
The Early John Calvin and Augustine : Some Reconsiderations

Zahnd, Ueli. (2017) The Early John Calvin and Augustine : Some Reconsiderations. In: Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015, Vol. 13: Augustine in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology. Leuven, pp. 181-194.

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In recent research it has been argued that in his early career John Calvin developed an autonomous and independent Augustinianism, by means of direct readings, that was detached from any medieval background. Yet, this is problematic since a critical evaluation of Calvin’s first uses of Augustine reveals that he already cherished the African Father long before having read any of his works, while, in his very first writings, he appears to have been familiar with medieval Augustinian compilations. Reconsidering, therefore, the early Calvin’s relation to Augustine, the article argues that Calvin was an Augustinian long before engaging with Augustine, and that Late Medieval Augustinianism is all but an unlikely background for his first predilection of the African Father.
Faculties and Departments:01 Faculty of Theology > Ehemalige Organisationseinheiten Theologie > Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte (Zahnd)
UniBasel Contributors:Zahnd, Ueli
Item Type:Book Section, refereed
Book Section Subtype:Further Contribution in a Book
Series Name:Studia Patristica
Issue Number:87
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Book item
edoc DOI:
Last Modified:15 May 2018 09:30
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 15:42

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