
Qualitäts- und Praxisentwicklung in Schweizer Akutspitälern durch Studienergebnisse – Eine Follow-up-Befragung von Pflegedirektor(inn)en der RN4CAST Spitäler

Ausserhofer, Dietmar and Gehri, Beatrice and De Geest, Sabina and Fierz, Katharina and Schwendimann, René. (2015) Qualitäts- und Praxisentwicklung in Schweizer Akutspitälern durch Studienergebnisse – Eine Follow-up-Befragung von Pflegedirektor(inn)en der RN4CAST Spitäler. Pflege, 28 (1). pp. 49-56.

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In the RN4CAST (Nurse forecasting in Europe) study all 35 participating Swiss hospitals received a study report, which allowed them to anonymously compare findings in relation to structure, process and outcome variables. Thus, this benchmarking allowed the hospitals to identify potentials for improvement and to plan counter measures for developing the quality of their practice environment. We surveyed the RN4CAST hospitals 18 months after submitting the study report and asked chief nursing officers if the results of the RN4CAST study report had been discussed and analysed within their hospitals and if the results had led to any quality improvement or practice development projects. Out of 35 questionnaires 30 were returned (response rate = 85 %). The study report was discussed and analysed in 27 hospitals (90 %), whereby the quality (n = 27) and the usefulness (n = 22) were rated as good or very good. Less then half of the hospitals (41 %) discussed the results with the hospital units. The study report stimulated practice development and quality improvement efforts in view of the nurses' work environment (n = 20) and safety culture/climate (n = 16). Replicating the RN4CAST study in the participating hospital would allow evaluating changes on the measured variables, e. g., due to this quality improvement and practice development projects.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Public Health > Institut für Pflegewissenschaft
UniBasel Contributors:Ausserhofer, Dietmar and De Geest, Sabina M. and Fierz, Katharina and Schwendimann, René
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:04 Dec 2018 18:26
Deposited On:04 Dec 2018 18:26

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