
Towards the Reproducibility of Using Dynamic Loop Scheduling Techniques in Scientific Applications

Hoffeins, Franziska and Ciorba, Florina M. and Banicescu, Ioana. (2017) Towards the Reproducibility of Using Dynamic Loop Scheduling Techniques in Scientific Applications. In: Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISDPC).

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Reproducibility of the execution of scientific applications on parallel and distributed systems is a growing interest, underlying the trustworthiness of the experiments and the conclusions derived from experiments. Dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) techniques are an effective approach towards performance improvement of scientific applications via load balancing. These techniques address algorithmic and systemic sources of load imbalance by dynamically assigning tasks to processing elements. The DLS techniques have demonstrated their effectiveness when applied in real applications. Complementing native experiments, simulation is a powerful tool for studying the behavior of parallel and distributed applications. This work is a comprehensive reproducibility study of experiments using DLS techniques published in the earlier literature to verify their implementations into SimGrid-MSG [1]. The reproducibility study is carried out by comparing the performance of the SimGrid-MSG-based experiments with those reported in [2]. In earlier work [3] it was shown that a very detailed degree of information regarding the experiments to be reproduced is essential for successful reproducibility. This work concentrates on the reproducibility of experiments with variable application behavior and a high degree of parallelism . It is shown that reproducing measurements of applications with high variance is challenging, albeit feasible and useful. The success of the present reproducibility study denotes the fact that the implementation of the DLS techniques in SimGrid-MSG is verified for the considered applications and systems. Thus, it enables well-founded future research using the DLS techniques in simulation.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Informatik > High Performance Computing (Ciorba)
UniBasel Contributors:Ciorba, Florina M.
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item, refereed
Conference or workshop item Subtype:Conference Paper
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper
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Last Modified:09 Feb 2018 15:28
Deposited On:09 Feb 2018 15:28

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