
Stellar Mass Black Hole Formation and Multimessenger Signals from Three-dimensional Rotating Core-collapse Supernova Simulations

Pan, Kuo-Chuan and Liebendörfer, Matthias and Couch, Sean M. and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl. (2021) Stellar Mass Black Hole Formation and Multimessenger Signals from Three-dimensional Rotating Core-collapse Supernova Simulations. Astrophysical Journal, 914 (2).

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We present self-consistent 3D core-collapse supernova simulations of a 40 M progenitor model using the isotropic diffusion source approximation for neutrino transport and an effective general relativistic potential up to ∼0.9 s postbounce. We consider three different rotational speeds with initial angular velocities of W =0 0, 0.5, and 1 rad s −1 and investigate the impact of rotation on shock dynamics, black hole (BH) formation, and gravitational wave (GW) signals. The rapidly rotating model undergoes an early explosion at ∼250 ms postbounce and shows signs of the low T W∣ ∣ instability. We do not find BH formation in this model within ∼460 ms postbounce. In contrast, we find BH formation at 776 ms postbounce and 936 ms postbounce for the nonrotating and slowly rotating models, respectively. The slowly rotating model explodes at ∼650 ms postbounce, and the subsequent fallback accretion onto the proto-neutron star (PNS) results in BH formation. In addition, the standing accretion shock instability induces rotation of the PNS in the model that started with a nonrotating progenitor. Assuming conservation of specific angular momentum during BH formation, this corresponds to a BH spin parameter of a = J/M = 0.046. However, if no explosion sets in, all the angular momentum will eventually be accreted by the BH, resulting in a nonspinning BH. The successful explosion of the slowly rotating model drastically slows down the accretion onto the PNS, allowing continued cooling and contraction that results in an extremely high GW frequency ( f ∼ 3000 Hz) at BH formation, while the nonrotating model generates GW signals similar to our corresponding 2D simulations.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Former Organization Units Physics > Theoretische Physik Astrophysik (Thielemann)
UniBasel Contributors:Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Astronomical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:05 May 2022 12:38
Deposited On:12 Apr 2022 10:27

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