Graf, Andreas.
Kooperation mit Unternehmen - Umgang mit Risiken.
VM: Fachzeitschrift für Verbands- und Nonprofit-Management, 41 (2).
pp. 19-23.
De Felice, Damiano and Graf, Andreas.
The Potential of National Action Plans to Implement Human Rights Norms: An Early Assessment with Respect to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Journal of Human Rights Practice, 7 (1).
pp. 40-71.
Graf, Andreas and Lanz, David Johannes.
Conclusions: Switzerland as a paradigmatic case of small-state peace policy?
Swiss Political Science Review, 19 (3).
pp. 410-423.
Working Paper
Graf, Andreas.
Developing National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights.
swisspeace Essential Series, (04).
Graf, Andreas and Iff, Andrea.
Conflict-Sensitive Business: Review of Instruments and Guidelines.
Graf, Andreas and Winterberg, Matthias and Iff, Andrea.
Zusammenfassender Bericht: Stakeholderkonsultationen zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte.