
Characterization of C4H in the A2Π and X2Σ+ states by double resonance four-wave mixing

Mazzotti, F. J. and Raghunandan, R. and Esmail, M. A. and Tulej, M. and Maier, J. P.. (2011) Characterization of C4H in the A2Π and X2Σ+ states by double resonance four-wave mixing. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (16). p. 1164303.

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The B2Π − X2Σ+ electronic spectrum of C4H has been studied by degenerate and double resonance four-wave mixing. The technique identifies vibrational levels in the X2Σ+ ground state. Its sensitivity and unique characteristics permit detection of new levels. The A2Π state lying 222 cm−1 above the X2Σ ground state is also observed, confirming the analysis from anion photoelectron spectroscopy but with improved accuracy. Vibrational level determination in the A2Π electronic manifold up to 700 cm−1 above v = 0 is made. A Renner–Teller analysis is carried out for the two lowest bending modes v6 and v7 in the A2Π state by diagonalization of the effective Hamiltonian matrix. The Renner–Teller parameters ∈ 6, ∈ 7, and ∈ 67, the vibrations ω6 and ω7 and the spin–orbit coupling constant Aso are determined.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Chemie > Former Organization Units Chemistry > Physikalische Chemie (Maier)
UniBasel Contributors:Mazzotti, Fabio Jerome and Raghunandan, Ranjini and Muhammed Esmail, Aaseef and Tulej, Marek and Maier, John Paul
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:AIP Publishing
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:24 Apr 2017 09:36
Deposited On:11 Oct 2012 15:25

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