
Structural cortical network reorganization associated with early conversion to multiple sclerosis

Tur, C. and Eshaghi, A. and Altmann, D. R. and Jenkins, T. M. and Prados, F. and Grussu, F. and Charalambous, T. and Schmidt, A. and Ourselin, S. and Clayden, J. D. and Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G. and Thompson, A. J. and Ciccarelli, O. and Toosy, A. T.. (2018) Structural cortical network reorganization associated with early conversion to multiple sclerosis. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). p. 10715.

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Brain structural covariance networks (SCNs) based on pairwise statistical associations of cortical thickness data across brain areas reflect underlying physical and functional connections between them. SCNs capture the complexity of human brain cortex structure and are disrupted in neurodegenerative conditions. However, the longitudinal assessment of SCN dynamics has not yet been explored, despite its potential to unveil mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration. Here, we evaluated the changes of SCNs over 12 months in patients with a first inflammatory-demyelinating attack of the Central Nervous System and assessed their clinical relevance by comparing SCN dynamics of patients with and without conversion to multiple sclerosis (MS) over one year. All subjects underwent clinical and brain MRI assessments over one year. Brain cortical thicknesses for each subject and time point were used to obtain group-level between-area correlation matrices from which nodal connectivity metrics were obtained. Robust bootstrap-based statistical approaches (allowing sampling with replacement) assessed the significance of longitudinal changes. Patients who converted to MS exhibited significantly greater network connectivity at baseline than non-converters (p = 0.02) and a subsequent connectivity loss over time (p = 0.001-0.02), not observed in non-converters' network. These findings suggest SCN analysis is sensitive to brain tissue changes in early MS, reflecting clinically relevant aspects of the condition. However, this is preliminary work, indicated by the low sample sizes, and its results and conclusions should be treated with caution and confirmed with larger cohorts.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie UPK
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie UPK
UniBasel Contributors:Schmidt, André
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:21 Sep 2018 13:39
Deposited On:15 Aug 2018 15:26

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