Items where contributor is "Kesselring, Rita"
Jump to: Article | Book | Book Section | Thesis | Working Paper | Newspaper or Magazine Article | Other ArticleDobler, Gregor and Kesselring, Rita. (2019) Swiss Extractivism: Switzerland's role in Zambia's copper sector. Journal of Modern African Studies, 57 (2). pp. 223-245. Kesselring, Rita. (2018) At an extractive pace: Conflicting temporalities in a resettlement process in Solwezi, Zambia. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (2). pp. 237-244. Wilson, Richard Ashby and Kesselring, Rita. (2018) Book review: Bodies of Truth: Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-apartheid South Africa. Rita Kesselring. CA: Stanford University Press, 2017. American ethnologist, 45 (2). pp. 307-308. Kesselring, Rita. (2017) The Electricity Crisis in Zambia: blackouts and social stratification in new mining towns. Energy Research & Social Science, 30. pp. 94-102. Kesselring, Rita. (2016) An Injury to One is an Injury to All? Class Actions in South African Courts and their Effects on Plaintiffs. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 39 (S1). pp. 74-88. Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Case pending : practices of inclusion and exclusion in a class of plaintiffs. Anthropology Southern Africa, 38 (1-2). pp. 16-28. Kesselring, Rita. (2014) Book review: Complementarity in the Line of Fire: the cataliysing effect of the International Criminal Court in Uganda and Sudan by Sarah M. Nouwen. The journal of modern African studies, 52 (3). pp. 507-509. De Villiers, Isolde and Kesselring, Rita. (2014) What's in a Name? Street Names and the Fine Line between Silencing and Predicating History. Tsantsa, 19. pp. 150-162. Kesselring, Rita. (2012) Corporate apartheid-era human rights violations before U.S. courts : political and legal controversies around victimhood in today’s South Africa. Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, Jg. 12, Nr. 23. pp. 77-105. BookKesselring, Rita. (2016) Bodies of truth : law, memory, and emancipation in post-apartheid South Africa. Stanford studies in human rights. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Förster, Till and Kesselring, Rita, eds. (2016) One World Anthropology. JJ Bachofen Lecture: Basic Questions of Anthropology. Basel. Förster, Till and Kesselring, Rita, eds. (2014) Closed Borders and Open Minds. Existential Negotiations and Intersubjective Dilemmas. J.J. Bachofen lecture, 1. Basel. Book SectionKesselring, Rita. (2021) Beware the Mineral Narrative: the histories of Solwezi town and Kansanshi Mine, North-Western Zambia, c. 1899-2020. In: Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa’s Borderland Communities. Woodbridge, pp. 122-152. Kesselring, Rita. (2020) Inequality, Victimhood, and Redress. In: The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology. Oxford, pp. 644-660. Kesselring, Rita and Puwana, Zukiswa. (2018) Persistent Injuries, the Law and Politics: The South African Victims’ Support Group Khulumani and Its Struggle for Redress. In: Advocating Transitional Justice in Africa: The Role of Civil Society. Cham, pp. 91-110. Kesselring, Rita. (2018) The Local State in a New Mining Area in Zambia's Northwestern Province. In: Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa: Beyond the Resource Curse. London, pp. 129-147. Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Experiences of violence and the formation of the political : embodied memory and victimhood in South Africa. In: The politics of governance. New York, pp. 151-179. Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Cultural reproduction and memory : past, present and future. In: Explorations in African History. Basel, pp. 23-28. ThesisKesselring, Rita. The South African social movement for reparations and its legal interventions. 2013, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Working PaperKesselring, Rita. (2017) Disenclaving the Planners’ Enclave: The housing project Kabitaka in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia. Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa. Oxford. Kesselring, Rita. (2017) Südafrika am Scheideweg. Erfüllen sich jetzt die Forderungen der Apartheidopfer? Göttingen. Kesselring, Rita. (2017) How Can We Write about the Experience of Violence? Combined Academic Publishers Blog. Kesselring, Rita and Babül, Elif and Goodale, Mark and Kelly, Tobias and Niezen, Ronald and Sapignoli, Maria and Wilson, Richard Ashby. (2017) The Future of Anthropology of Law. Emergent Conversation, 6. Berkeley, California. Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Searching for Social Change. Stanford University Press Blog. Stanford. Kesselring, Rita. (2015) Moments of Dislocation: Why the Body Matters in Ethnographic Research. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (8). Newspaper or Magazine ArticleDobler, Gregor and Kesselring, Rita. (12 November 2018) Extractivism à la Suisse : The Role of Swiss Companies in the Copper Value Chain. Afrika Bulletin, 43 (172). pp. 4-5. Basel. Kesselring, Rita. (12 November 2018) What Zambia and Switzerland Have in Common : Copper and Resistance to Extractivism. Afrika Bulletin, 43 (172). p. 3. Basel. Kesselring, Rita. (22 May 2018) Swiss-based Commodity Trade and Life in a New Mining Town in Zambia. Medium - Sci Five - University of Basel. 0-0. Basel. Adriaanse, Dominic. (16 February 2017) New book on victims of apartheid era atrocities. Cape Times. Cape Town. Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Alltag an der Minenfrontier. Afrika Süd. pp. 16-18. Bonn. Kesselring, Rita. (2016) Zambia: Funktionierende Opposition am Puls der Rohstoffmärkte. Afrika Bulletin. p. 9. Basel. Kesselring, Rita. (8 September 2014) Augenschein im alten und neuen Copperbelt Zambias: Auswirkungen des globalen Rohstoffbooms auf Alltag und Umwelt. Afrika Bulletin, (155). Basel. Kesselring, Rita. (2014) Die Hinterbliebenen des Marikana-Massakers. Afrika-Süd: Zeitschrift zum südlichen Afrika, 2014 (4). Bonn. Kesselring, Rita. (2 January 2010) Balintulo gegen Daimler: Die Opferorganisation Khulumani fordert eine umfassende Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit. iz3w , Dossier . Freiburg i. Breisgau. Kesselring, Rita. (2009) Bericht aus Kapstadt: In der einen Hand hielt ich den Koffer, an der anderen die Kinder. fepa Bulletin. Basel. Kesselring, Rita and Müller, Barbara. (2009) Apartheidklagen schreiben Rechtsgeschichte. Finanzplatzinformationen, Bulletin der Aktion Finanzplatz Schweiz. pp. 2-3. Basel. OtherKesselring, Rita and Hohn, Julia and Martin, Carole and Huber, Monika and Karsko, Anna and Hobi, Anna-Sophie and Kimura, Misato and Oliveira, Deborah and Everwijn, Aurel and Monnier, Michèle and Christen, Anna. (2020) Ethnographic Vignettes: Social Change and Social Encounters in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia. Basel Papers on Political Transformations, (20/21). Kesselring, Rita and Leins, Stefan and Schulz, Yvan. (2019) Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain (Working Paper). pp. 1-30. Genf. |