Items where contributor is "Habermann, Ina"
ArticleHabermann, Ina. (2020) Gibraltarian Hauntologies: Spectres of Colonialism in the Fiction of M. G. Sanchez. Open Library of the Humanities, 6 (1). p. 19. Habermann, Ina. (2018) Machtwort und Wortgewalt im Fall Othello. Zeitsprünge - Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit, 22 (3-4). pp. 286-301. Habermann, Ina. (2018) British- European Entanglements: M.G. Sanchez' The Escape Artist and the Case of Gibraltar. Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (2). b1-20. Habermann, Ina. (2017) Review of M. Matei-Chesnoiu, Geoparsing Early Modern English Drama, G. Hollis, The Absence of America. The London Stage, 1576-1642, Peter Whitfield, Mapping Shakespeare's World. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 153. pp. 247-250. Habermann, Ina. (2015) Review of Andrew James Hartley, Shakespeare & Political Theatre in Practice, Palgrave Macmillan 2013 and Daniel Juan Gil, Shakespeare's Anti-Politics. Sovereign Power and the Life of the Flesh, Palgrave Macmillan 2013. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 151. pp. 254-256. Habermann, Ina. (2015) Ominous Feasts. Celebration in Shakespeare's Drama. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 151. pp. 116-130. Habermann, Ina. (2013) Review of Wes Williams, Monsters & their Meanings in Early Modern Culture: Mighty Magic, Oxford University Press 2011. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 149. pp. 280-281. Habermann, Ina. (2013) Review of Ann Margaret Lange, Writing the Way Out. Inheritance and Appropriation in Aemilia Lanyer, Isabella Whitney, Mary (Sidney) Herbert and Mary Wroth, Peter Lang 2011. Anglistik. International journal of English studies, 24 (2). pp. 222-223. Habermann, Ina. (2013) Introduction: Political Topographies. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 20 (2). pp. 91-95. Habermann, Ina. (2012) ‘I shall have share in this most happy wreck’ – Shakespeare’s Topology of Shipwrecking. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 148. pp. 55-72. Habermann, Ina. (2012) Review of Merle Tönnies and Heike Buschmann (eds.), Spatial Representations of British Identities, Winter 2012. Anglia, 130 (4). pp. 589-592. Habermann, Ina. (2012) Review of Sabine Mollenhauer, Die Repräsentation von Geschlechterrollen in W. Shakespeares Dramen, Winter 2011. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 164 (249). pp. 431-433. Habermann, Ina and Kuhn, Nikolaus. (2011) Sustainable Fictions – Geographical, Literary and Cultural Intersections in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. The Cartographic Journal, 48 (4). pp. 263-273. Habermann, Ina. (2010) Review of "The Martin Marprelate Tracts. A Modernized and Annotated Edition" by Joseph L. Black (CUP 2008). Anglistik. International journal of English studies. pp. 187-188. Habermann, Ina. (2010) Review John A. Lynn II, Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe, Ros King and Paul J.C.M. Franssen (eds.), Shakespeare and War, 2008. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 146. pp. 254-257. Habermann, Ina. (2009) Review of "Upward Mobility and the Common Good, toward a Literary History of the Welfare State" by Bruce Robbins : Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 57 (1). pp. 93-94. Habermann, Ina. (2009) [Rezension von] Beck, Rudolf, Kuester, Hildegard und Kuester, Martin: Basislexikon anglistische Literaturwissenschaft : München 2007. Anglia, 127 (3). pp. 533-536. Habermann, Ina. (2009) [Review of] "Shakespeares Komödien. Spiele aus dem Reich der Freiheit" by Ekkehart Krippendorff : (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2007). Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Vol. 246. pp. 179-181. Habermann, Ina. (2009) "What Sounds are Those, Helvellyn?" : William Wordsworths geistige Landschaften. Colloquium Helveticum, 39(2008). pp. 41-60. Habermann, Ina. (2009) [Review of] Dympna Callaghan, The Impact of Feminism on Renaissance Studies, Basingstoke (Palgrave Macmillan) 2006, XIV–346 S., ISBN 1-4039-9212-6, GBP 55,00. Francia Recensio : Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte, 2009, No. 1. Habermann, Ina. (2009) Review Laurie Maguire, Shakespeare’s Names, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 145. pp. 264-265. Habermann, Ina. (2007) Review of "Feminism and Territoriality, a