
Early detection of Alzheimer's disease with a total score of the German CERAD

Ehrensperger, Michael M. and Berres, Manfred and Taylor, Kirsten I. and Monsch, Andreas U.. (2010) Early detection of Alzheimer's disease with a total score of the German CERAD. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vol. 16, H. 5. pp. 910-920.

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The goal of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic discriminability of three different global scores for the German version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry on Alzheimer's Disease-Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB). The CERAD-NAB was administered to 1100 healthy control participants [NC; Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) mean = 28.9] and 352 patients with very mild Alzheimer's disease (AD; MMSE mean = 26.1) at baseline and subsets of participants at follow-up an average of 2.4 (NC) and 1.2 (AD) years later. We calculated the following global scores: Chandler et al.'s (2005) score (summed raw scores), logistic regression on principal components analysis scores (PCA-LR), and logistic regression on demographically corrected CERAD-NAB variables (LR). Correct classification rates (CCR) were compared with areas under the receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC). The CCR of the LR score (AUC = .976) exceeded that of the PCA-LR, while the PCA-LR (AUC = .968) and Chandler (AUC = .968) scores performed comparably. Retest data improved the CCR of the PCA-LR and Chandler (trend) scores. Thus, for the German CERAD-NAB, Chandler et al.'s total score provided an effective global measure of cognitive functioning, whereby the inclusion of retest data tended to improve correct classification of individual cases.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Medizinische Fächer (Klinik) > Geriatrie
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Medizinische Fächer (Klinik) > Geriatrie
07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie
UniBasel Contributors:Monsch, Andreas U
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:24 May 2013 09:13
Deposited On:26 Apr 2013 07:01

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