdair M. J. and Annoni, Giorgio and Trabucchi, Marco and Bellelli, Giuseppe. (2016) Detecting Delirium Superimposed on Dementia: Evaluation of the Diagnostic Performance of the Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17 (9). pp. 828-833. Hasemann, W. and Tolson, D. and Godwin, J. and Spirig, R. and Frei, I. A. and Kressig, R. W.. (2016) A before and after study of a nurse led comprehensive delirium management programme (DemDel) for older acute care inpatients with cognitive impairment. International journal of nursing studies, 53. pp. 27-38. Savaskan, Egemen and Baumgartner, Markus and Georgescu, Dan and Hafner, Martina and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Kressig, Reto W. and Popp, Julius and Rohrbach, Erich and Schmid, Ruth and Verloo, Henk. (2016) Empfehlungen zur Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie des Delirs im Alter. Praxis, 105 (16). pp. 941-952. 2014European Delirium Association, and American Delirium Society, . (2014) The DSM-5 criteria, level of arousal and delirium diagnosis: inclusiveness is safer. BMC Medicine, 12. p. 141. Grossmann, Florian F. and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Graber, Andreas and Bingisser, Roland and Kressig, Reto W. and Nickel, Christian H.. (2014) Screening, detection and management of delirium in the emergency department - a pilot study on the feasibility of a new algorithm for use in older emergency department patients: the modified Confusion Assessment Method for the Emergency Department (mCAM-ED). Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 22. p. 19. Meagher, David J. and Morandi, Alessandro and Inouye, Sharon K. and Ely, Wes and Adamis, Dimitrios and Maclullich, Alasdair J. and Rudolph, James L. and Neufeld, Karin and Leonard, Maeve and Bellelli, Giuseppe and Davis, Daniel and Teodorczuk, Andrew and Kreisel, Stefan and Thomas, Christine and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Timmons, Suzanne and O'Regan, Niamh and Grover, Sandeep and Jabbar, Faiza and Cullen, Walter and Dunne, Colum and Kamholz, Barbara and Van Munster, Barbara C. and De Rooij, Sophia E. and De Jonghe, Jos and Trzepacz, Paula T.. (2014) Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98. BMC Medicine, 12. p. 164. 2013Morandi, Alessandro and Davis, Daniel and Taylor, J. K. and Bellelli, Giuseppe and Olofsson, B. and Kreisel, Stefan and Teodorczuk, Andrew and Kamholz, Barbara and Hasemann, Wolfgang and Young, J. and Agar, M. and de Rooij, S. E. and Meagher, David and Trabucchi, Marco and MacLullich, A. M.. (2013) Consensus and variations in opinions on delirium care: a survey of European delirium specialists. International psychogeriatrics, 25 (12). pp. 2067-2075. |