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Schildknecht, Darja. Rewriting security: the (private) security industry and the gendered and racialised formations of prevention. 2024, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Lühe, Ulrike. Developing the African Union transitional justice policy: a study in the practice(s) of expertise in international relations. 2023, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Bernheim, Camille. Russian and American Securitization in the Syrian War: How Combatting Terrorism Justifies Policies of War. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Conti, Matthias. Boko Haram Women and the Question of Female Agency in Newspaper Articles from the United Kingdom. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Frost, Toby Joseph David. Reassessing the Strategy of the Islamic State: Terrorism, Insurgency and "the civilian population". 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Sigrist, Jeremy. Motive und Beweggründe zur Inklusion ziviler Akteure in Friedensprozessen – eine Untersuchung am Fallbeispiel der Gender-Subkommission im kolumbianischen Friedensprozess 2012-2016. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Bünder, Ruben Carlo. Hydrocarbon Producers and Global Climate Policy. A Political Economy Appraisal of Angola’s Adaption to the Energy Transition. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Geissbühler, Tabea. How to Include Minorities in a Peace Process: With a Special Focus on the Christian Minority in Iraq. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Schweizer, Roxanne. Youth Bulges and Conflict – The Impact of Youth as an Enabling Factor for the Rise of the so-called 'Islamic State' in Iraq. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Fink, Oliver. Dynamics of emotions in protracted intergroup conflict as microfoundations for violent action : insights for conflict transformation from the Palestinian territories. 2022, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Ackermann, Mali. Green Economy vs. Green Colonialism. Indigenous Peoples’ Roles and Access to Global Climate Change Politics. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Gasanova, Narmin. Crimean Tatars after the Annexation of Crimea: United or Divided? 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Tamm, Nina. Recipe for Success: Local Ownership in Development Cooperation after Internal Disruption. 2022, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Baumann, Michal. Switzerland Between the Fronts: An Analysis of Switzerland’s Intermediary Role as a Protecting Power. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Cadalbert, Alexia. Mikropolitik der Unternehmenskommunikation. Eine Fallanalyse des Skandals um die Schweizer Bank Credit Suisse im Jahr 2019. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Pring, Jamie. Making the middle: localizing inclusivity in the IGAD-led mediation in South Sudan (2013-2015). 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Palmiano Federer, Julia T.. Promoting Peace or Selling Norms? NGO Mediators and “All-Inclusiveness” in Myanmar’s Peace Process. 2020, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Wirth, Fanie. Hotspot-Ansatz und regionale Ausschiffungsvereinbarungen: Herkunft und Evolution zwei neuer europäischer Policies zur Steuerung und Kontrolle von Migrationsbewegungen. 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Mugabi, Johanna. Target group perception of humanitarian assistance focusing on enhanced food security through the concept of sustainable livelihoods. 2019, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Bächtold, Stefan. Managed pacification : aid, peacebuilding, and the focus on results in Myanmar's transition. 2016, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Bürgin, Annina. Privatisierung von Sicherheit und Frieden? : Einstellungen gegenüber Kooperationen von Streitkräften mit privaten Militärfirmen. 2010, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.