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Number of items at this level: 142.


Burik, Steven and Smid, Robert and Weber, Ralph, eds. (2022) Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities. London.

27 December 2021

Somm, Markus and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Ralph Weber «Aufstieg Chinas? Es ist überhaupt nicht sicher, ob das so weitergeht».

1 December 2021

Weber, Ralph. (1 December 2021) Wissenschaft von Pekings Gnaden: Die globalen Aktivitäten des chinesischen Parteistaats stellen auch in Europa die akademische Freiheit in Frage. Es braucht eine überlegte liberaldemokratische Reaktion. Schweizer Monat. pp. 18-19. Zürich.

18 November 2021

Weber, Ralph. (18 November 2021) Chinapolitik nach Prinzip Hoffnung. Schaffhauser Nachrichten. p. 4. Schaffhausen.

3 November 2021

Halter, Georg and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Städtepartnerschaft: Klareres Auftreten von Basel gefordert.

27 October 2021

Minder, Benjamin and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Wie unbedenklich ist Solothurns «Freundschaft» zu China?

22 October 2021

Wanner, Christine and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Schweiz unterschreibt China-Deklaration nicht mehr.

20 September 2021

Jud, Rahel and Weber, Ralph. (20 September 2021) Interview mit China-Experte Ralph Weber (Teil I). tibetfocus. pp. 9-10. Zürich.

28 July 2021

Weber, Ralph. (28 July 2021) La résilience de l'idéologie communiste chinoise (Op-Ed). Le Temps. p. 6. Genève.

27 June 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Schweizerisch-chinesische Freundschaft ist unter Druck.

10 June 2021

Widmer-Baggiolini, Marie-Laure and Weilhammer, Françoise and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Comment la Chine s'infiltre en Suisse.

7 May 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) China und die Schweiz - ein schwieriges Verhältnis.

2 April 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Schweiz: Debatte um Einfluss Chinas.

1 April 2021

Hammer, Daniel and Weber, Ralph. (1 April 2021) Ralph Weber : En Suisse aussi, la Chine avance masquée (Interview). Plein Centre - Le magazine mensuel du Centre Patronal, politique et pratique. pp. 10-11. Bern.

26 March 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Radiogiornale, 26. März 2021.

24 March 2021

Weber, Ralph. (24 March 2021) Die chinesische Begriffsakrobatik (Gastkommentar). Tagesanzeiger. p. 2. Zürich .

23 March 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Die Schweizer China-Strategie ist zweideutig.

22 March 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) EU sanktioniert China, Peking reagiert und Russland profitiert?

19 March 2021

Wacker, Gaudenz and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Aussenminister Cassis präsentiert China-Strategie.

18 March 2021

Alber, Dorothea and Weber, Ralph. (18 March 2021) Wir haben die Augen verschlossen. Wirtschaft regional (Liechtenstein). pp. 4-5. Vaduz .

10 March 2021

Jungblut, Peter and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Chinas Einschüchterungspolitik: Wie machtwirksam ist Chinas Diktat in der Kultur?

7 March 2021

Weber, Ralph. (7 March 2021) Der bisherige Pragmatismus ist schlicht nicht mehr praktikabel. SonntagsZeitung. p. 25. Zürich .

6 March 2021

Brennwald, Reto and Schneider-Ammann, Johan and Jaisli, Eva and Weber, Ralph and Somm, Markus. (2021) Weltmacht China: Wie positioniert sich die Schweiz?

11 February 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Die Schweiz und China - Partnerschaft mit Tücken.

4 February 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Debatte um Städtepartnerschaft mit Shanghai.

15 January 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) FOKUS: China nimmt Einfluss auf die Schweiz.

Weber, Ralph. (2021) FOKUS: Studiogast Ralph Weber.

5 January 2021

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Chinas Einfluss auf die Schweiz.

3 January 2021

Weber, Ralph. (3 January 2021) Es gibt kaum ein Land, das nicht Chinas Zorn fürchtet (Interview). NZZ am Sonntag. pp. 2-3. Zürich.


