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Luz Martin, Christine. (2021) Rezension: Roberto Romanigno. Théorie(s) de l'ecphrasis entre Antiquité et première modernité. L'Univers rhétorique 7. Classiques Garniers, Paris 2019, 299 p. Museum Helveticum, 78 (2). pp. 349-350. Fribourg.

Bierl, Anton. (2020) Nachwort. In: Aischylos, Der Gefesselte Prometheus. Griechisch / Deutsch. Stuttgart, pp. 119-165.

Bierl, Anton. (2020) Paratragic Fragmentation and Patchwork-Citation as Comic Aesthetics: the Potpourri Use of Euripides' Helen and Andromeda in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae and Their Symbolic Meaning. In: Fragmentation in Ancient Greek Drama. Berlin/Boston, pp. 453-480.

Bierl, Anton. (2020) Phaedra: a Tragic Queen in Turmoil Between Violent Love and Its Chaste Suppression. An Interpretation of Euripides' Hippolytus in Initiatory Terms. Skenè, 6 (1). pp. 57-83.

Bierl, Anton. (2020) The Phaeacians' Last Transfer from the Under World to the Upper Word: Petrification and Crystallization between Anthropology, Narratology and Metapoetics (Odyssey 13.125-187). In: The Upper and the Under World in Homeric and Archaic Epic. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on the Odyssey, 25-29 August 2017. Ithaki, pp. 333-368.

Bierl, Anton. (2020) [Review:] Francisco Barrenechea, Comedy and Religion in Classical Athens: Narratives of Religious Experiences in Aristophanes' Wealth, Cambridge, New York 2018. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2020.04.34). pp. 1-5.

Paillard, Elodie. (2020) Note sur l'étymologie d'histrio. Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage (60). pp. 103-107.

Paillard, Elodie. (2020) Odysseus and the Concept of 'Nobility' in Sophocles' Ajax and Philoctetes. Akropolis, 4. pp. 65-84.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Agonistic Excess and Its Ritual Resolution in Hero Cult: The Funeral Games in Iliad 23 as a mise en abyme. In: Eris vs. Aemulatio. Valuing Competition in Classical Antiquity. Leiden, pp. 53-77.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Essay. In: Euripides: Hippolytos. Wenn Menschen lieben. Eine Tragödie. Zürich, pp. 108-140.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Genre Criticism. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. New York, pp. 384-385.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Griechische Literatur - ein Musterfall von 'Literatur und Religion' (mit einer Interpretation von Sapphos Fragment 2 Voigt). In: Literatur / Religion. Bilanz und Perspektiven eines interdisziplinären Forschungsgebietes. Stuttgart, pp. 29-56.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Lösung in der Schwebe durch Provokation: Metanarrative Überlegungen zum Aufschub und Ende der Erzählung in den Lytra (Ilias XXIV). Maia : rivista quadrimestrale di letterature classiche, 71 (1). pp. 49-74.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Metaphor. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, 2. New York, pp. 550-552.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Narratology. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. New York, pp. 598-599.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Oedipus at Colonus as a Reflection of the Oresteia: The Abomination from Thebes as an Athenian Hero in the Making. In: Oedipus at Colonus and King Lear: Classical and Early Modern Intersections, 2. Verona, pp. 165-199.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Phallikon. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. New York, p. 694.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Trickster. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. New York, pp. 980-981.

Bierl, Anton. (2019) Utopias. In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy. New York, pp. 989-991.

Willi, Andreas. (2019) Der Sprachraum der Tragödie. In: Formes et fonctions des langues littéraires en Grèce ancienne. Vandoeuvres, pp. 97-142.

Willi, Andreas. (2019) σθένεϊ βλεμεαίνων: origin and evolution of a Homeric formula. In: The Paths of Greek: Literature, Linguistics and Epigraphy. Berlin, pp. 43-69.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) Fear in Choral Action: Thoughts about a Dionysian Emotion in Aeschylean Tragedy. In: Il teatro delle emozioni: la paura. Padua, pp. 17-40.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) God of Many Names: Dionysus in the Light of his Cult Epithets. In: Πλειών: Papers in Memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Supplement 1. Rethymnon, pp. 229-288.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) Longus' Hyperreality: Daphnis and Chloe as a Meta-text about Mimesis and Simulation. In: Re-Wiring the Ancient, Novel, 24. Groningen, pp. 3-28.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) Odysseus als Sänger im Prozess narrativer Sinnbildung. Eine erzählarchäologische Lektüre der Abenteuergeschichten in Homers Odyssee. In: Eine Archäologie der narrativen Sinnbildung, 2/2. Paderborn, pp. 197-220.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) Symmachos esso: Theatrical Role-Playing and Mimesis in Sappho fr. 1 V. In: Συναγωνίζεσθαι. Essays in Honour of Guido Avezzù, 1. Verona, pp. 925-952.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) The mise en scène of Kingship and Power in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes: Ritual Performativity or Goos, Cledonomancy and Catharsis. Skenè, 4 (2). pp. 19-54.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) [Review] Jeffrey M. Duban: The Lesbian lyre. Reclaiming Sappho for the 21st century. Clairview, West Hoathly 2016. XXXVI, 795 p. Museum Helveticum, 75 (2). pp. 226-227.

