Items where contributor is "Vach, Werner"
ArticleVach, Werner and Alder, Cornelia and Pichler, Sandra. (2022) Analyzing coarsened categorical data with or without probabilistic information. The Stata Journal, 22 (1). pp. 158-194. Brönnimann, David and Rissanen, Hannele and Spichtig, Nobert and Wimmer, Johannes and Gottardi, Corina and Knipper, Corina and Kühn, Marlu and Müller-Kissing, Milena and Pichler, Sandra and Rentzel, Philippe and Stopp, Barbara and Vach, Werner and Warnberg, Ole and Alt, Kurt W. and Schibler, Jörg and Röder, Brigitte and Lassau, Guido. (2022) Die jüngerlatènezeitliche Zentralsiedlung Basel-Gasfabrik im Fokus: Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären Forschung. Jahresbericht der archäologischen Bodenforschung des Kantons Basel-Stadt, 2021. pp. 117-151. Navitainuck, Denise U. and Vach, Werner and Pichler, Sandra L. and Alt, Kurt W.. (2022) Age-at-death estimation in archaeological samples: Differences in population means resulting from different aging methods can be predicted from the mean ages of method-specific reference samples. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 32 (6). pp. 1226-1237. Banholzer, Nicolas and Feuerriegel, Stefan and Vach, Werner. (2022) Estimating and explaining cross-country variation in the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12 (1). ARTN 7526. Vach, Werner and Wehberg, Sonja and Guentert, Bernhard and Jakob, Marcel and Luta, George. (2022) Healthcare provider profiling: fixing observation period or fixing sample size? BMJ Open Quality, 11 (2). ARTN e001588. LeBlanc, Marissa and Rueegg, Corina S. and Bekiroglu, Nural and Esterhuizen, Tonya M. and Fagerland, Morten W. and Falk, Ragnhild S. and Froslie, Kathrine F. and Graf, Erika and Heinze, Georg and Held, Ulrike and Holst, Rene and Lange, Theis and Mazumdar, Madhu and Myrberg, Ida H. and Posch, Martin and Sergeant, Jamie C. and Vach, Werner and Vance, Eric A. and Weedon-Fekjaer, Harald and Zucknick, Manuela. (2022) Statistical advising: Professional development opportunities for the biostatistician COMMENT. Statistics in Medicine, 41 (5). pp. 847-859. Mani-Caplazi, Gabriela and Vach, Werner and Wittwer-Backofen, Ursula and Hotz, Gerhard. (2022) The concordance of signals based on irregular incremental lines in the human tooth cementum with documented pregnancies: Results from a systematic approach. PLoS ONE, 17 (9). ARTN e0267336. Banholzer, Nicolas and Lison, Adrian and Ozcelik, Dennis and Stadler, Tanja and Feuerriegel, Stefan and Vach, Werner. (2022) The methodologies to assess the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19: a systematic review. European Journal of Epidemiology, 37 (10). pp. 1003-1024. Hot, Amra and Benda, Norbert and Bossuyt, Patrick M. and Gerke, Oke and Vach, Werner and Zapf, Antonia. (2022) Sample size recalculation based on the prevalence in a randomized test-treatment study. BMC medical research methodology, 22 (1). ARTN 205. Ismailidis, Petros and Kvarda, Peter and Vach, Werner and Cadosch, Dieter and Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian and Mündermann, Annegret. (2021) Abductor Muscle Strength Deficit in Patients After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The Journal of arthroplasty, 36 (8). pp. 3015-3027. Indra, Lara and Vach, Werner and Desideri, Jocelyne and Besse, Marie and Pichler, Sandra L.. (2021) Testing the validity of population-specific sex estimation equations: An evaluation based on talus and patella measurements. Science & Justice, 61 (5). pp. 555-563. Vach, Werner and Bibiza, Eric and Gerke, Oke and Bossuyt, Patrick M. and Friede, Tim and Zapf, Antonia. (2021) A potential for seamless designs in diagnostic research could be identified. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 129. pp. 51-59. Vach, Werner and Gerke, Oke. (2021) How Replicates Can Inform Potential Users of a Measurement Procedure about Measurement Error: Basic Concepts and Methods. Diagnostics, 11 (2). p. 162. Banholzer, Nicolas and van Weenen, Eva and Lison, Adrian and Cenedese, Alberto and Seeliger, Arne and Kratzwald, Bernhard and Tschernutter, Daniel and Salles, Joan Puig and Bottrighi, Pierluigi and Lehtinen, Sonja and Feuerriegel, Stefan and Vach, Werner. (2021) Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the number of new infections with COVID-19 during the first epidemic wave. PLoS ONE, 16 (6). e0252827. Hot, Amra and Bossuyt, Patrick M. and Gerke, Oke and Wahl, Simone and Vach, Werner and Zapf, Antonia. (2021) Randomized test-treatment studies with an outlook on adaptive designs. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21 (1). p. 110. Haghish, E. F. and Vach, Werner and Hojen, Anders and Bleses, Dorthe. (2021) Estimating measurement error in child language assessments administered by daycare educators in large scale intervention studies. PloS one, 16 (11). e0255414. Navitainuck, Denise U. and Vach, Werner and Alt, Kurt W. and Schibler, Jörg. (2021) Best practice for osteological sexing in forensics and bioarchaeology: The utility of combining metric and morphological traits from different anatomical regions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, 31 (6). pp. 987-1000. Nicklisch, Nicole and Schierz, Oliver and Enzmann, Frieder and Knipper, Corina and Held, Petra and Vach, Werner and Dresely, Veit and Meller, Harald and Friederich, Susanne and Alt, Kurt W.. (2021) Dental pulp calcifications in prehistoric and historical skeletal remains. Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, 235. p. 151675. Ismailidis, Petros and Kvarda, Peter and Vach, Werner and Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian and Mündermann, Annegret. (2020) Abductor muscle strength deficit in patients after total hip arthroplasty for hip osteoarthritis: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open, 10 (7). e035413. Mündermann, Annegret and Vach, Werner and Pagenstert, Geert and Egloff, Christian and Nüesch, Corina. (2020) Assessing in vivo articular cartilage mechanosensitivity as outcome of high tibial osteotomy in patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis: experimental protocol. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 2 (2). p. 100043. Ismail‐Meyer, Kristin and Vach, Werner and Rentzel, Philippe. (2020) Do still waters run deep? Formation processes of natural and anthropogenic deposits in the Neolithic wetland site Zug‐Riedmatt (Switzerland). Geoarchaeology An International Journal, 35 (6). pp. 921-951. Eckert, Maren and Vach, Werner. (2020) On the use of comparison regions in visualizing stochastic uncertainty in some two-parameter estimation problems. BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL, 62 (3). pp. 598-609. Jensen, Rikke Kruger and Lauridsen, Henrik Hein and Andresen, Andreas Duch Kiilerich and Mieritz, Rune Mygind and Schiottz-Christensen, Berit and Vach, Werner. (2020) Diagnostic Screening for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Clinical Epidemiology, 12. pp. 891-905. Nielsen, Anne Molgaard and Binding, Adrian and Ahlbrandt-Rains, Casey and Boeker, Martin and Feuerriegel, Stefan and Vach, Werner. (2020) Exploring conceptual preprocessing for developing prognostic models: a case study in low back pain patients. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, 122. pp. 27-34. Gerke, Oke and Ehlers, Karen and Motschall, Edith and Høilund-Carlsen, Poul Flemming and Vach, Werner. (2020) PET/CT-Based Response Evaluation in Cancer-a Systematic Review of Design Issues. Molecular imaging and biology, 22 (1). pp. 33-46. Huebner, Marianne and Vach, Werner and le Cessie, Saskia and Schmidt, Carsten Oliver and Lusa, Lara. (2020) Hidden analyses: a review of reporting practice and recommendations for more transparent reporting of initial data analyses. BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 20 (1). p. 61. Høilund-Carlsen, Poul Flemming and Braad, Poul-Erik and Gerke, Oke and Iversen, Kasper Karmark and Vach, Werner. (2020) Low-Dose Radiation to COVID-19 Patients to Ease the Disease Course and Reduce the Need of Intensive Care. Journal of nuclear medicine , 61 (12). pp. 1724-1725. Jensen, Jana S. and Reiter-Theil, Stella and Celio, Diana A. and Jakob, Marcel and Vach, Werner and Saxer, Franziska J.. (2019) Handling of informed consent and patient inclusion in research with geriatric trauma patients - a matter of protection or disrespect? Clinical Interventions in Aging (14). pp. 321-334. Brönnimann, David and Portmann, Cordula and Pichler, Sandra L. and Booth, Thomas J. and Röder, Brigitte and Vach, Werner and Schibler, Jörg and Rentzel, Philippe. (2018) Contextualising the dead - Combining geoarchaeology and osteo-anthropology in a new multi-focus approach in bone histotaphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 98. pp. 45-58. Bopp-Ito, Miki and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Vach, Werner and Schibler, Jörg. (2018) Size diversity in Swiss Bronze Age cattle. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 28 (3). pp. 294-304. Book SectionPichler, Sandra and Röder, Brigitte and Spichtig, Norbert and Brönnimann, David and Knipper, Corina and Kühn, Marlu and Rentzel, Philippe and Rissanen, Hannele and Stopp, Barbara and Vach, Werner and Warnberg, Ole and Alt, Kurt W. and Schibler, Jörg and Lassau, Guido. (2017) The Basel-Gasfabrik research project: Addressing complex topics by an integrative approach. In: Multidisciplinary Approach to Archaology: Recent Archievements and Prospects. International Symposium June 22-26, 2015, Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk, pp. 240-247. Conference or Workshop ItemBühl, Linda and Müller, Sebastian and Nüesch, Corina and Vach, Werner and Pagenstert, Geert and Mündermann, Annegret and Egloff, Christian. (2020) Beinsymmetrie in Muskelkraft und Einbeinsprüngen nach primärer VKB Naht mit ligamentärer Verstärkung (Internal Brace): 2-Jahres-Follow-up. In: UNSPECIFIED, 36. pp. 213-214. Mündermann, Annegret and Herger, Simon and Liphardt, Anna-Maria and Vach, Werner and Egloff, Christian and Nüesch, Corina. (2020) Framework for modulating ambulatory load in the context of in vivo mechanosensitivity of articular cartilage. In: UNSPECIFIED, 28. S455-S456. Herger, Simon and Vach, Werner and Liphardt, Anna-Maria and Egloff, Christian and Nüesch, Corina and Mündermann, Annegret. (2020) Analytical approach for determining the suitability of nine cadidate blood markers for investigating the response of articular cartilage to ambulatory load. In: UNSPECIFIED, 28. S320-S321. |