
Low-field topological threshold in Majorana double nanowires

Schrade, Constantin and Thakurathi, Manisha and Reeg, Christopher and Hoffman, Silas and Klinovaja, Jelena and Loss, Daniel. (2017) Low-field topological threshold in Majorana double nanowires. Physical Review B, 96 (3). 035306.

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Ahard proximity-induced superconducting gap has recently been observed in semiconductor nanowire systems at low magnetic fields. However, in the topological regime at high magnetic fields, a soft gap emerges and represents a fundamental obstacle to topologically protected quantum information processing with Majorana bound states. Here we show that in a setup of double Rashba nanowires that are coupled to an s-wave superconductor and subjected to an external magnetic field along the wires, the topological threshold can be significantly reduced by the destructive interference of direct and crossed-Andreev pairing in this setup, precisely down to the magnetic field regime in which current experimental technology allows for a hard superconducting gap. We also show that the resulting Majorana bound states exhibit sufficiently short localization lengths, which makes them ideal candidates for future braiding experiments.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Physik > Theoretical Nano/Quantum Physics (Klinovaja)
UniBasel Contributors:Klinovaja, Jelena
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Physical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:07 Mar 2018 14:32
Deposited On:07 Mar 2018 14:32

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