Bierl, Anton. (2018) [Review] Aldo Tagliabue: Xenophon's Ephesiaca. A paraliterary love-story from the ancient world. Ancient Narrative Supplementum 22. Barkhuis & Groningen University Library, Groningen 2017. VIII, 243 p. Museum Helveticum, 75 (2). pp. 229-230.

Willi, Andreas. (2018) Mars Gradivus. In: Vina diem celebrent. Studies in linguistics and philology in honor of Brent Vine. Ann Arbor, pp. 448-458.

Bierl, Anton. (2017) Klytaimestra Tyrannos: Fear and Tyranny in Aeschylus's Oresteia (with a Brief Comparison with Macbeth). Comparative Drama, 51 (4). pp. 528-563.

Bierl, Anton. (2017) Passion in a Stoic’s Satire Directed against a Dead Caesar? Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis as a Saturnalian Text Composed for Overcoming the Crisis. Maia, 69 (2). pp. 326-349.

Bierl, Anton. (2017) Rezension von: John Scheid, Jesper Svenbro: La tortue et la lyre. Dans l’atelier du mythe antique. Paris: CNRS Editions 2014. Gnomon, 89 (5). pp. 385-389.

Bierl, Anton. (2017) The Bacchic-Chor(a)ic Chronotope: Dionysus, Chora and Chorality in the Fifth Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone. In: Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture. Berlin/New York, pp. 99-144.

Bierl, Anton. (2017) ‘Hail and Take Pleasure!’ Making Gods Present In Narration Through Choral Song and Other Epiphanic Strategies in the Homeric Hymns to Dionysus and Apollo. In: The Winnowing Oar. New Perspectives in Homeric Studies. Berlin/New York, pp. 231-266.

Bierl, Anton and Christopoulos, Menelaos and Papachrysostomou, Athina. (2017) Preface. In: Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture. Berlin/New York, ix-xvii.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) Further thoughts on the syntax of Il. 5.265-269. Mnemosyne, 70 (5). pp. 859-866.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) Register variation and tense/aspect/mood categories in Ancient Greek: problems and perspectives. In: Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality. Leiden, pp. 261-286.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) Towards a grammar of narrative voice: from Homeric pragmatics to Hellenistic stylistics. In: Voice and Voices in Antiquity. Boston, pp. 233-259.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) kakós and kalós. In: Etymology and the European lexicon. proceedings of the 14th Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, 17-22 September 2012, Copenhagen. Wiesbaden, pp. 505-514.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2016) Latein auf neuen Wegen – Das neue Fach Lingua Latein. Babylonia (3). pp. 34-35.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2016) No future? Possibilities and Permanence in Herodotus’ Histories. In: Knowing Future Time in and through Greek Historiography. Berlin, pp. 195-214.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2016) Se non è vero: On the use of untrue stories in Herodotus. In: Truth and History in the Ancient World. Pluralizing the Past. London, pp. 130-154.

Willi, Andreas. (2016) The Oscan perfect in -TT-. Transactions of the Philological Society, 114 (1). pp. 75-94.

Bierl, Anton. (2015) Momente performativen Selbstreflexiv-Werdens in der Tragödie des Aischylos (mit besonderem Blick auf die Dareios-Szene in den Persern). Forum Modernes Theater, 30 (1-2). pp. 86-105.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2015) [Review of] "Carl A. Shaw: Satyric Play. The Evolution of Greek Comedy and Satyr Drama. Oxford/New York. Oxford University Press 2014". Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2015.08.11.

Willi, Andreas. (2015) Epicharmus, the Pseudepicharmeia, and the Origins of Attic Drama. In: Fragmente einer Geschichte der griechischen Komödie = Fragmentary History of Greek Comedy. Heidelberg, pp. 109-145.

