Items where Division is "09 Associated Institutions > Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) > Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) > Environmental Exposures and Health Systems Research"
Number of items at this level: 31. AAndersen, T. V. and Schmidt, L. S. and Poulsen, A. H. and Feychting, M. and Röösli, M. and Tynes, T. and Aydin, D. and Prochazka, M. and Lannering, B. and Klæboe, L. and Eggen, T. and Kuehni, C. E. and Schmiegelow, K. and Schüz, J.. (2013) Patterns of exposure to infectious diseases and social contacts in early life and risk of brain tumours in children and adolescents : an International Case-Control Study (CEFALO). British journal of cancer : the clinical and scientific journal of The Cancer Research Campaign : BJC, Vol. 108, H. 11. pp. 2346-2353. Aydin, D. and Feychting, M. and Schuz, J. and Röösli, M.. (2012) Childhood brain tumours and use of mobile phones : comparison of a case-control study with incidence data. Environmental health : a global access science source, Vol. 11 , 35. BBringolf-Isler, B. and Mäder, U. and Ruch, N. and Kriemler, S. and Grize, L. and Braun-Fahrländer, C.. (2012) Measuring and validating physical activity and sedentary behavior comparing a parental questionnaire to accelerometer data and diaries. Pediatric exercise science, Vol. 24, H. 2. pp. 229-245. Baan, R. and Grosse, Y. and Lauby-Secretan, B. and El Ghissassi, F. and Bouvard, V. and Benbrahim-Tallaa, L. and Guha, N. and Islami, F. and Galichet, L. and Straif, K. and International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Gr, W. H. O.. (2011) Carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. The Lancet oncology, Vol. 12, H. 7. pp. 624-626. CCyrys, J. and Eeftens, M. and Heinrich, J. and Ampe, C. and Armengaud, A. and Beelen, R. and Bellander, T. and Beregszaszai, T. and Birk, M. and Cesaroni, G. and Cirach, M. and de Hoogh, K. and de Nazelle, A. and de Vocht, F. and Declercq, C. and Dedele, A. and Dimakopoulou, K. and Eriksen, K. and Galassi, C. and Grazuleviciene, R. and Grivas, G. and Gruzieva, O. and Hagenbjörk, Gustafsson and Hoffmann, B. and Iakovides, M. and Ineichen, A. and Krämer, U. and Lanki, T. and Lozano, P. and Madsen, C. and Meliefste, K. and Modig, L. and Mölter, A. and Mosler, G. and Nieuwenhuijsen, M. and Nonnemacher, M. and Oldenwening, M. and Peters, A. and Pontet, S. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Quass, U. and Raaschou-Nielsen, O. and Ranzi, A. and Sugiri, D. and Stephanou, E. G. and Taimisto, P. and Tsai, M. Y. and Vaskövi, E. and Villani, S. and Wang, M. and Brunekreef, B. and Hoek, G.. (2012) Variation of NO2 and NOx concentrations between and within 36 European study areas : results from the ESCAPE study. Atmospheric environment, 62. pp. 374-390. DDucret-Stich, R. and Delfino, R. J. and Tjoa, T. and Gemperli, A. and Ineichen, A. and Wu, J. and Phuleria, H. C. and Liu, L. J. S.. (2012) Examining the representativeness of home outdoor PM2.5, EC, and OC estimates for daily personal exposures in southern California. Air quality, atmosphere & health, Vol. 5, H. 3. pp. 335-351. EEeftens, M. and Beelen, R. and de Hoogh, K. and Bellander, T. and Cesaroni, G. and Cirach, M. and Declercq, C. and Dedele, A. and Dons, E. and de Nazelle, A. and Dimakopoulou, K. and Eriksen, K. T. and Falq, G. and Fischer, P. and Galassi, C. and Grazuleviciene, R. and Heinrich, J. and Hoffmann, B. and Jerrett, M. and Keidel, D. and Korek, M. and Lankki, T. and Lindley, S. and Madsen, C. and Molter, A. and Nador, G. and Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. and Nonnemacher, M. and Pedeli, X. and Raaschou, Nielsen and Patelarou, E. and Quass, U. and Ranzi, A. and Schindler, C. and Stempfelet, M. and Stephanou, E. G. and Sugiri, D. and Tsai, M. and Yli-Tuomi, T. and Varro, M. J. and Vienneau, D. and von Klot, S. and Wolf, K. and Brunekreef, B. and Hoek, G.. (2012) Development of land use regression models for PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance, PM10 and PMcoarse in 20 European study areas : results of the ESCAPE project. Environmental science & technology, Vol. 46, H. 20. pp. 11195-11205. Eeftens, M. and Tsai, M. Y. and Ampe, C. and Anwander, B. and Beelen, R. and Bellander, T. and Cesaroni, G. and Cirach, M. and Cyrys, J. and de Hoogh, K. and de Nazelle, A. and de Vocht, F. and Declercq, C. and Dedele, A. and Eriksen, K. and Galassi, C. and Grauleviciene, R. and Grivas, G. and Heinrich, J. and Hoffmann, B. and Iakovides, M. and Ineichen, A. and Katsouyanni, K. and Korek, M. and Krämer, U. and Kuhlbusch, T. and Lanki, T. and Madsen, C. and Meliefste, K. and Mölter, A. and Mosler, G. and Nieuwenhuijsen, M. and Oldenwening, M. and Pennanen, A. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Quass, U. and Raaschou-Nielsen, O. and Ranzi, A. and Stephanou, E. and Sugiri, D. and Udvardy, O. and Vaskövi, E. and Weinmayr, G. and Brunekreef, B. and Hoek, G.. (2012) Spatial variation of PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and PMcoarse concentrations between and within 20 European study areas and the relationship with NO2 : results of the ESCAPE project. Atmospheric environment, 62. pp. 303-317. FFecht, Daniela and Fischer, Paul and Fortunato, Léa and Hoek, Gerard and de Hoogh, Kees and Marra, Marten and Kruize, Hanneke and Vienneau, Danielle and Beelen, Rob and Hansell, Anna. (2015) Associations between air pollution and socioeconomic characteristics, ethnicity and age profile of neighbourhoods in England and the Netherlands. Environmental pollution, 198. pp. 201-210. Fischer, Paul H. and Marra, Marten and Ameling, Caroline B. and Hoek, Gerard and Beelen, Rob and de Hoogh, Kees and Breugelmans, Oscar and Kruize, Hanneke and Janssen, Nicole A. H. and Houthuijs, Danny. (2015) Air pollution and mortality in seven million adults : the Dutch Environmental Longitudinal Study (DUELS). Environmental Health Perspectives, 123 (7). pp. 697-704. Frei, P. and Mohler, E. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Frohlich, J. and Neubauer, G. and Röösli, M.. (2012) Cohort study on the effects of everyday life radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure on non-specific symptoms and tinnitus. Environment international, 38 (1). pp. 29-36. Fuchs, O. and Genuneit, J. and Latzin, P. and Buchele, G. and Horak, E. and Loss, G. and Sozanska, B. and Weber, J. and Boznanski, A. and Heederik, D. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Frey, U. and von Mutius, E.. (2012) Farming environments and childhood atopy, wheeze, lung function, and exhaled nitric oxide. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 130 (2). pp. 382-388. HHardy, Andrew and Mageni, Zawadi and Dongus, Stefan and Killeen, Gerry and Macklin, Mark G. and Majambare, Silas and Ali, Abdullah and Msellem, Mwinyi and Al-Mafazy, Abdul-Wahiyd and Smith, Mark and Thomas, Chris. (2015) Mapping hotspots of malaria transmission from pre-existing hydrology, geology and geomorphology data in the pre-elimination context of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (41). Heydarpour, Pouria and Amini, Hassan and Khoshkish, Shayan and Seidkhani, Hossein and Sahraian, Mohammad Ali and Yunesian, Masud. (2014) Potential impact of air pollution on multiple sclerosis in Tehran, Iran. Neuroepidemiology, 43 (3-4). pp. 233-238. Hauri, D. D. and Huss, A. and Zimmermann, F. and Kuehni, C. E. and Röösli, M.. (2012) A prediction model for assessing residential radon concentration in Switzerland. Journal of environmental radioactivity, Vol. 112. pp. 83-89. Hoek, G. and Pattenden, S. and Willers, S. and Antova, T. and Fabianova, E. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Forastiere, F. and Gehring, U. and Luttmann-Gibson, H. and Grize, L. and Heinrich, J. and Houthuijs, D. and Janssen, N. and Katsnelson, B. and Kosheleva, A. and Moshammer, H. and Neuberger, M. and Privalova, L. and Rudnai, P. and Speizer, F. and Slachtova, H. and Tomaskova, H. and Zlotkowska, R. and Fletcher, T.. (2012) PM10 and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study. The European respiratory journal, 40 (3). pp. 538-547. IIlli, S. and Depner, M. and Genuneit, J. and Horak, E. and Loss, G. and Strunz-Lehner, C. and Buchele, G. and Boznanski, A. and Danielewicz, H. and Cullinan, P. and Heederik, D. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and von Mutius, E.. (2012) Protection from childhood asthma and allergy in Alpine farm environments : the GABRIEL Advanced Studies. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 129 (6). pp. 1470-1477. JJoseph, W. and Frei, P. and Röösli, M. and Vermeeren, G. and Bolte, J. and Thuroczy, G. and Gajsek, P. and Trcek, T. and Mohler, E. and Juhasz, P. and Finta, V. and Martens, L.. (2012) Between-country comparison of whole-body SAR from personal exposure data in urban areas. Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 33, H. 8. pp. 682-694. KKrusche, Johanna and Twardziok, Monika and Rehbach, Katharina and Böck, Andreas and Tsang, Miranda S. and Schröder, Paul C. and Kumbrink, Jörg and Kirchner, Thomas and Xing, Yuhan and Riedler, Josef and Dalphin, Jean-Charles and Pekkanen, Juha and Lauener, Roger and Roponen, Marjut and Li, Jing and Wong, Chun K. and Wong, Gary W. K. and Schaub, Bianca and Pasture study group, . (2019) TNF-α-induced protein 3 is a key player in childhood asthma development and environment-mediated protection. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 144 (6). pp. 1684-1696.e12. Karvonen, A. M. and Hyvarinen, A. and Gehring, U. and Korppi, M. and Doekes, G. and Riedler, J. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Bitter, S. and Schmid, S. and Keski-Nisula, L. and Roponen, M. and Kaulek, V. and Dalphin, J. C. and Pfefferle, P. I. and Renz, H. and Buchele, G. and von Mutius, E. and Pekkanen, J.. (2012) Exposure to microbial agents in house dust and wheezing, atopic dermatitis and atopic sensitization in early childhood : a birth cohort study in rural areas. Clinical & experimental allergy, Vol. 42, H. 8. pp. 1246-1256. LLwetoijera, Dickson W. and Harris, Caroline and Kiware, Samson S. and Dongus, Stefan and Devine, Gregor J. and McCall, Philip J. and Majambere, Silas. (2014) Increasing role of Anopheles funestus and Anopheles arabiensis in malaria transmission in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Malaria journal, Vol. 13 , 331. Lauer, O. and Neubauer, G. and Röösli, M. and Riederer, M. and Frei, P. and Mohler, E. and Fröhlich, J.. (2012) Measurement setup and protocol for characterizing and testing radio frequency personal exposure meters. Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 33, H. 1. pp. 75-85. Liu, L. J. S. and Tsai, M. Y. and Keidel, D. and Gemperli, A. and Ineichen, A. and Hazenkamp-von Arx, M. and Bayer-Oglesby, L. and Rochat, T. and Künzli, N. and Ackermann-Liebrich, U. and Straehl, P. and Schwartz, J. and Schindler, C.. (2012) Long-term exposure models for traffic related NO(2) across geographically diverse areas over separate years. Atmospheric environment, 46. pp. 460-471. Loss, G. and Bitter, S. and Wohlgensinger, J. and Frei, R. and Roduit, C. and Genuneit, J. and Pekkanen, J. and Roponen, M. and Hirvonen, M. R. and Dalphin, J. C. and Dalphin, M. L. and Riedler, J. and von Mutius, E. and Weber, J. and Kabesch, M. and Michel, S. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Lauener, R.. (2012) Prenatal and early-life exposures alter expression of innate immunity genes : the PASTURE cohort study. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 130 (2). pp. 523-530.e09. MMohler, E. and Frei, P. and Fröhlich, J. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Röösli, M.. (2012) Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and sleep quality : a prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, H. 5 , e37455. Mustonen, K. and Keski-Nisula, L. and Vaarala, O. and Pfefferle, P. I. and Renz, H. and Riedler, J. and Dalphin, J. C. and Buechele, G. and Lauener, R. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and von Mutius, E. and Pekkanen, J.. (2012) Few associations between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and environmental factors in 4.5-year-old children. Pediatric allergy and immunology, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 522-528. RRitter, M. and Müller, M. D. and Jorba, O. and Parlow, E. and Liu, L. J. S.. (2013) Impact of chemical and meteorological boundary and initial conditions on air quality modeling: WRF-Chem sensitivity evaluation for a European domain. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 119, Nr. 1-2. pp. 59-70. Roduit, Caroline and Frei, Remo and Loss, Georg and Büchele, Gisela and Weber, Juliane and Depner, Martin and Loeliger, Susanne and Dalphin, Marie-Laure and Roponen, Marjut and Hyvärinen, Anne and Riedler, Josef and Dalphin, Jean-Charles and Pekkanen, Juha and von Mutius, Erika and Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte and Lauener, Roger and Protection Against Allergy–Study in Rural Environments study gro, . (2012) Development of atopic dermatitis according to age of onset and association with early-life exposures. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 130 (1). pp. 130-136.e5. SSchultz, Christensen and Mortensen, L. H. and Röösli, M. and Feychting, M. and Tynes, T. and Andersen, T. V. and Schmidt, L. S. and Poulsen, A. H. and Aydin, D. and Kuehni, C. E. and Prochazka, M. and Lannering, B. and Klaeboe, L. and Eggen, T. and Schüz, J.. (2012) Brain tumors in children and adolescents and exposure to animals and farm life : a multicenter case-control study (CEFALO). Cancer causes & control : an international journal of studies of cancer in human populations, Vol. 23, H. 9. pp. 1463-1473. Stöcklin, L. and Loss, G. and von Mutius, E. and Genuneit, J. and Horak, E. and Braun-Fahrländer, C.. (2012) Health-related quality of life does not explain the protective effect of farming on allergies. Pediatric allergy and immunology, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 519-521. UUrbinello, D.. (2014) Bestandesaufnahme der implementierten Empfehlungen und Massnahmen im internationalen und nationalen Vergleich in Bezug auf Hitzewellen. Basel. |