Beckstein, Martin and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Modeling Interpretation and the Practice of Political Theory. New York.

Defoort, Carine and Major, Philippe. (2021) Let Universities be Multiregional: The Case at KU Leuven.

Douglas, Amy and Weber, Ralph. (2021) China erhält eine Sonderbehandlung. The Voice - Die Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker. p. 8. Bern.

Jud, Rahel and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Interview mit China-Experte Ralph Weber (Teil II). tibetfocus. pp. 11-12.

Kahteran, Nevad and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Towards Post-Comparative Philosophy: Interview with Ralph Weber. Azijske Studije / Asian Studies, 9 (2). pp. 211-221.

Kahteran, Nevad and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Towards Post-Comparative Philosophy: Interview with Ralph Weber. In: The Role of Comparative Philosophy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Philosophising at the Big Fault Line. Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 163-174.

Major, Philippe. (2021) Il est temps de diversifier le curriculum de nos universités. La Libre Belgique. pp. 40-41.

Major, Philippe. (2021) Review of Xiong Shili's Understanding of Reality and Function, 1920-1937, by Sang Yu. Dao, 20 (1). pp. 165-169.

Major, Philippe. (2021) The Confucian Atomistic Individual? Selfhood in Xiong Shili's New Treatise on the Uniqueness of Consciousness. Philosophy East and West, 71 (4). pp. 938-958.

Major, Philippe. (2021) Writing Philosophy from the Periphery: Lixing as Foundational Empty Signifier in Tang Junyi's Cultural Consciousness and Moral Reason. Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions, 60 (2). pp. 255-276.

Pils, Eva and Weber, Ralph. (2021) Chinas neue Weltordnung und alte Debatten zum politischen Wesen der Menschenrechte. Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EUZ), 23 (5). pp. 182-195.

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Comparative Philosophy and Comparison. In: Comparative Methods in Law, Humanities and Social Sciences. Cheltenham / Northampton, MA, pp. 149-174.

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Der «Chinesische Traum» und die Suche nach dem Platz an der Sonne. In: China: Eine Grossmacht im Wandel - Grenzen und Freiräume. Zürich, pp. 17-23.

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Popular Representation from Above: On Recognizing the Distance Paradox. Philosophy East and West, 71 (1). pp. 108-129.

Weber, Ralph. (2021) Tu Weiming: The Global Confucian. In: Dao Companion to Contemporary Confucian Philosophy. Cham, pp. 345-366.

22 December 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) L'ingenuità svizzera verso la Cina: Uno studio ha analizzato l'influenza di Pechino su varie organizzazioni svizzere - L'intervista.

18 December 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Unified message, rhizomatic delivery. A preliminary analysis of PRC/CCP influence and the united front in Switzerland.

15 December 2020

Weber, Ralph. (15 December 2020) The United Front. A Lesser-Known Side of Chinese Presence in Switzerland (Op-Ed). The Geneva Observer. Genève.

13 December 2020

Weber, Ralph. (13 December 2020) Le Front uni. Un aspect méconnu de la présence chinoise en Suisse (Op-Ed). Le Temps. Lausanne.

8 December 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Blick in die Feuilletons mit Ralph Weber.

12 November 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) 傳媒揭捷議長受中共抹黑 瑞士學者:歐洲國家全面遭中共滲透.

9 November 2020

Weber, Ralph. (9 November 2020) Der Adel und die Einheitsfront - Das Schloss Habsburg sucht die Nähe zu China. Alles harmlos, sagen die Aargauer. Wirklich? (Gastkommentar). Die Zeit, Ausgabe Schweiz. Hamburg.

5 November 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Partnerschaft Aargau-China: Harmlose Museumspartnerschaft oder chinesische Staatspropaganda?

27 October 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Qu'est-ce que la mystérieuse organisation chinoise du "Front uni"?

23 October 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Zürcher Kunsthochschule baut in Shenzhen.

20 October 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Wie China die Meinung über sich im Ausland beeinflusst.

25 September 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Chinas subtile Propaganda: Wie sie uns beeinflussen soll.