Willi, Andreas. (2015) The language of Greek literature. In: A Companion to Greek Literature. Chichester, pp. 443-460.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2014) Das Satyrspiel. In: Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike, Bd. 2: Die Literatur der nachklassischen Zeit. München, pp. 926-967.

Willi, Andreas. (2014) Ares the Ripper: from Stang's Law to long-diphthong roots. Indogermanische Forschungen, 119 (1). pp. 207-225.

Willi, Andreas. (2014) Creating 'classical' Greek: from fourth-century practice to Atticist theory. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, 142 (1). pp. 44-74.

Willi, Andreas. (2014) The language(s) of comedy. In: The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy. Cambridge, pp. 168-185.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2013) Euripides. In: Historische Gestalten der Antike. Stuttgart, pp. 439-452.

Willi, Andreas. (2013) Epicharmus, Simonides, and the ‘invention’ of the Greek alphabet. Museum Helveticum, 70 (2). pp. 129-140.

Lämmle, Rebecca and Scheidegger Lämmle, Cédric. (2012) Homer on Kithairon : Negotiating Narrative and Dramatic Representation in Euripides’ Bacchae. The classical journal, Vol. 108, no. 2. pp. 129-158.

Probert, Philomen and Willi, Andreas. (2012) Introduction. In: Laws and Rules in Indo-European. Oxford, pp. 1-16.

Willi, Andreas. (2012) Challenging authority: Epicharmus between epic and rhetoric. In: Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy. Cambridge, pp. 56-75.

Willi, Andreas. (2012) Greek. In: Languages from the World of the Bible. Berlin, pp. 209-241.

Willi, Andreas. (2012) Kiparsky’s Rule, thematic nasal presents, and athematic verba vocalia in Greek. In: Laws and Rules in Indo-European. Oxford, pp. 260-276.

Willi, Andreas. (2012) Lateinisch scīre und Verwandtes. Glotta zeitschrift fur griechische und lateinische sprache, 88. pp. 253-272.

Willi, Andreas. (2012) ‘We speak Peloponnesian’: tradition and linguistic identity in post-classical Sicilian literature. In: Language and Linguistic Contact in Ancient Sicily. Cambridge, pp. 265-288.

Willi, Andreas. (2011) Language, Homeric. In: Homeric Encyclopedia. Oxford, pp. 458-464.

Willi, Andreas. (2011) Morphosyntaktische Überlegungen zum Ursprung des griechischen Futurs. In: Indogermanistik und Linguistik im Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September 2008 in Salzburg. Wiesbaden, pp. 605-615.

Willi, Andreas. (2011) Revisiting the Etruscan verb. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale Le lingue dell'Italia antica: iscrizioni, testi, grammatica; in memoriam Helmut Rix (1926 - 2004); 7 - 8 marzo 2011, Libera Università di Lingue e Communicazione IULM, Milano = Die Sprachen Altitaliens: Inschriften, Texte. Alessandria, pp. 365-384.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) Attic as the Language of the Classics. In: Greek - A Language in Evolution. Essays in Honour of Antonios N. Jannaris. Hildesheim, pp. 101-118.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) Campaigning for utilitas: style, grammar and philosophy in C. Iulius Caesar. In: Colloquial and Literary Latin. Cambridge, pp. 229-242.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) L’aoristo sigmatico tra filologia e tipologia. In: La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia. Milano, pp. 512-528.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) Register variation. In: A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language. Chichester , pp. 295-310.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) The Umbrian perfect in -nç-/-nś-. Transactions of the Philological Society, 108 (1). pp. 1-14.

Willi, Andreas. (2010) The language of Old Comedy. In: Brill’s Companion to the Study of Greek Comedy. Leiden, pp. 471-510.


Luz, Christine. (2020) πόποι oder: was die Götter mit Schnecken zu tun haben. In: [vø:rtər] Mélanges de linguistique, de philologie et d'histoire ancienne offerts à Rudolf Wachter, Cahiers de l'ILSL 60 (2020). Lausanne, pp. 175-179.

Willi, Andreas. (2019) Introduction. In: Formes et fonctions des langues littéraires en Grèce ancienne. Neuf exposés suivis de discussions. Vandœuvres, pp. 1-6.

Bierl, Anton and Melchinger, Gwendolyne. (2018) Um dieses Haus ist es nicht gut bestellt: Anton Bierl im Gespräch mit der Dramaturgin Gwendolyne Melchinger. Theaterprogramm, Schauspiel Stuttgart. pp. 10-26.

