
Automatic Spinal Cord Gray Matter Quantification: A Novel Approach

Tsagkas, C. and Horvath, A. and Altermatt, A. and Pezold, S. and Weigel, M. and Haas, T. and Amann, M. and Kappos, L. and Sprenger, T. and Bieri, O. and Cattin, P. and Parmar, K.. (2019) Automatic Spinal Cord Gray Matter Quantification: A Novel Approach. American journal of neuroradiology. n.a..

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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Currently, accurate and reproducible spinal cord GM segmentation remains challenging and a noninvasive broadly accepted reference standard for spinal cord GM measurements is still a matter of ongoing discussion. Our aim was to assess the reproducibility and accuracy of cervical spinal cord GM and WM cross-sectional area measurements using averaged magnetization inversion recovery acquisitions images and a fully-automatic postprocessing segmentation algorithm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cervical spinal cord of 24 healthy subjects (14 women; mean age, 40 11 years) was scanned in a test-retest fashion on a 3T MR imaging system. Twelve axial averaged magnetization inversion recovery acquisitions slices were acquired over a 48-mm cord segment. GM and WM were both manually segmented by 2 experienced readers and compared with an automatic variational segmentation algorithm with a shape prior modified for 3D data with a slice similarity prior. Precision and accuracy of the automatic method were evaluated using coefficients of variation and Dice similarity coefficients. RESULTS: The mean GM area was 17.20 2.28 mm2 and the mean WM area was 72.71 7.55 mm2 using the automatic method. Reproducibility was high for both methods, while being better for the automatic approach (all mean automatic coefficients of variation, 4.77%; all differences, P .001). The accuracy of the automatic method compared with the manual reference standard was excellent (mean Dice similarity coefficients: 0.86 0.04 for GM and 0.90 0.03 for WM). The automatic approach demonstrated similar coefficients of variation between intra- and intersession reproducibility as well as among all acquired spinal cord slices. CONCLUSIONS: Our novel approach including the averaged magnetization inversion recovery acquisitions sequence and a fully-automated postprocessing segmentation algorithm demonstrated an accurate and reproducible spinal cord GM and WM segmentation. This pipeline is promising for both the exploration of longitudinal structural GM changes and application in clinical settings in disorders affecting the spinal cord.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedical Engineering
UniBasel Contributors:Tsagkas, Charidimos
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
Last Modified:30 Mar 2020 11:55
Deposited On:30 Mar 2020 11:55

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