Bifocal Case Study of Literary Irelands" by Susanne Hagemann : Trier: wvt, 2005. Anglia, 125 (3). pp. 571-574. Habermann, Ina. (2007) Review of "Rhetoric and Renaissance Culture" by Heinrich F. Plett : Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004. Anglia, 125 (2). pp. 367-370. Habermann, Ina. (2007) [Rezension von] Forgone Nations - Constructions of National Identity in Elizabethan Historiography and Literature - Stanihurst, Spenser, Shakespeare by Florian Kläger : Trier, wvt 2006. Journal for the study of British cultures, Vol. 14, H. 2. pp. 178-179. Habermann, Ina. (2007) Review Saskia Kossak, ″Frame My Face to All Occasions″ - Shakespeare’s Richard III on Screen, 2005; H.R. Coursen, Shakespeare Translated. Derivatives on Film and TV, 2005; Sarah Hatchuel, Shakespeare, from Stage to Screen, 2004. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 143. pp. 253-255. Habermann, Ina. (2006) [Review of] Literaturwissenschaft in Theorie und Praxis. Eine anglistischamerikanistische Einführung. Ed. Ralf Schneider unter Mitwirkung von Christina Spittel / Hans-Werner Ludwig und Thomas Rommel: Studium Literaturwissenschaft. Arbeitstechniken und Neue Medien. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Vol. 243,. pp. 144-146. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2006) Theorising Cultural Difference and Transdifference - Editorial. Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 13 (2). pp. 99-104. Habermann, Ina. (2005) Review of "Theorien der Literatur, Grundlagen und Perspektiven" edited by Hans Vilmar Geppert and Hubert Zapf (Tübingen and Basel: Francke, 2003), "Theory Matters" by Vincent B. Leitch (New York, London: Routledge, 2003. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 53 (4). pp. 411-413. Habermann, Ina. (2005) [Rezension von] Angela McRobbie (2005), The Uses of Cultural Studies - a textbook : London et al., Sage 2005, 211 S., £ 18.99, ISBN 1-4129-845-0. Journal for the study of British cultures, Vol. 12, H. 2. pp. 175-176. Habermann, Ina. (2004) [Rezension von] A Fast-Forward Version of England by Silvia Mergenthal : Heidelberg, Winter 2003. Journal for the study of British cultures, Vol. 11, H. 1. pp. 94-96. Habermann, Ina. (2004) Review Ania Loomba, Shakespeare, Race and Colonialism, 2002 and Chantal Zabus, Tempests After Shakespeare, 2002. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 140. pp. 303-305. Habermann, Ina. (2004) Breathing Stones – Shakespeare and the Theatre of the Passions. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 140. pp. 1-18. Habermann, Ina. (2003) Review of "Plotting Women, Gender and Narration in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Novel" by Alison A. Case : Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 50 (4). pp. 529-530. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2003) Das Graduiertenkolleg Kulturhermeneutik im Zeichen von Differenz und Transdifferenz an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Anglistik, Vol. 14, H. 2. pp. 105-112. Habermann, Ina. (2002) [Rezension von] The Practice of Cultural Analysis - Exposing Inter-disciplinary Interpretation, edited by Mieke Bal : Stanford, Stanford University Press 1999. Journal for the study of British cultures, Vol. 9, H. 2. pp. 233-234. Habermann, Ina. (2002) Shakespeare unlimited - News from the stock exchange. Review Christy Desmet und Robert Sawyer (ed.), Shakespeare and Appropriation, 1999; Daniel Fischlin/Mark Fortier (eds.), Adaptations of Shakespeare, 2000; Katharina Kettner, ‘Such Stuff as Films are Made on’: Shakespeare im Medienwechsel, 1999. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 138. pp. 242-245. Habermann, Ina. (2001) Review of "Lebenstexte, Literarische Selbststilisierungen englischer Frauen in der frühen Neuzeit" by Gabriele Rippl : München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1998. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 49 (2). pp. 185-186. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2000) Review of "A Revolution in Sentiments, Manners, and Moral Opinions, Catharine Macaulay und die politische Kultur des englischen Radikalismus, 1760-1790" by Vera Nünning : Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1998. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 48 (1). pp. 80-82. Habermann, Ina. (1999) Review of "The Culture of Slander in Early Modern England" by Lindsay M. Kaplan : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. Anglia, 117 (4). pp. 597-600. Habermann, Ina. (1998) Review Von lustigen Weibern und gehörnten Männern – Neues aus der Gender-Forschung (Helen Wilcox (ed.), Women and Literature in Early Modern Britain, 1996; Mark Breitenberg, Anxious Masculinity, 1996; Rosemary Kegl, The Rhetoric of Concealment, 1994; Laura Gowing, Domestic Dangers, 1996). Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 134. pp. 277-282. BookKeller, Daniela and Habermann, Ina, eds. (2021) Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 39. Tübingen. Habermann, Ina, ed. (2020) The road to Brexit: A cultural perspective on British attitudes of Europe. Manchester. Habermann, Ina and Krug, Christian, eds. (2020) And Thereby Hangs a Tale: A Critical Anatomy of (Popular) Tales. FAU Studien aus der Philosophischen Fakultät, 15. Erlangen. Rostek, Joanna and Zwierlein, Anne Julia and Habermann, Ina, eds. (2019) Literatures of Brexit. Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 26 (2). Würzburg. Habermann, Ina and Witen, Michelle, eds. (2016) Shakespeare and Space. Theatrical Explorations of the Spatial Paradigm. Palgrave Shakespeare studies. London. Habermann, Ina and Keller, Daniela, eds. (2016) English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Spatial practices, 23. Leiden. Habermann, Ina, ed. (2013) Political Topographies. Journal for the study of British cultures, 20 (2). Würzburg. Habermann, Ina. (2010) Myth, memory and the middlebrow : Priestley, du Maurier and the symbolic form of Englishness. Basingstoke. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris, eds. (2006) Theorising Cultural Difference and Transdifference. Journal for the Study of British Cultures, Vol. 13, H. 2 (2006). Tübingen. Habermann, Ina. (2003) Staging slander and gender in early modern England. Women and gender in the early modern world. Aldershot. Book SectionHabermann, Ina and Keller, Daniela. (2021) Introduction: In the Shallows of National Identity. In: Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity. Tübingen, pp. 9-22. Habermann, Ina. (2018) The Literary Channel: Identity and Liminal Space in Island Fictions. In: Spatial Modernities: Geography, Narrative, Imaginaries. London, pp. 150-160. Habermann, Ina. (2018) English Visions: The Work of Jacquetta Hawkes Priestley. In: Fashioning England and the English Literature, Nation, Gender. Basingstoke, pp. 253-271. Habermann, Ina. (2018) Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Literature: The Causes and Collaborations of J.B. Priestley and Jacquetta Hawkes Priestley. In: British Literature in Transition, 1940-1960: Postwar. Cambridge, pp. 192-208. Habermann, Ina. (2017) The Pressburger Touch. Ein ungarischer Jude im britischen Filmgeschäft. In: Lebenskunst. Erkundungen zu Biographie, Lebenswelt und Erinnerung. Festschrift für Jacques Picard. Köln, pp. 133-142. Habermann, Ina and Keller, Daniela. (2016) English Topographies: Introduction. In: English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Leiden , pp. 1-13. Habermann, Ina and Witen, Michelle. (2016) Introduction. In: Shakespeare and Space. Theatrical Explorations of the Spatial Paradigm. Basingstoke, pp. 1-13. Habermann, Ina. (2014) Hamlets Misogynie? In: Hamlet-Handbuch. Stuttgart, pp. 62-66. Habermann, Ina. (2013) Wann denkt Shakespeare an Ovid? In: Carmen Perpetuum. Ovids Metamorphosen in der Weltliteratur. Basel, pp. 149-163. Habermann, Ina. (2011) Reaching Beyond Silence: Metaphors of Ineffability in English Poetry — Donne, Wordsworth, Keats, Eliot. In: Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory. Perspectives on Literary Metaphor. New York, pp. 77-93. Habermann, Ina. (2011) Shakespeare’s Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. In: A History of British Drama: Genres, Developments, Interpretations. Trier, pp. 47-62. Habermann, Ina and Kern-Stähler, Annette. (2010) Introduction: Literature and Silence. In: Anglistentag 2009 Klagenfurt: Proceedings. Trier, pp. 377-381. Habermann, Ina. (2009) The life and death of harriet frean. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart, pp. 191-192. Habermann, Ina. (2009) Die Welt als Gutshof – von der Illusion, unpolitisch bleiben zu können. In: Wolfgang Clemen im Kontext seiner Zeit : ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte vor und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Heidelberg, pp. 103-118. Habermann, Ina. (2009) May Sinclair. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart, p. 191. Habermann, Ina. (2007) England an Island: Englishness as a symbolic form in Jacquetta Hawkes's a Land (1951). In: Insular mentalities : mental maps of Britain : essays in honour of Bernd Lenz. Passau, pp. 89-102. Habermann, Ina. (2006) British Cinema and "the People’s War". In: Medialised Britain. Passau, pp. 119-139. Habermann, Ina. (2005) Modifikationen des Modernismus – Medialität, Identität, Populärkultur. In: Kulturgeschichte der englischen Literatur : von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart. Tübingen, pp. 251-264. Habermann, Ina. (2005) Tennis mit Kanonenkugeln – Heinrich V und die Dynamik der Macht. In: König Heinrich V. Cadolzburg, pp. 387-411. Habermann, Ina. (2004) Theatre and the Law: The Concept of Equity in John Webster's The White Devil. In: Realigning Renaissance Culture: Intrusion and Adjustment on the Renaissance Stage. Trier, pp. 137-148. Habermann, Ina. (2004) She has that in her belly will dry up your ink: Femininity as challenge in the equitable drama of John Webster. In: Literature, politics and law in Renaissance England. Basingstoke, pp. 100-122. Habermann, Ina. (2003) The Archers’ Tale: Images of Britain in the Films of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. In: Anglistentag 2002 Bayreuth: Proceedings. Trier, pp. 295-306. Habermann, Ina. (2002) Elizabeth Cary. In: Metzler-Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren. Stuttgart, pp. 104-105. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2002) Women's Cultural Criticism. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 407-408. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2002) Cultural Feminism. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 54-55. Habermann, Ina. (2002) Elizabeth Bowen. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 56-57. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2002) Gendered Identity. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 145-146. Habermann, Ina and Feldmann, Doris. (2002) Geschlechterrolle. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 158-159. Habermann, Ina. (2002) May Sinclair. In: Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies - Geschlechterforschung : Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, pp. 533-534. Habermann, Ina and Schabert, Ina. (2002) Einleitung. In: Imaginationen des Anderen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden, pp. 7-24. Habermann, Ina. (2002) Death by Water : the Theory and Practice of Shipwrecking. In: Fictions of the sea : critical perspectives on the ocean in British literature and culture. Aldershot, pp. 104-121. Habermann, Ina. (2001) On the pain of not being English. In: Common ground? : crossovers between cultural studies and postcolonial studies. Trier, pp. 137-151. Habermann, Ina and Klein, Bernhard. (2000) Shakespeare: Die Historien. In: Shakespeare-Handbuch : die Zeit, der Mensch, das Werk, die Nachwelt. Stuttgart, pp. 324-380. Habermann, Ina. (2000) Two, by their bloods, and by thy Spirit one: Sir Philip Sidney and Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke. In: Bi-Textualität : Inszenierungen des Paares : ein Buch für Ina Schabert. Berlin, pp. 29-44. Habermann, Ina. (1999) The Taming of the Masculine Scold : Misconstrued Femininities in Swetnam, the Woman-hater. In: Differenzen in der Geschlechterdifferenz : aktuelle Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung = Differences within gender studies. Berlin, pp. 222-240. Conference or Workshop ItemHabermann, Ina. (2004) Einleitung – Panel 5: Lehrinhalte und Qualifikationsprofile. In: Kulturwissenschaften in der Anglistik : eine Standortbestimmung; Dokumentation einer Tagung an der Universität Dortmund, 8. bis 10. April 2003. Dortmund, pp. 44-45. Working PaperHabermann, Ina. (2018) The Road to Brexit - A Students' Podcast Project. OtherHabermann, Ina. (2003) The Cultural Turn and Its Spindoctors. Anglistik. International journal of English studies, 14 (2). pp. 205-208. Heidelberg. Habermann, Ina. (1999) Imagining Otherness in the 16th and 17th Centuries: A Conference Report. Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 6 (1). pp. 95-96. Würzburg. |