Coray, Marina. (2018) [Andreas Bedke] Der gute Ton bei Homer. Ausprägungen sprachlicher Höflichkeit in Ilias und Odyssee. Münster: Aschendorff 2017. 378 S. (Orbis antiquus. 49). Gnomon, 90 (5). pp. 385-388.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2018) Alte Sprachen. Schlussbericht der Konferenz Übergang Gymnasium-Universität. Gymnasium Helveticum (01). pp. 34-37.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) Einleitung. In: Sprachgeschichte und Epigraphik: Festgaben für Rudolf Wachter zum 60. Geburtstag. Innsbruck, pp. 9-16.

Willi, Andreas. (2017) Krieg und Frieden im frühen Rom: Altes und Neues zum carmen Arvale. In: Sprachgeschichte und Epigraphik: Festgaben für Rudolf Wachter zum 60. Geburtstag. Innsbruck, pp. 147-233.

Coray, Marina. (2016) Rezension zu Marina Berzins McCoy: Wounded Heros. Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy, Oxford 2013. Gnomon, 88 (8). pp. 673-676.

Willi, Andreas. (2016) Rezension: C. LeFeuvre, Homeros dysgnostos: Réinterprétations de termes homériques en grec archaïque et classique, Genève 2015. Museum Helveticum, 73. pp. 241-242.

Lämmle. Rebecca, . (2014) Quartum datur: Das Satyrspiel in der tragischen Tetralogie. In: Die Macht des Vierten : über eine Ordnung der europäischen Kultur.. Hamburg, pp. 99-119.

Stoevesandt, Magdalene. (2014) Rezension zu: Catherine Collobert: Parier sur le temps. La quête héroïque d'immortalité dans l'épopée homérique, Paris 2011. Gnomon, 86 (1). pp. 1-5.

Willi, Andreas. (2014) La variante ‘classica’ nel diasistema del greco antico. In: La nozione di Classico in linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia. Roma, pp. 57-68.

Willi, Andreas. (2014) Review of S. Mimbrera Olarte, Fonética y morfología del dorio de Sicilia (siglos VII-I a.C.), Madrid (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), 2012. Museum Helveticum, 71 (2). pp. 235-236.

Luppi, Valentina. (2013) Carlo, Brillante, Il cantore e la Musa. Poesia e modelli culturali nella Grecia arcaica, Pisa 2009 (Studi e testi di storia antica 18 ). Gnomon, 85 (7). pp. 643-645.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2013) Poetik des Satyrspiels. Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. Reihe 2, Bd. 136. Heidelberg.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2012) [Rezension von] Franco Ferrari, Sappho’s Gift, The Poet and Her Community : Ann Arbor, 2010. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 69. p. 210.

Petrovic, Andrej. (2012) Tieropferrituale in den griechischen Zauberpapyri aus ästhetischer Sicht. In: Ästhetik des Opfers. Zeichen/Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel. Paderborn, pp. 35-62.

Petrovic, Ivana and Lämmle, Rebecca. (2012) Dichtung, Reinheit, Opferritual. In: Ästhetik des Opfers. Zeichen/Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel. Paderborn, pp. 107-130.

Versnel, Henk and Lämmle, Rebecca. (2012) Komische Verwertung von Opferbräuchen – Hermes zum Beispiel (aus dem Engl. übersetzt von R.L.). In: Ästhetik des Opfers. Zeichen/Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel. Paderborn, pp. 15-33.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2011) Das Satyrspiel. In: Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike. Bd. 1, Die Literatur der archaischen und klassischen Zeit, 2011. München, pp. 611-663.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2011) [Rezension von] Eric Csapo, Actors and Icons of the Ancient Theater : Malden, MA, 2010. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 68. pp. 225-226.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2011) [Rezension von] Gregory Dobrov (Hg.), Brill’s Companion to the Study of Greek Comedy : Leiden/Boston, 2010. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 68. pp. 217-218.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2010) [Rezension von] Dee L. Clayman, Timon of Phlius, Pyrrhonism into Poetry : Berlin/New York, 2009. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 67. pp. 239-240.

West, Martin L. and Latacz, Joachim, eds. (2009) Neunzehnter Gesang. Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung. Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK), 6. Berlin.

Coray, Marina, ed. (2009) Neunzehnter Gesang. Faszikel 2: Kommentar. Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar / BK), 6. Berlin.

