
Multipotency of Adult Hippocampal NSCs In Vivo Is Restricted by Drosha/NFIB

Rolando, C. and Erni, A. and Grison, A. and Beattie, R. and Engler, A. and Gokhale, P. J. and Milo, M. and Wegleiter, T. and Jessberger, S. and Taylor, V.. (2016) Multipotency of Adult Hippocampal NSCs In Vivo Is Restricted by Drosha/NFIB. Cell Stem Cell, 19 (5). pp. 653-662.

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Adult neural stem cells (NSCs) are defined by their inherent capacity to self-renew and give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. In vivo, however, hippocampal NSCs do not generate oligodendrocytes for reasons that have remained enigmatic. Here, we report that deletion of Drosha in adult dentate gyrus NSCs activates oligodendrogenesis and reduces neurogenesis at the expense of gliogenesis. We further find that Drosha directly targets NFIB to repress its expression independently of Dicer and microRNAs. Knockdown of NFIB in Drosha-deficient hippocampal NSCs restores neurogenesis, suggesting that the Drosha/NFIB mechanism robustly prevents oligodendrocyte fate acquisition in vivo. Taken together, our findings establish that adult hippocampal NSCs inherently possess multilineage potential but that Drosha functions as a molecular barrier preventing oligodendrogenesis.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Division of Anatomy > Embryology and Stem Cell Biology (Taylor)
UniBasel Contributors:Taylor, Verdon
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Cell Press; Elsevier
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:11 Dec 2018 17:22
Deposited On:11 Dec 2018 17:22

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