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ArticleKraemer, Peter M. and Fontanesi, Laura and Spektor, Mikhail S. and Gluth, Sebastian. (2021) Response time models separate single- and dual-process accounts of memory-based decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28 (1). pp. 304-323. Weilbächer, Regina Agnes and Kraemer, Peter and Gluth, Sebastian. (2020) The Reflection Effect in Memory-Based Decisions. Psychological science. p. 1. Spektor, Mikhail S. and Gluth, Sebastian and Fontanesi, Laura and Rieskamp, Jörg. (2019) How similarity between choice options affects decisions from experience: the accentuation-of-differences model. Psychological review, 126 (1). pp. 52-88. Gluth, Sebastian and Jarecki, Jana B.. (2019) On the Importance of Power Analyses for Cognitive Modeling. Computational Brain & Behavior (2). pp. 266-270. Gluth, Sebastian and Meiran, Nachshon. (2019) Leave-One-Trial-Out, LOTO, a general approach to link single-trial parameters of cognitive models to neural data. eLife, 8. e42607. Fontanesi, Laura and Gluth, Sebastian and Spektor, Mikhail S. and Rieskamp, Jörg. (2019) A reinforcement learning diffusion decision model for value-based decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26 (4). pp. 1099-1121. Spilcke-Liss, Julia and Zhu, Jun and Gluth, Sebastian and Spezio, Michael and Gläscher, Jan. (2019) Semantic Incongruency Interferes With Endogenous Attention in Cross-Modal Integration of Semantically Congruent Objects. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 13. p. 53. Busemeyer, Jerome R. and Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Turner, Brandon M.. (2019) Cognitive and Neural Bases of Multi-Attribute, Multi-Alternative, Value-based Decisions. Trends in cognitive sciences, 23 (3). pp. 251-263. Fontanesi, Laura and Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Forstmann, Birte U.. (2019) The role of dopaminergic nuclei in predicting and experiencing gains and losses: A 7T human fMRI study. bioRxiv. pp. 1-26. Gluth, Sebastian and Spektor, Mikhail S. and Rieskamp, Joerg. (2018) Value-based attentional capture affects multi-alternative decision making. eLife, 7 (e39659). pp. 1-36. Mechera-Ostrovsky, Tehilla and Gluth, Sebastian. (2018) Memory Beliefs Drive the Memory Bias on Value-based Decisions. Scientific Reports, 8 (10592). pp. 1-10. Gluth, Sebastian and Hotaling, Jared M. and Rieskamp, Jörg. (2017) The attraction effect modulates reward prediction errors and intertemporal choices. Journal of Neuroscience, 37 (2). pp. 371-382. Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg. (2017) Variability in behavior that cognitive models do not explain can be linked to neuroimaging data. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 76 (B ). pp. 104-116. Weilbächer, Regina Agnes and Gluth, Sebastian. (2017) The interplay of hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in memory-based decision making. Brain Sciences, 7 (1). p. 4. Gluth, S. and Rieskamp, J. and Buchel, C.. (2017) Correction: Deciding Not to Decide: Computational and Neural Evidence for Hidden Behavior in Sequential Choice. PLoS Computational Biology, 13 (4). p. 1. Gluth, Sebastian and Fontanesi, Laura. (2016) Wiring the altruistic brain. Science, 351 (6277). pp. 1028-1029. Gluth, Sebastian and Sommer, Tobias and Rieskamp, Jörg and Büchel, Christian. (2015) Effective connectivity between hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex controls preferential choices from Memory. Neuron, 86 (4). pp. 1078-1090. Clos, Mareike and Schwarze, Ulrike and Gluth, Sebastian and Bunzeck, Nico and Sommer, Tobias. (2015) Goal- and retrieval-dependent activity in the striatum during memory recognition. Neuropsychologia, 72. pp. 1-11. Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Büchel, Christian. (2014) Neural evidence for adaptive strategy selection in value-based decision-making. Cerebral Cortex, 24 (8). pp. 2009-2021. Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Büchel, Christian. (2013) Classic EEG motor potentials track the emergence of value-based decisions. NeuroImage, 79 (1). pp. 394-403. Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Büchel, Christian. (2013) Deciding not to decide : computational and neural evidence for hidden behavior in sequential choice. PLoS Computational Biology, Vol. 9, H. 10 , e1003309. Boll, Sabrina and Gamer, Matthias and Gluth, Sebastian and Finsterbusch, Jürgen and Büchel, Christian. (2013) Separate amygdala subregions signal surprise and predictiveness during associative fear learning in humans. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37 (5). pp. 758-767. Gluth, Sebastian and Rieskamp, Jörg and Büchel, Christian. (2012) Deciding when to decide : time-variant sequential sampling models explain the emergence of value-based decisions in the human brain. Journal of neuroscience, Vol. 32, H. 31. pp. 10686-10698. Brassen, Stefanie and Gamer, Matthias and Peters, Jan and Gluth, Sebastian and Büchel, Christian. (2012) Don't look back in anger! Responsiveness to missed chances in successful and nonsuccessful aging. Science, 336 (6081). pp. 612-614. Burzynska, Agnieszka Z. and Nagel, Irene E. and Preuschhof, Claudia and Gluth, Sebastian and Bäckman, Lars and Li, Shu-Chen and Lindenberger, Ulman and Heekeren, Hauke R.. (2012) Cortical thickness is linked to executive functioning in adulthood and aging. Human Brain Mapping, 33 (7). pp. 1607-1620. Ebner, Natalie C. and Gluth, Sebastian and Johnson, Matthew R. and Raye, Carol L. and Mitchell, Karen J. and Johnson, Marcia K.. (2011) Medial prefrontal cortex activity when thinking about others depends on their age. Neurocase, 17 (3). pp. 260-269. Gluth, Sebastian and Ebner, Natalie C. and Schmiedek, Florian. (2010) Attitudes toward younger and older adults: The German Aging Semantic Differential. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34 (2). pp. 147-158. Book SectionKraemer, Peter M. and Weilbächer, Regina Agnes and Fontanesi, Laura and Gluth, Sebastian. (2020) Neural Bases of Financial Decision Making: From Spikes to Large-Scale Brain Connectivity. In: Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making. New York, pp. 3-19. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleGluth, Sebastian. (22 December 2016) Zuckerbrot und Peitsche - wie uns die biologischen Grundlagen des Lernens prägen. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell. pp. 32-36. Lengerich. |