
Detailed Fluctuation Relation for Arbitrary Measurement and Feedback Schemes

Potts, Patrick P. and Samuelsson, Peter. (2018) Detailed Fluctuation Relation for Arbitrary Measurement and Feedback Schemes. Physical Review Letters, 121 (21). p. 210603.

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Fluctuation relations are powerful equalities that hold far from equilibrium. However, the standard approach to include measurement and feedback schemes may become inapplicable in certain situations, including continuous measurements, precise measurements of continuous variables, and feedback induced irreversibility. Here we overcome these shortcomings by providing a recipe for producing detailed fluctuation relations. Based on this recipe, we derive a fluctuation relation which holds for arbitrary measurement and feedback control. The key insight is that fluctuations inferable from the measurement outcomes may be suppressed by postselection. Our detailed fluctuation relation results in a stringent and experimentally accessible inequality on the extractable work, which is saturated when the full entropy production is inferable from the data.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Physik > Theoretical Quantum Physics (Potts)
UniBasel Contributors:Potts, Patrick
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Physical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:10 May 2021 15:49
Deposited On:10 May 2021 15:49

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