Items where contributor is "Blattner, Charlotte"
NoBlattner, Charlotte. (2015) The Potential and Potential Limits of International Law in Regulating Animal Matters. Mid-Atlantic journal on law and public policy, Vol. 3, no. 1. pp. 10-55. YesBlattner, Charlotte. (2016) An Assessment of Recent Trade Law Developments from an Animal Law Perspective: Trade Law as the Sheep in the Wolf’s Clothing? Animal Law Review, 22 (2). pp. 277-310. Blattner, Charlotte. (2015) 3R for Farmed Animals – A Legal Argument for Consistency. In: Who's Talking Now? Multispecies Relations Analysis from Humans and Animals' Point of View. Oxford, pp. 269-291. Blattner, Charlotte. (2014) 3R for farmed animals : a legal argument for consistency. Global journal of animal law, 1. pp. 1-26. Blattner, Charlotte. (2014) Stellungnahme zum Potenzial der Reduktion von Treibhausgasen : eine rechtliche Analyse des einschlägigen BAFU-Berichtes. Jusletter, 12. Mai 2014. Theuer, Eberhart and Blattner, Charlotte. (2014) Tagungsbericht: The Animal Turn and the Law. TIERethik, Jg. 6, H. 1 = No. 8. |