
Early-Holocene climatic oscillations recorded by lake-level fluctuations in west-central Europe and in central Italy

Magny, Michel and Vannière, Boris and de Beaulieu, Jacques-Louis and Bégeot, Carole and Heiri, Oliver and Millet, Laurent and Peyron, Odile and Walter-Simonnet, Anne-Véronique. (2007) Early-Holocene climatic oscillations recorded by lake-level fluctuations in west-central Europe and in central Italy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (15-16). pp. 1951-1964.

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On the basis of lake-level data, the period of the Preboreat oscillation (PBO) at 11300-11 150 cal yr BP as defined by the GRIP oxygen-isotope record appears to correspond to wetter climatic conditions in west-central Europe and to a marked drying in north-central Italy. Additional short-lived phases of higher lake level have been identified before the PBO at ca 11450-11400 and 11350 cal yr BP in west-central Europe, and at ca 11500 cal yr BP in Italy. Such multiple climatic oscillations around the PBO have been observed in various records in northwestern Europe. On the basis of various proxies, a map of changes in moisture over western Europe during the PBO indicates a mid-latitude zone between 58 and 43 degrees N characterised by wetter conditions, while a drier climate developed in southern and northern Europe. This wet middle zone shows a larger extension and suggests a more meandering, weaker Atlantic Westerly Jet during the PBO than during the 8.2 kyr event. A comparison of lake-level records in west-central Europe with (1) outbursts from North American and north-European proglacial lakes, and (2) variations in solar activity as reflected by C-14 and the Be-10 records supports the hypothesis that the PBO was a response to successive meltwater pulses at 11300, 11250, 11200 and 11 170 cal yr BP and to a sudden decrease in solar activity at 11250 cal yr BP. This study points to the necessity of developing integrated multi-proxy approaches to construct more robust regional event stratigraphies, and of better documenting palaeohydrological changes in the Mediterranean area.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Geowissenschaften > Geoökologie (Heiri)
UniBasel Contributors:Heiri, Oliver
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:16 Nov 2020 15:19
Deposited On:16 Nov 2020 15:19

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