
Molecular and developmental characterization of novel cDNAs of the myelin-associated/oligodendrocytic basic protein

Holz, A. and Schaeren-Wiemers, N. and Schaefer, C. and Pott, U. and Colello, R. J. and Schwab, M. E.. (1996) Molecular and developmental characterization of novel cDNAs of the myelin-associated/oligodendrocytic basic protein. Journal of Neuroscience, 16 (2). pp. 467-477.

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Several novel myelin-associated/oligodendrocytic basic protein (MOBP) isoforms were identified in this study by cDNA cloning. They are small, highly basic polypeptides comprising 69, 81, and 99 amino acids (8.2, 9.7, and 11.7 kDa, respectively) and show no significant homology with described proteins or domain structures. All (as yet) identified MOBP isoforms are identical in amino acids 1-68 but differ in the length and polarity of the C-terminal region. One isoform, designated MOBP81, was shown to be expressed abundantly during development. Interestingly, MOBP81 has a significant clustering of positively charged residues at positions 69-81, a feature that also has been observed for myelin basic protein (MBP) and Po. As demonstrated by in situ hybridization, MOBP gene expression occurs during development of the rat optic nerve later than that of MBP and proteolipid protein and coincides exactly with the beginning of myelin compaction. The 2.6 kb MOBP81-A transcript is localized in the processes of oligodendrocytes, whereas the 3.8 kb MOBP81-B transcript is restricted to the perinuclear region. Therefore, MOBP81-A and related mRNAs seem to be transported to the periphery of the oligodendrocytes, as is known for the transcripts of the MBP gene. The late developmental expression of the MOBP gene suggests that the MOBP proteins act at the late steps of myelin formation, possibly in myelin compaction and in the maintenance of the myelin sheath.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel > Neurobiology (Schaeren-Wiemers)
UniBasel Contributors:Schaeren-Wiemers, Nicole
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Society for Neuroscience
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:26 Oct 2017 12:11
Deposited On:26 Oct 2017 12:11

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