
Early Buddhism in China : Daoist reactions

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter. (2012) Early Buddhism in China : Daoist reactions. In: The spread of Buddhism. Leiden, pp. 203-246.

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When Buddhism entered China and during the period of its integration into the foreign culture, it interfered with already existing religious traditions. Buddhism and Daoism, e.g., interacted in a complex way, both being influenced by and itself influencing the other. The saviour deity Xi Wang Mu (Queen Mother of the West) may have paved the way for another Western "god", the Buddha. On the other hand, the Buddha iconography irreversibly changed that of the Queen Mother. The earliest biographies of the deified Laozi served as a model for the earliest Chinese Buddha biographies. Once Indian Buddha vitae were translated into Chinese, they, in turn, had an impact on the later Laozi Lives. The Daoists seem to have adopted certain Buddhist forms of meditation. They also borrowed the Buddhist book cult. As far as holy books are concerned, both traditions appropriated works of the competitor, even to the degree of wholesale "plagiarism".
Faculties and Departments:01 Faculty of Theology > Fachbereich Religionswissenschaft
01 Faculty of Theology > Fachbereich Religionswissenschaft > Doppelprofessur Religionswissenschaft (Mohn)
04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Fakultär assoziierte Institutionen > Doppelprofessur Religionswissenschaft (Mohn)
UniBasel Contributors:Bumbacher, Stephan Peter
Item Type:Book Section, refereed
Book Section Subtype:Further Contribution in a Book
Series Name:Brill's Paperback Collection - Asian Studies
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Book item
Last Modified:04 Sep 2015 14:32
Deposited On:24 May 2013 08:59

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