
Der Dank an die Meister. Anmerkungen zu einigen gratiarum actiones spätmittelalterlicher Sentenzenlesungen

Zahnd, Ueli. (2016) Der Dank an die Meister. Anmerkungen zu einigen gratiarum actiones spätmittelalterlicher Sentenzenlesungen. In: Schüler und Meister. Berlin, pp. 81-105.

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Late medieval Sentences principia, the formal disputations future masters of theology had to give when beginning their lectures on a new book of the Lombard, were accompanied by a solemn act of thanksgiving. These so called gratiarum actiones of students thanking both their real and intellectual masters, are noteworthy in two regards: on the one hand, they are telling about the status of university masters and students, and of the relationship between them; on the other, they give evidence of the broader intellectual network a student was (or tried to be) involved in. The paper analyzes three Parisian gratiarum actiones from the first decades of the 15 th century (by Gilles Charlier, Lambertus de Monte, and William of Vaurouillon), showing how these students tried to present themselves both as masters, and as members of well distinguished, but not polemically separated intellectual traditions.
Faculties and Departments:04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Künste, Medien, Philosophie > Ehemalige Einheiten Philosophie und Medienwissenschaft > Geschichte der Mittelalterlichen Philosophie (Zahnd)
01 Faculty of Theology > Ehemalige Organisationseinheiten Theologie > Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte (Zahnd)
UniBasel Contributors:Zahnd, Ueli
Item Type:Book Section, refereed
Book Section Subtype:Book Chapter
Publisher:De Gruyter
Series Name:Miscellanea Mediaevalia
Issue Number:39
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Book item
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Last Modified:19 Jun 2018 14:42
Deposited On:11 Jan 2017 13:52

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