18 September 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Thalia macht Platz für China-Propaganda.

4 August 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Cassis Kritik an der Chinapolitik.

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Velate minacce cinesi: Le dichiarazioni di Ignazio Cassis non sono passate inosservate a Pechino. L'analisi dell'esperto Ralph Weber.

24 April 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) 11'000 Kilometer - Von Frenkendorf nach China per Zug.

10 March 2020

Weber, Ralph. (2020) "Pragmatismus kann auch als Opportunismus gelesen werden" (Interview).

26 February 2020

Weber, Ralph. (26 February 2020) Chinas Belt-and-Road-Initiative und die Infrastruktur unserer Köpfe (Gastkommentar). Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ. p. 10. Zürich.

11 February 2020

Lüthi, Barbara and Clever, Xiaoqun and Fischer, Peter A. and Weber, Ralph and Masüger, Claudia and Stadler, Beda and Haerri, Kurt. (2020) Corona - Das politische Virus.


Allais, Stephanie and Unterhalter, Elaine and Molebatsi, Palesa and Posholi, Lerato and Howell, Colleen. (2020) Universities, the Public Good, and the SDG4 Vision. In: Grading Goal Four. Leiden, pp. 135-155.

Klingbacher, Barbara and Weber, Ralph. (2020) Ich weiss nicht, auf welcher Seite jemand steht (Interview). NZZ Folio. Zürich.

Posholi, Lerato. (2020) Epistemic Decolonization as Overcoming the Hermeneutical Injustice of Eurocentrism. Philosophical papers, 49 (2). pp. 279-304.

Târlea, Silvana and Weber, Ralph. (2020) Politics of Immobility: Global Knowledge Production and the Study of Europe in Asia. Journal of Common Market Studies. p. 17.

Weber, Ralph. (2020) Book review of The End of the Cognitive Empire: The Coming of Age of Epistemologies of the South, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2018. New Global Studies, 14 (1). pp. 102-105.

Weber, Ralph and Hafner, Urs. (2020) Chinas Parteistaat unterwandert den Westen gezielt (Interview). Uni Nova, (136). pp. 8-11.

Weber, Ralph and Xu, Zhenxu. (2020) Human Understanding and the Realistic Spirit: The Philosophy of Chen Jiaying. Contemporary Chinese Thought, 51 (3-4). pp. 175-181.

23 December 2019

Weber, Ralph and Weber, Stephan and Rathgeb, Stephan. (2019) Werbung des Staatsapparates - Wie China in der Schweiz die Muskeln spielen lässt.

28 July 2019

Weber, Ralph. (2019) Grautöne. Über die Tugend des Hinterfragens in Zeiten schneller Meinung.

4 June 2019

Weber, Ralph and Peter, Barbara. (2019) Ralph Weber über China - 30 Jahre nach dem Tiananmen-Aufstand.


Major, Philippe. (2019) The Politics of Writing Chinese Philosophy: Xiong Shili's New Treatise on the Uniqueness of Consciousness and the 'Crystallization of Oriental Philosophy'. Dao, 18 (2). pp. 241-258.

May 2018

Steineck, Raji and Weber, Ralph, eds. (2018) Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic world. Volume 1, China and Japan. Studien zur interkulturellen Philosophie / Studies in Intercultural Philosophy / Études de philosophie interculturelle, 25. Leiden.


Beckstein, Martin. (2018) Giovanni Gentiles nicht-idealtheoretische Rechtfertigung des Faschismus. In: Staatsverständnisse in Italien: Von Dante bis ins 21. Jahrhundert, 109. Baden-Baden, pp. 301-314.

Beckstein, Martin and Rampton, Vanessa. (2018) Conservatism between Theory and Practice: The Case of Migration to Europe. European journal of political research, 57 (4). pp. 1084-1102.

Beckstein, Martin and Weber, Ralph. (2018) Methodenpluralismus in der Politischen Ideengeschichte. ZfP Zeitschrift für Politik, 65 (1). pp. 3-21.

