
Mast cells are key promoters of contact allergy that mediate the adjuvant effects of haptens

Dudeck, Anne and Dudeck, Jan and Scholten, Julia and Petzold, Anke and Surianarayanan, Sangeetha and Köhler, Anja and Peschke, Katrin and Vöhringer, David and Waskow, Claudia and Krieg, Thomas and Müller, Werner and Waisman, Ari and Hartmann, Karin and Gunzer, Matthias and Roers, Axel. (2011) Mast cells are key promoters of contact allergy that mediate the adjuvant effects of haptens. Immunity, 34 (6). pp. 973-984.

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A prominent feature of sensitizing environmental compounds that cause allergic contact dermatitis is the rapid induction of an innate inflammatory response that seems to provide danger signals for efficient T cell priming. We generated mouse models of mast cell deficiency, mast cell-specific gene inactivation, and mast cell reporter mice for intravital imaging and showed that these adjuvant effects of contact allergens are mediated by mast cells and histamine. Mast cell deficiency resulted in impaired emigration of skin DCs to the lymph node and contact hypersensitivity was dramatically reduced in the absence of mast cells. In addition, mast cell-specific inactivation of the Il10 gene did not reveal any role for mast cell-derived IL-10 in the regulation of contact allergy. Collectively, we demonstrate that mast cells are essential promoters of contact hypersensitivity, thereby highlighting their potential to promote immune responses to antigens entering via the skin.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel > Allergy and Immunity (Hartmann)
UniBasel Contributors:Hartmann, Karin
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Cell Press
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:10 Nov 2020 16:10
Deposited On:10 Nov 2020 16:10

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