Items where contributor is "Bischoff, Alexander"
2011Grossmann, Florian F. and Leventhal, Marcia E. and Auer-Böer, Bernhard and Wanner, Philippe and Bischoff, Alexander. (2011) Self-reported cardiovascular risk factors in immigrants and Swiss nationals. Public health nursing, Vol. 28, H. 2. pp. 129-139. Bischoff, Alexander and Denhaerynck, Kris and Schneider, Martin and Battegay, Edouard. (2011) The cost of war and the cost of health xare - an epidemiological study of asylum seekers. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141 , w13252. 2010Kurth, Elisabeth and Jaeger, Fabienne N. and Zemp, Elisabeth and Tschudin, Sibil and Bischoff, Alexander. (2010) Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals. BMC public health, Vol. 10, H. 1. p. 659. Bischoff, Alexander and Hudelson, Patricia. (2010) Communicating with foreign language-speaking patients : is access to professional interpreters enough? Journal of travel medicine, Vol. 17, H. 1. pp. 15-20. Bischoff, Alexander and Denhaerynck, Kris. (2010) What do language barriers cost? : an exploratory study among asylum seekers in Switzerland. BMC health services research, Vol. 10 , 248. Bischoff, Alexander and Hudelson, Patricia. (2010) Access to healthcare interpreter services: where are we and where do we need to go? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 7. pp. 2838-2844. 2009Bischoff, Alexander and Chiarenza, Antonio and Loutan, Louis. (2009) "Migrant-friendly hospitals" : a European initiative in an age of increasing mobility. World hospitals and health services : the off. journal of the International Hospital Federation, Vol. 45. pp. 7-9. Bischoff, Alexander and Ekoe, Tetanye and Perone, Nicolas and Slama, Slim and Loutan, Louis. (2009) Chronic disease management in Sub-Saharan Africa: whose business is it? International journal of environmental research and public health, Vol. 6, H. 8. pp. 2258-2270. 2008Fontana, M. and Bischoff, A.. (2008) Uptake of breast cancer screening measures among immigrant and Swiss women in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly, Vol. 138. pp. 752-758. Bischoff, A. and Dahinden, J.. (2008) Interpreting, intercultural mediation, conflict mediation: Survey among senior staff persons of public institutions in the city of Basel, Switzerland on coping with diversity and foreign languages. Journal of Intercultural Communication, Vol. 31. pp. 163-175. Bischoff, A. and Hudelson, P. and Bovier, P. A.. (2008) Doctor-patient gender concordance and patient satisfaction in interpreter-mediated consultations: an exploratory study. Journal of travel medicine, Vol. 15. pp. 1-5. Bischoff, A. and Kurth, E. and Schuster, S.. (2008) Der Dialog zu Dritt: PatientInnen, DolmetscherInnen und Gesundheitsfachleute in der Universitäts-Frauenklinik in Basel. Curare, Vol. 31. pp. 163-175. Bischoff, Alexander and Schneider, Martin and Denhaerynck, Kris and Battegay, Edouard. (2008) Health and ill health of asylum seekers in Switzerland: an epidemiological study. European Journal of Public Health, 19 (1). pp. 59-64. Bischoff, Alexander and Wanner, Philippe. (2008) The self-reported health of immigrant groups in Switzerland. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 10 (4). pp. 325-335. Bischoff, Alexander and Meyer, Bernd. (2008) Die fremden Sprachen, die fremden Kranken: Dolmetschen im medizinischen Kontext / Foreign Languages, Foreign Patients: Interpreting in a Medical Context. Curare - Journal of Medical Anthropology, 31 (2+3). pp. 125-128. |