Fusillo, Massimo and Lämmle, Rebecca. (2009) Fragmentierung des Dionysos. Performative Strategien in den Bakchen-Inszenierungen. In: Theater des Fragments. performative Strategien im Theater zwischen Antike und Postmoderne. Bielefeld, pp. 259-269.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2009) [Rezension von] Euripides VIII, Fragments, Oedipus-Chrysippus, Other Fragments : Cambridge, MA/London, UK, 2008 Euripides. VII/VIII: Fragments. VII: Aegeus–Meleager; VIII: Oedipus–Chrysippus; Other Fragments. Edited and translated by Christopher Collard and Martin Cropp. Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge MA/London 2008. VII: XXXIX, 640 S.; VIII: XXIII, 710 S. Museum Helveticum, 66 (4). pp. 234-235.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2009) [Rezension von] S. Douglas Olson, Broken Laughter, Select Fragments of Greek Comedy : Oxford/New York, 2007. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 66. p. 235.

West, Martin L. and Latacz, Joachim, eds. (2008) Sechster Gesang. Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung. Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar/ BK), 4. Berlin.

Stoevesandt, Magdalene, ed. (2008) Sechster Gesang. Faszikel 2: Kommentar. Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar/ BK), 4. Berlin.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2008) [Rezension von] Charles Platter, Aristophanes and the Carnival of Genres : Baltimore, 2007. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 65. pp. 222-223.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2008) [Rezension von] Natalia Kyriakidi, Aristophanes und Eupolis, Zur Geschichte einer dichterischen Rivalität : Berlin/New York, 2007. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 65. pp. 223-224.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2008) [Rezension zu] Carolyn Dewald und John Marincola (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus, Cambridge 2006. Museum Helveticum, 66 (4). pp. 221-222.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) Der eingeschlossene Dritte : zur Funktion des Dionysos im Satyrspiel. In: Literatur und Religion : Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen. München, pp. 335-386.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Enrico Medda Maria Serena Mirto/Maria Pia Pattoni (Hgg.), ΚΩΜΩΙΔΟΤΡΑΓΩΙΔΙΑ, Intersezioni del tragico e del comico nel teatro del V secolo a.C. : Pisa, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. pp. 240-241.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Gary S. Meltzer, Euripides and the Poetics of Nostalgia : Cambridge, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. p. 230.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Hesiod I, Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia, Edited and translated by Glenn W. Most : Cambridge, MA/London, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. p. 227.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] James Robson, Humour, Obscenity and Aristophanes : Tübingen, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. p. 231.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Martin Amann, Komik in den Tristien Ovids : Basel, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. pp. 244-245.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Richard Hunter (Hg.), The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, Constructions and Reconstructions : Cambridge, 2005. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. p. 228.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension von] Richard Seaford, Dionysos : London, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. pp. 265-266.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2007) [Rezension] Martina Hirschberger, Gynaikōn Katalogos und Megalai Ēhoiai, Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier Hesiodeischer Epen : München/Leipzig, 2004. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 64. pp. 227-228.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2007) Xerxes und die Frau des Masistes (Herodot. 9.108-113). Mythische Erzählstruktur in Herodots Historien. In: Literatur und Religion. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen, 2. Berlin, pp. 1-39.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2006) [Rezension von] Dimitrios Yatromanolakis und Panagiotis Roilos (Hgg.), Greek Ritual Poetics : Cambridge, 2004. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63. p. 223.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2006) [Rezension von] Euripide, Il Ciclope, Introduzione, traduzione e note di Guido Paduano : Milano, 2005. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63. p. 212.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2006) [Rezension von] George W. Harrison (Hg.), Satyr Drama, Tragedy at Play : Swansea, 2005. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63. pp. 224-225.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2006) [Rezension von] Martin Revermann, Comic Business, Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy : Oxford, 2006. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 63. p. 225.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2006) [Rezension zu] E. Greenwood, Thucydides and the Shaping of History, London 2006. Museum Helveticum, 63 (4). p. 215.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2006) [Rezension zu] H. Sonnabend, Thukydides, Hildesheim 2004. Museum Helveticum, 63 (4). pp. 214-215.

Lämmle, Rebecca. (2005) [Rezension von] Euripides, Selected Fragmentary Plays, Volume II, Edited with Introductions, Translations and Commentaries by C. Collard, M. J. Kropp and J. Gibert : Oxford, 2004. Museum Helveticum, Vol. 62. p. 225.

Wesselmann, Katharina. (2005) [rezension zu] Jon D. Mikalson, Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars, Chapel Hill/London 2003. Museum Helveticum, 62 (4). p. 264.

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