Gassmann, Robert H. and Lange, Elena Louisa and Malinar, Angelika and Rudolph, Ulrich and Steineck, Raji and Weber, Ralph. (2018) Introduction: The Concept of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World. In: Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World, 25/1. Leiden, pp. 1-52.

Gassmann, Robert H. and Weber, Ralph. (2018) Introduction: 'What is Chinese Philosophy?'. In: Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World, 25/1. Leiden, pp. 53-68.

Herren, Madeleine and Knab, Cornelia and Pullano, Teresa and Tobler, Christa and Weber, Ralph. (2018) A Discussion on 'European Global Studies'. Global Europe-Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 116. pp. 2-28.

Major, Philippe. (2018) Tradition and Modernity in Liang Shuming's Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies. Philosophy East and West, 68 (2). pp. 460-476.

Weber, Ralph. (2018) Philosophy? – On Tu Weiming’s ‘The Continuity of Being’ (1984). In: Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World, 25/1. Leiden, pp. 428-458.

Weber, Ralph. (2018) Reply to Ouyang Xiao. Philosophy East and West, 68 (1). pp. 256-261.

Weber, Ralph and Tarlea, Silvana. (2018) The Politics of Studying Europe in China. Europe Now (18). pp. 1-7.


Major, Philippe. (2017) Rethinking the Temporalization of Space in Early Republican China: Liang Shuming's Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies. International Communication of Chinese Culture, 4 (2). pp. 171-185.

Major, Philippe. (2017) Textual Authority and Its Naturalization in Liang Shuming's Dong-Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue. Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, 65 (1). pp. 123-145.

Weber, Ralph. (2017) Drei konfuzianische Fürstenspiegel: das Xinyu des Lu Jia, das Memorandum von Zhu Xi an Kaiser Xiaozong und das Mingyi daifang lu des Huang Zongxi. In: Die gute Regierung. Fürstenspiegel von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Fribourg, pp. 259-275.

Weber, Ralph. (2017) 经由比较哲学观照中国—拉尔夫·韦伯教授访谈录. 国际 汉学 [Guo ji han xue = International sinology], 10 (1). pp. 17-26.


Chakrabarti, Arindam and Weber, Ralph, eds. (2016) Comparative philosophy without borders. London.

Chakrabarti, Arindam and Weber, Ralph. (2016) Afterword/Afterwards. In: Comparative Philosophy without Borders. London, pp. 227-239.

Chakrabarti, Arindam and Weber, Ralph. (2016) Introduction. In: Comparative Philosophy without Borders. London, pp. 1-33.

Major, Philippe. (2016) Tradition and the Translation of Democracy during the Transitional Period of Modern China (1895-1925). Contemporary Chinese Thought, 47 (3). pp. 153-165.

Murphy, Tim and Weber, Ralph. (2016) Ideas of justice and reconstructions of Confucian justice. Asian Philosophy, 26 (2). pp. 99-118.

Weber, Ralph. (2016) All about Fiction: European Global Studies, Chinese Studies and Sinology. Global Europe: Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 111. pp. 1-18.

Weber, Ralph. (2016) Confucian Political Philosophy for Non-Confucians. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 10 (4). pp. 547-567.

Weber, Ralph. (2016) Representing Tradition: An Analysis of Tu Weiming’s Confucianism. International Communication of Chinese Culture, 3 (2). pp. 229-260.

Weber, Ralph and Fröhlich, Thomas. (2016) Gibt es Ansätze deliberativer Demokratie in China? Bemerkungen zur Debatte über das Zeguo-Experiment. In: 'Demokratie' jenseits des Westens: Theorien, Diskurse, Einstellungen. Baden-Baden, pp. 550-566.

23 December 2015

Weber, Ralph. (2015) Controversy over "Jullien," or where and what is China, Philosophically Speaking? Journal of Chinese philosophy, 41 (3/4). pp. 361-377.

