Winkler Metzke, Christa and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (2001) Merkmale der Schulumwelt und psychische Befindlichkeit. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 33 (1). pp. 30-41.
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An einer schulbasierten Quotenstichprobe von N = 661 Jugendlichen im Alter von 10 bis 17 Jahren wurde in zwei dreijährigen Follow-Ups (1) der Zusammenhang individueller und kollektiver Wahrnehmungen klassenspezifischer Lernumweltmerkmale (Anerkennung durch Peers, Konkurrenzdruck, Leistungsdruck, Bevormundung durch Lehrperson, Mitbestimmungschancen) mit internalisierenden und externalisierenden Störungen untersucht; (2) clusteranalytisch typische Ausprägungsmuster der erfassten Lernumweltmerkmale ermittelt; (3) der Verlauf der Lernumweltmerkmale in Abhängigkeit von der besuchten Schulart sowie die Prädiktion internalisierender und externalisierender Störungen durch individuell und kollektiv wahrgenommene Lernumweltmerkmale untersucht. Individuell wahrgenommene Lernumweltmerkmale korrelierten stärker mit den Parametern psychischer Befindlichkeit als Aggregatdaten. Clusteranalytisch ließen sich zwei günstige und drei ungünstige Lernumwelten ermitteln, letztere zeigten querschnittlich signifikant höhere Werte auf den Skalen internalisierende und externalisierende Störungen. Die Veränderung der Lernumweltmerkmale geschieht in Interaktion mit der besuchten Schulart. Prädiktoren für internalisierende Störungen waren bei den Mädchen die Individualdaten ,Leistungsdruck‘ und ,mangelnde Mitbestimmungschancen‘, für externalisierende Störungen die Individualdaten ,Konkurrenz‘ und ,mangelnde Mitbestimmungschancen‘ sowie die kollektiv wahrgenommene Lehrerkontrolle. Bei den Jungen waren Prädiktoren für externalisierende Störungen individuell wahrgenommene mangelnde Mitbestimmungschancen sowie die kollektiv wahrgenommene Anerkennung durch Peers.
[English abstract] In a school-based sample of N = 661 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years, the following issues were studied in two 3-year follow-ups studies: (1) the correlation between individually and collectively perceived attributes of the learning environment (acknowledgment of the classmates, competitive behavior among the pupils, patronizing treatment by the teacher, pressure to perform, opportunities to participate) and internalizing and externalizing problems; (2) using a cluster analysis, typical manifestation patterns of the assessed attributes of the learning environments were determined; (3) the changes in the attributes of the learning environment were analyzed in relation to the type of school and the prediction of internalizing and externalizing problems by the individually and collectively perceived attributes of the learning environment. There was a stronger correlation between the individually perceived attributes of the learning environment than with the collectively perceived ones. Cluster analysis established two favorable and three unfavorable learning environments. Cross-sectionally, significantly higher scores for the scales of internalizing and externalizing disorders appeared in the unfavorable learning environments. The longitudinal analysis revealed that the attributes of the learning environment changed in interaction with the school types. Predictors for internalizing problems of the girls were individually per-ceived pressure to achieve and lack of opportunities to participate; externalizing problems were predicted by individually perceived competitive behavior and lacking opportunities to participate as well as collectively perceived patronizing treatment by the teacher. Predictors for externalizing problems of the boys were individually perceived lack of opportunities to participate and collectively perceived acknowledgment of the classmates.
[English abstract] In a school-based sample of N = 661 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years, the following issues were studied in two 3-year follow-ups studies: (1) the correlation between individually and collectively perceived attributes of the learning environment (acknowledgment of the classmates, competitive behavior among the pupils, patronizing treatment by the teacher, pressure to perform, opportunities to participate) and internalizing and externalizing problems; (2) using a cluster analysis, typical manifestation patterns of the assessed attributes of the learning environments were determined; (3) the changes in the attributes of the learning environment were analyzed in relation to the type of school and the prediction of internalizing and externalizing problems by the individually and collectively perceived attributes of the learning environment. There was a stronger correlation between the individually perceived attributes of the learning environment than with the collectively perceived ones. Cluster analysis established two favorable and three unfavorable learning environments. Cross-sectionally, significantly higher scores for the scales of internalizing and externalizing disorders appeared in the unfavorable learning environments. The longitudinal analysis revealed that the attributes of the learning environment changed in interaction with the school types. Predictors for internalizing problems of the girls were individually per-ceived pressure to achieve and lack of opportunities to participate; externalizing problems were predicted by individually perceived competitive behavior and lacking opportunities to participate as well as collectively perceived patronizing treatment by the teacher. Predictors for externalizing problems of the boys were individually perceived lack of opportunities to participate and collectively perceived acknowledgment of the classmates.
Faculties and Departments: | 07 Faculty of Psychology |
UniBasel Contributors: | Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph |
Item Type: | Article, refereed |
Article Subtype: | Research Article |
Publisher: | Hogrefe |
ISSN: | 0949-3964 |
Note: | Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article |
Identification Number: | |
Last Modified: | 21 Sep 2020 08:49 |
Deposited On: | 21 Sep 2020 08:49 |
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