
Approximation of bi-variate functions : singular value decomposition versus sparse grids

Griebel, Michael and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2014) Approximation of bi-variate functions : singular value decomposition versus sparse grids. IMA journal of numerical analysis, Vol. 34, H. 1. pp. 8-54.

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We compare the cost complexities of two approximation schemes for functions finHp(Omega1timesOmega2) which live on the product domain Omega1timesOmega2 of sufficiently smooth domains Omega1subsetmathbbRn1 and Omega2subsetmathbbRn2, namely the singular value / Karhunen-L`oeve decomposition and the sparse grid representation. Here we assume that suitable finite element methods with associated {em fixed} order r of accuracy are given on the domains Omega1 and Omega2. Then, the sparse grid approximation essentially needs only mathcalO(varepsilonq) with q=fracmaxn1,n2r unknowns to reach a prescribed accuracy varepsilon provided that the smoothness of f satisfies pgerfracn1+n2maxn1,n2, which is an almost optimal rate. The singular value decomposition produces this rate only if f is analytical since otherwise the decay of the singular values is not fast enough. If p>rfracn1+n2maxn1,n2, then the sparse grid approach gives essentially the rate mathcalO(varepsilonq) with q=fracn1+n2p while, for the singular value decomposition, we can only prove the rate mathcalO(varepsilonq) with q=frac2minr,pminn1,n2+2pmaxn1,n2(2pminn1,n2)minr,p. We derive the resulting complexities, compare the two approaches and present numerical results which demonstrate that these rates are also achieved in numerical practice. pfracn1+n2maxn1,n2, then the sparse grid approach gives essentially the rate mathcalO(varepsilonq) with q=fracn1+n2p while, for the singular value decomposition, we can only prove the rate mathcalO(varepsilonq) with q=frac2minr,pminn1,n2+2pmaxn1,n2(2pminn1,n2)minr,p. We derive the resulting complexities, compare the two approaches and present numerical results which demonstrate that these rates are also achieved in numerical practi
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Mathematik > Computational Mathematics (Harbrecht)
UniBasel Contributors:Harbrecht, Helmut
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
Last Modified:27 Mar 2014 13:13
Deposited On:27 Mar 2014 13:13

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