1 November 2015

Weber, Ralph. (2015) In Search of Numbers and Substance: On a Current Confucian Revival in the PRC. In: Contemporary East Asia and the Confucian Revival. Cambridge, pp. 171-190.


Trakulhun, Sven and Weber, Ralph, eds. (2015) Delimiting modernities : conceptual challenges and regional responses. Lanham, Maryland.

Trakulhun, Sven and Weber, Ralph. (2015) Modernities: Editors' Introduction. In: Delimiting Modernities: Conceptual Challenges and Regional Responses. Lanham, ix-xxiv.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) A Bibliography on 'Chinese Philosophy' in Europe, 2007–2014. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 42 (3-4). pp. 397-418.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) Authority: Of German Rhinos and Chinese Tigers. In: Comparative Philosophy without Borders. London, pp. 143-174.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) Book review of On the Universal, the Uniform, the Common and Dialogue between Cultures, by François Jullien, trans. Michael Richardson and Krzystof Fijalkowski, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. online.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) Is It Scripture, or Not? On Moments of Conceptual Tertium Datur. Contributions to the History of Concepts, 10 (1). pp. 27-44.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) On Comparing Ancient Chinese and Greek Ethics: The tertium comparationis as Tool of Analysis and Evaluation. In: The Good Life and Conceptions of Life in Early China and Græco-Roman Antiquity. Berlin, pp. 29-56.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) On the Contemporary Study of 'Chinese Philosophy' in Europe. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 42 (3-4). pp. 371-396.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) What Is 'Modernities' a Plural of? – A Rhetorical Analysis of Some Recent Uses. In: Delimiting Modernities: Conceptual Challenges and Regional Responses. Lanham, pp. 25-48.

Weber, Ralph. (2015) [Review of] Birth Pangs for a Welcomed Child, Hagen Schulz-Forberg, ed., A Global Conceptual History of Asia, 1860-1940 (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014). Contributions to the History of Concepts, 10 (2). pp. 117-121.

Weber, Ralph and Grano, Simona and Hetmanczyk, Philipp. (2015) Introduction: The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions. Asiatische Studien, 69 (1). pp. 157-164.


Major, Philippe and Pierini, Francesca. (2014) The Aesthetics of the Contemporary: Antonello Trombadori's Chinese Notebook and Shitao's Concept of the One-Stroke. Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity, 15 (1). pp. 23-35.


Pierini, Francesca and Major, Philippe. (2013) Reading Chinese Painting: Antonello Trombadori's China and the Limits of the Contemporary. In: Orientalismi Italiani. Alba, pp. 20-36.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) 'How to Compare?' - On the Methodological State of Comparative Philosophy. Philosophy Compass, 8 (7). pp. 593-603.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) A Stick which May Be Grabbed by Either End: Sino-Hellenic Studies in the Mirror of Comparative Philosophy. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 20 (1). pp. 1-14.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Book review of The Dynamics of Masters Literature: Early Chinese Thought from Confucius to Han Feizi, by Wiebke Denecke, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010. Asiatische Studien, 67 (3). pp. 1018-1024.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Konfuzianische Selbstkultivierung bei Tu Weiming. In: Dimensionen der Selbstkultivierung. Beiträge des Forums für Asiatische Philosophie. Freiburg, pp. 310-334.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Making the Implicit Explicit. An Analysis of Some Comparative Claims in Guo Yi’s Discussion of Chinese and Western Philosophy. In: Metaphysical Foundations of Knowledge and Ethics in Chinese and European Philosophy. Paderborn, pp. 203-214.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Politik, Konfuzianismus und konfuzianische politische Philosophie in der VR China heute. Widerspruch – Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie (56). pp. 61-72.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Raimon Panikkar, and what 'philosophy' is comparative philosophy comparing? Cirpit Review (4). pp. 167-176.

Weber, Ralph. (2013) Why Talk about Chinese Metaphysics. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 8 (1). pp. 99-119.

Weber, Ralph and Franke, Ulrich. (2013) At the Papini Hotel - On Pragmatism in the Study of International Relations. European Journal of International Relations, 18 (4). pp. 669-691.


Weber, Ralph. (2012) Konfuzianische Selbstkultivierung als Philosophem und Politikum. Polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren, 26. pp. 19-42.

Weber, Ralph. (2012) Limits of Scripture and Limits of Reason: On Confucianism and 'Scriptural Reasoning'. Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology and Philosophy (13). pp. 27-57.

Weber, Ralph. (2012) Taking Roger Ames’s Confucian Role Ethics on Its Own Terms: A Pragmatist Critique." Book review of Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, by Roger T. Ames, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2011. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 7 (4). pp. 622-626.


Weber, Ralph. (2011) Book Review: Die Aufhebung des Politischen: Lü Zuqian (1137-1181) und der Aufstieg des Neukonfuzianismus. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 40 (1). pp. 201-205.

Weber, Ralph. (2011) On Wang Hui's Re-Imagination of Asia and Europe. Europa Regional, 17 (4). pp. 221-228.


Murphy, Tim and Weber, Ralph. (2010) Confucianizing Socrates and Socratizing Confucius: On Comparing Analects 13:18 and the Euthyphro. Philosophy East and West, 60 (2). pp. 187-206.

Weber, Ralph and Barden, Garrett. (2010) Rhetorics of Authority: Leviticus and the Analects Compared. Asiatische Studien, 64 (1). pp. 173-240.


Weber, Ralph. (2009) Religio-Philosophical Roots. In: Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics. Cheltenham, pp. 107-123.


Weber, Ralph. (2008) Cong Political Theory jiedu «Mengzi» fangfa 从 Political Theory 解读«孟子»的方法 (Ways of Reading the Book of Mencius with a View to Political Theory). Zhongwen Zixue Zhidao 中文自学指导 [Reviews and Research on Chinese Literature (1). pp. 45-49.

Weber, Ralph. (2008) [Review of] Geschichte des politischen Denkens: Ein Handbuch: Brocker, Manfred (Hrsg.). Swiss Political Science Review, 14 (2). pp. 391-395.


Weber, Ralph and Eckl, Julian. (2007) North-South? Pitfalls of Dividing the World by Words. Third World Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 3-23.


Weber, Ralph and Sigurdsson, Geir. (2006) Að færa út veginn: Um samrýmanleika heimspeki Derrida og kínverskrar heimspekiorðræðu (Broadening the Way: On Commensurability between Derrida's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophical Narratives). Hugur (Journal of the Icelandic Philosophical Society), 17. pp. 62-78.


Weber, Ralph. (2005) Oneness and Particularity in Chinese Natural Cosmology: The Notion tianrenheyi. Asian Philosophy, 15 (2). pp. 191-205.


Weber, Ralph. (2004) Book review (in German) of Confucian Democracy: A Deweyan Reconstruction, by Sor-hoon Tan, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2003. Swiss Political Science Review, 10 (4). pp. 221-224.

Weber, Ralph. (2004) Book review (in German) of Mencius on Becoming Human, by James Behuniak Jr., Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2005. Asiatische Studien, 59 (4). pp. 1339-1346.

Weber, Ralph. (2004) Book review of The Moral Circle and the Self: Chinese and Western Approaches, ed. by Kim-chong Chong, Sor-hoon Tan, and C. L. Ten, Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 2003. China Review International, 11 (1). pp. 39-44.

Weber, Ralph. (2004) Book review of Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited by Charles Taylor, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002. Philosophy East and West, 54 (1). pp. 103-106.

Weber, Ralph. (2004) New Confucian Political Philosophy – Tu Wei-ming's Fiduciary Community. Acta Orientalia Vilnensia, 5. pp. 92-103.

Weber, Ralph. (2004) Xiong Shili Revisited: Tu Wei-ming's Perspective and Authentic Living. Zhexuemen (Beida Journal of Philosophy). Special Issue (5). pp. 48-62.


Weber, Ralph. (2001) Hobbes und die Bilder. Schweizerische Monatshefte für Politik und Kultur, 81 (4). p. 50.

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