Items where contributor is "Bergman, Manfred Max"
Jump to: Article | Book | Book Section | Conference or Workshop Item | Working Paper | Newspaper or Magazine Article | Other ArticleArnaiz, Patricia and Adams, Larissa and Müller, Ivan and Gerber, Markus and Walter, Cheryl and du Randt, Rosa and Steinmann, Peter and Bergman, Manfred Max and Seelig, Harald and van Greunen, Darelle and Utzinger, Jürg and Pühse, Uwe. (2021) Sustainability of a school-based health intervention for prevention of non-communicable diseases in marginalised communities: protocol for a mixed-methods cohort study. BMJ Open, 11 (10). e047296. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette and Liu, Baocheng and Arora, Bimal and Hou, Shengtian and Sengupta, Rijit. (2020) The Business-Society Nexus for the 21st Century. Journal of Sustainability Research, 2 (1). e200004. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette and Teschemacher, Yael and Arora, Bimal and Jyoti, Divya and Sengupta, Rijit. (2019) Corporate Responsibility in India: Academic Perspectives on the Companies Act 2013. Sustainability, 11 (21). p. 5939. Lau, Cubie L. L. and Bergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2019) Environmental Protection and Corporate Responsibility: The Perspectives of Senior Managers and CxOs in China. Sustainability, 11 (13). p. 3610. Bergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2019) A Case Study of the Sustainable Mobility Problem-Solution Paradox: Motility and Access of Metrorail Commuters in the Western Cape. Sustainability, 11 (10). p. 2842. Bergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max and Thatcher, Andrew. (2019) Agency and Bandura's Model o f Triadic Reciprocal Causation: An Exploratory Mobility Study Among Metrorail Commuters in the Western Cape, South Africa. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. p. 411. Bergman, Zinette and Teschemacher, Yael and Arora, Bimal and Sengupta, Rijit and Leisinger, Klaus Michael and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2019) Developing the business-society nexus through corporate responsibility expectations in India. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 16 (2). pp. 143-164. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2019) Sozialwissenschaftliche Sichtweisen auf Gesundheits- und Krankheitstrends in der Schweiz. Forschungskonzept Gesundheit 2021-2024. pp. 10-14. Bergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max and Fernandes, Kiran and Grossrieder, Daphne and Schneider, Lea. (2018) The Contribution of UNESCO Chairs toward Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 10 (12). p. 4471. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2018) The Century of Migration and the Contribution of Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 12 (4). pp. 371-373. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette and Berger, Lena. (2017) An Empirical Exploration, Typology, and Definition of Corporate Sustainability. Sustainability, 9 (5). p. 753. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2016) Mixed methods research and designs. Swiss Sociological Association Bulletin (150). pp. 12-15. Bergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max and Liu, Baocheng and Zhang, Jiaqi. (2015) The Roots of Corporate Philanthropy in China. Journal of International Business Ethics, 8 (1). pp. 3-27. Bergman, Manfred Max and Berger, Lena and Leisinger, Klaus and Zhang, Jiaqi and Liu, Baocheng and Bergman, Zinette. (2015) How well do Chinese corporate responsibility expectations map onto an international corporate responsibility scale? Umweltwirtschaftsforum = uwf, 23 (4). pp. 191-196. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette. (2015) The imaginary of the train of the future in South Africa: From public access to social exclusion. World Transport Policy and Practice, 21.3. pp. 23-34. Bergman, Max Manfred and Leisinger, Klaus M. and Bergman, Zinette and Berger, Lena. (2015) An Analysis of the Conceptual Landscape of Corporate Responsibility in Academia. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 34 (2). pp. 165-193. Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra. (2014) Longitudinal effects of social background on educational and occupational pathways within early and strong school tracking. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, Vol. 5, H. 1. pp. 1-18. Schwiter, Karin and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Wehner, Nina and Huber, Evéline and Kanji, Shireen and Maihofer, Andrea and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2014) Warum sind Pflegefachmänner und Elektrikerinnen nach wie vor selten? Geschlechtersegregation in Ausbildungs- und Berufsverläufen junger Erwachsener in der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 40 (3). pp. 401-428. Berger, Lena and Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette and Leisinger, Klaus and Ojo, Emmanuel. (2014) The influence of context and culture on corporate responsibility expectations in South Africa. Journal of international business ethics, Vol. 7, H. 2. pp. 3-21. Keller, Anita C. and Bergman, Manfred Max and Heinzmann, Claudia and Todorov, Atanas and Weber, Heidemarie and Heberer, Michael. (2014) The relationship between hospital patients' ratings of quality of care and communication. International journal for quality in health care, 26 (1). pp. 26-33. Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Max Manfred and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra. (2013) The Interplay between Educational Achievement, Occupational Success, and Well-Being. Social indicators research, 111 (1). pp. 75-96. Huber, Eveline and Bergman, Max Manfred. (2013) Zwischen Wunsch und Realität: Ausbildungs- und Berufsverläufe von jungen Frauen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 35 (1). pp. 181-199. Barker, Dean and Barker-Ruchti, Natalie and Gerber, Markus and Gerlach, Erin and Sattler, Simone and Bergman, Manfred Max and Pühse, Uwe. (2013) Swiss youths, migration and integrative sport : a critical-constructive reading of popular discourse. European journal for sport and society, Vol. 10, no. 2. pp. 143-160. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2013) What is a dysfunctional school? : a conceptual note. Africa education review, 10 (2). pp. 381-390. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette. (2012) Perspectives of learners and teachers on school dysfunctions in South Africa. Education as Change, 15 (Sup. 1). pp. 35-48. Keller, Anita and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2012) Self-esteem among children in Grade R in an urban South African school. South African journal of childhood education, Vol. 2, nr. 2. pp. 172-182. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) The politics, fashions, and conventions of research methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5 (2). pp. 99-102. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Gaupp, Nora and Geier, Boris and Lex, Tilly and Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth. (2011) Chancen bildungsbenachteiligter Jugendlicher: Bildungsverläufe in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation (ZSE), 31 (1). pp. 62-78. Samuel, Robin and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Stalder , Barbara Elisabeth and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) Successful and Unsuccessful Intergenerational Transfer of Educational Attainment on Wellbeing in the Swiss Youth Cohort TREE. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 37 (1). pp. 57-78. Kleiner, Brian and Heinzmann, Claudia and Eberle, Thomas S. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) Qualitative Data Archiving in Switzerland. IASSIST quarterly, 34 (3-4). pp. 77-79. Bergman, Manfred Max and Bergman, Zinette and Gravett , Sarah. (2011) The development and application of the Explanatory Model of School Dysfunctions. south african journal of education, 31 (4). pp. 461-474. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Mixed Methods Research and Design. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5 (4). pp. 271-275. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) O nezbytnosti treti generace ve smisenem designu, teorii a vyzkumu: o prekonavani nekompatibility kvalitativniho a kvantitativniho vyzkumu. Pedagogicka orientace, 21 (4). pp. 457-473. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) Evaluation methods and processes : tensions between expectations, resources and competencies. LeGes, 21 (1). pp. 23-31. Lipps, Oliver and Tillmann, Robin and Kuhn, Ursina and Lillard, Dean and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) Editorial. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 36, H. 2. pp. 207-211. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) On concepts and paradigms in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4 (3). pp. 171-175. Heinzmann, Claudia and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) Soziale Exklusion und Armut zwischen Theorie und Empirie: Kartografie zweier sozialwissenschaftlicher Konstrukte. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 36 (3). pp. 511-539. Barker, D. and Barker-Ruchti, N. and Gerber, M. and Gerlach, E. and Knöpfli, M. and Sattler, S. and Pühse, U. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) Swiss youths and the storying of non-participation in organised sport: A narrative examination of two cases. Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education Bulletin, 60. pp. 38-43. Marquis, Lionel and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2009) Development and consequences of referendum campaigns in Switzerland. Swiss political science review, 15 (1). pp. 63-97. Seibert, Holger and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Imdorf, Christian. (2009) Wie Ausbildungssysteme Chancen verteilen : Berufsbildungschancen und ethnische Herkunft in Deutschland und der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung des regionalen Verhältnisses von betrieblichen und schulischen Ausbildungen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 61, H. 4, S. 595–620. Heberer, M. and Depner, C. and Prengel, A. and Absahagen, C. and Bergman, M.. (2009) Patientenzufriedenheit im QMR Kontext: Modell, Methode und Ergebnisse. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 134 (S08). S327. Lampert, P. and Tan, K. L. L. and Prandy, K. and Gayle, V. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2008) The Importance of Specificity in Occupation-Based Social classifications. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 5 (28). pp. 179-192. Keller, C. and Schultheis, F. and Bergman, M. M.. (2008) Urban Riots and Youth Violence: German and French Perspectives. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 34 (2). pp. 239-430. Heinzmann, Claudia and Bergman, Manfred Max and Läubli-Loud, Marlene. (2008) Klassifikationsmodelle in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für die Konzeption und Evaluation von Projekten und Programmen. Zeitschrift für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 3 (2). pp. 119-127. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2007) Der Transfer von Vorteilen und Kapital. Uni nova, 105. pp. 28-29. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2007) Armut und Ausschluss im Blick Behalten. Uni Nova, Vol. 106. pp. 26-27. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2007) Multimethod Research and Mixed Methods Research: Old Wine in New Bottles? Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1 (1). pp. 101-104. Laoubaou, A. N. and Wyss, K. and Schwärzler, P. and Obrist, B. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2006) Communication socioculturelle comme outil de prévention des maladies sexuellement transmissibles et le VIH chez les adolescents au Tchad. VertigO, H. 3. pp. 1-9. Bergman, Manfred Max and Coxon, A. P. M.. (2005) The quality in qualitative methods. Forum: qualitative social research = Forum qualitative Sozialforschung : FQS, 6 (2). Art. 34. Eberle, Thomas S. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2005) Introduction [14 paragraphs]. Forum: qualitative social research = Forum qualitative Sozialforschung : FQS, 6 (2). Art. 30. Bergman, Manfred Max and Joye, Dominique. (2005) Comparing social stratification schemata: CAMSIS, CSP-CH, Goldthorpe, ISCO-88, Treiman, and Wright. Cambridge Studies in Social Research (10). pp. 1-35. Kaufmann, Vincent and Bergman, Manfred Max and Joye, Dominique. (2004) Motility: Mobility as capital. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 28 (4). pp. 745-756. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2003) Pauvreté, exclusion et territoire dans les sociétés modernes. Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine, 93. pp. 86-97. Joye, Dominique and Bergman, Manfred Max and Lambert, Paul S.. (2003) Bildungs- und soziale Realität zwischen Generationen in der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 29 (2). pp. 263-291. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2002) Reliability and validity in interpretive research during the conceptualization of the research topic and data collection. Sozialer Sinn, 3 (2). pp. 317-331. Bergman, Manfred Max and Joye, Dominique and Fux, Beat. (2002) Social change, mobility, and inequality in Switzerland in the 1990s. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 28 (2). pp. 267-295. Budowski, Monica and Tillmann, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2002) Poverty, stratification, and gender in Switzerland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 28 (2). pp. 297-317. Bergman, Manfred Max and Lambert, Paul and Prandy, Kenneth and Joye, Dominique. (2002) Theorization, construction, and validation of a social stratification scale: Cambridge Social Interaction and Stratification Scale (CAMSIS) for Switzerland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 28 (1). pp. 7-25. Bergman, Manfred Max and Scott, Jacqueline. (2001) Young adolescents' wellbeing and health-risk behaviours: Gender and socio-economic differences. Journal of Adolescence, 24 (2). pp. 183-197. Etter, Jean-François and Bergman, Manfred Max and Perneger, Thomas V.. (2000) On quitting smoking: Development of two scales measuring the use of self-change strategies in current and former smokers (SCS-CS and SCS-FS). Addictive Behaviors, 25 (4). pp. 523-538. Etter, J. -F. and Humair, J. -P. and Bergman, Manfred Max and Perneger, T. V.. (2000) Development and validation of the attitudes towards smoking scale (ATS-18). Addiction, 95 (4). pp. 613-625. Etter, Jean-François and Bergman, Manfred Max and Humair, Jean-Paul and Perneger, Thomas V.. (2000) Development and validation of a scale measuring self-efficacy of current and former smokers. Addiction, 95 (6). pp. 901-913. Bergman, Manfred Max. (1999) Would the real social representation please stand up? Three levels of analysis of social representations of European American and Mexican American identity. Papers on Social Representations (8). pp. 1-17. Bergman, Manfred Max. (1999) Evaluators evaluating evaluators: Peer-Assessments and training opportunities in Switzerland. LeGes/Gesetzgebung Heute, 10 (2). pp. 11-39. Bergman, Manfred Max. (1998) Social representations as the mother of all behavioral predispositions? The relations between social representations, attitudes, and values. Papers on Social Representations, 7 (1-2). pp. 77-83. Bergman, Manfred Max. (1998) A theoretical note on the differences between attitudes, opinions, and values. Swiss Political Science Review, 4 (2). pp. 81-93. BookScharenberg, Katja and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Meyer, Thomas and Bergman, Manfred Max, eds. (2016) Transitionen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE, 2. Zürich. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Grunder, Hans-Ulrich and Bergman, Manfred Max and Imdorf, Christian, eds. (2015) Qualität in der Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn. Keller, Anita C. and Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max and Semmer, Norbert K., eds. (2014) Psychological, Educational and Sociological Perspectives on Success and Well-Being in Career Development. Dordrecht. Bergman, Manfred Max and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Meyer, Thomas and Samuel, Robin, eds. (2012) Bildung - Arbeit - Erwachsenwerden : ein interdisziplinärer Blick auf die Transition im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter. Wiesbaden. Bergman, Manfred Max and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Keller, Anita and Meyer, Thomas and Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth, eds. (2011) Transitionen im Jugendalter = Transitions juvéniles en Suisse = Youth transitions in Switzerland : Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE : résultats de l'étude longitudinale TREE : results from the TREE panel study. Zürich. Bergman, Manfred Max and Heinzmann, Claudia and Huber, Evéline and Vogel, Martha. (2011) Bügle, büeze, chrampfe : schweizerdeutsche Erzählungen über Arbeit. Zürich. Imdorf, Christian and Granato, Mona and Moreau, Gilles and Waardenburg, George and Bergman, Max Manfred, eds. (2010) Sociology of vocational education and training in Switzerland, France and Germany. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 36, H. 1(2010). Zürich. Lipps, Oliver and Tillmann, Robin and Kuhn, Ursina and Lillard, Dean and Bergman, Manfred Max, eds. (2010) Social science research with panel data in Switzerland = Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung mit Paneldaten in der Schweiz = Recherches en sciences sociales avec des données de Panel en Suisse. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 36, H. 2 (2010). Zürich. Bergman, Manfred Max and Eberle, Thomas and Flick, Uwe and Förster, Till and Horber, Eugène and Maeder, Christoph and Mottier, Véronique and Nadai, Eva and Rolshoven, Johanna and Seale, Clive and Widmer, Jean. (2010) A statement on the meaning, quality assessment, and teaching of qualitative research methods = Manifest zur Bedeutung, Qualitätsbeurteilung und Lehre der Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung = Déclaration sur la signification, l'évalutation de la qualité et l'enseignement de méthodes de recherche qualitative. Bern. Ohnmacht, Timo and Maksim, Hanja and Bergman, Manfred Max, eds. (2009) Mobilities and inequality. Transport and society. Farnham. Bergman, Manfred Max and Imbusch, Peter and Mäder, Ueli and Nollert, Michael, eds. (2009) War : a challenge to sociology. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 35 (1). Zürich. Jeangros-Burton, C. and Widmer, E. and Bergman, Manfred Max, eds. (2009) Cumulative and Compensatory Effects over the Life Course = Kumulative und kompensatorische Effekte im Lebenslauf. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 35, H. 2(2009). Zürich. Bergman, Manfred Max, ed. (2008) Advances in mixed methods research : theories and applications. Los Angeles. Bergman, Manfred Max and Fux, B., eds. (2006) Health and Age. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 32, H. 3(2006). Zürich. Fux, B. and Bergman, Manfred Max, eds. (2006) Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft im Diskurs der modernen Soziologie: Aufsätze zu Ehren von Ferdinand Tönnies anlässlich seines 150. Geburtstags. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 32, H. 1(2006). Zürich. Bergman, Manfred Max and Eberle, Thomas S., eds. (2004) Qualitative inquiry: research, archiving, and re-use. [Bern]. Book SectionScharenberg, Katja and Meyer, Thomas and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2016) Transitions in youth and young adulthood in the light of the TREE data: National and international research perspectives on educational inequalities and institutional factors. In: Transitionen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter: Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE, 2. Zürich, pp. 17-20. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2016) Der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf postobligatorische Bildungsverläufe in der Schweiz. In: Transitionen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter: Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE, 2. Zürich, pp. 45-74. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Imdorf, Christian and Grunder, Hans-Ulrich and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2015) Zur Einführung : der Qualitätsdiskurs im Bildungsbereich : eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. In: Qualität in der Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn, pp. 7-12. Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max and Keller, Anita C. and Semmer, Norbert K.. (2014) Introduction. In: Psychological, Educational and Sociological Perspectives on Success and Well-Being in Career Development. New York, pp. 1-6. Keller, Anita C. and Semmer, Norbert K. and Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2014) The Meaning and Measurement of Well-Being as an Indicator of Success. In: Psychological, Educational and Sociological Perspectives on Success and Well-Being in Career Development. New York, pp. 171-193. Samuel, Robin and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Stalder, Barbara E. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2012) Wie beeinflusst Statustransfer zwischen den Generationen das Wohlbefinden junger Erwachsener? In: Bildung - Arbeit - Erwachsenwerden. Wiesbaden, pp. 383-408. Meyer, Thomas and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Samuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2012) Einleitung und Überblick - "Bildung - Arbeit - Erwachsenwerden". In: Bildung - Arbeit - Erwachsenwerden. Wiebaden, pp. 9-18. Bergman, Manfred Max and Kanji, Shireen. (2012) Die Lehre und das Streben nach Exzellenz an der Universität Cambridge. In: Durch Coaching Führungsqualitäten entwickeln : Kernkompetenzen erkennen und fördern. Zürich, pp. 227-239. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) Mixed methods. In: International encyclopedia of political science, Vol. 5. Thousand Oaks CA, pp. 1585-1589. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Samuel, Robin and Huber, Evéline and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2011) Geschlechterungleichheiten im intergenerationalen Bildungstransfer in der Schweiz. In: Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsungleichheiten. Wiesbaden, pp. 77-97. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Meyer, Thomas and Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth and Keller, Anita. (2011) PISA-Kompetenzen und Übergangswege: Ergebnisse aus der Schweizer TREE-Studie. In: Neue Jugend, neue Ausbildung? Beiträge aus der Jugend- und Bildungsforschung. Bielefeld, pp. 173-188. Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth. (2011) Berufsausbildung mit geringen Lesekompetenzen? Ergebnisse der Schweizer PISA-Folgestudie TREE. In: Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung – Probleme und Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 190-203. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2010) Hermeneutic Content Analysis : textual and audiovisual analysis within a mixed methods framework. In: Sage handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. London, pp. 379-396. Ackermann, Günter and Bergman, Manfred Max and Heinzmann, Claudia and Läubli Loud, Marlène. (2009) Komplexitätsreduktion durch Klassifikationsmodelle in der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention. In: Aspekte der Prävention. Ausgewählte Beiträge des 3. Nationalen Präventionskongresses Dresden, 27. bis 28. November 2009. Stuttgart, pp. 20-29. Ohnmacht, Timo and Maksim, Hanja and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2009) Mobilities and inequality : an introduction. In: Mobilities and inequality. Farnham, pp. 1-4. Ohnmacht, Timo and Maksim, Hanja and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2009) Mobilities and Inequality: Making Connections. In: Mobilities and Inequality. Farnham, pp. 7-26. Manderscheid, Katharina and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2008) Spatial patterns and social inequality in Switzerland? : modern or post-modern? In: The social fabric of the networked city. Lausanne, pp. 41-65. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2008) Combining different types of data for quantitative analysis. In: The SAGE handbook of social research methods. Los Angeles, pp. 585-601. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2008) Introduction: Whither Mixed Methods? In: Advances in Mixed Methods Research. London, pp. 1-8. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2008) The Straw Men of the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide and their Influence on Mixed Methods. In: Advances in Mixed Methods Research. London, pp. 11-21. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2003) Rasse und Wissenschaft. In: Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zürich, pp. 244-245. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2003) Sozialstruktur. In: Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zürich, pp. 304-305. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2003) Ungleichheit. In: Wörterbuch der Sozialpolitik. Zürich, pp. 337-338. Conference or Workshop ItemSamuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2015) Education, skills, and social progress: Evidence from the Swiss Youth Cohort TREE. In: Skills for social progress: the power of social and emotional skills. Paris, p. 140. Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth and Meyer, Thomas and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra. (2009) Low Achievers' Risky Pathways: PISA Literacy Scores as Predictors of Upper Secondary Enrolment and Graduation. In: Innovative Apprenticeships. Promoting Successful School-to-Work Transitions. Berlin, pp. 137-140. Lambert, Paul S. and Prandy, Kenneth and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2005) Specificity and Universality in Occupation-based Social Classifications. In: Paper prepared for the first conference of the European Association for Survey Research. pp. 1-26. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2003) The Broad and the Narrow in Ethnography on Organisations. In: Disziplinäre Orientierungen, 4. Berlin. Working PaperBergman, Manfred Max and Grand-Guillaume-Perrenoud, Anthony. (2011) Lebensstil, Konsum und Zukunftsperspektiven von Schweizer Jugendlichen. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleBergman, Zinette and Bergman, Manfred Max and Pirie, Gordon. (November 2014) Die Zukunft der Bahnmobilität in Südafrika: Vom Service Public zur sozialen Exklusion. Afrika Bulletin , (156). pp. 6-7. Basel. Bergman, Manfred Max. (1 July 2006) Klassische Ansätze zur Untersuchung von Sozialstruktur und Ungleichheit. UniNova. pp. 27-28. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2006) Lebensstil und Konsum als neue Formen sozialer Differenzierung? Uni Nova. pp. 24-25. Meyer, Thomas. (2005) Fährt der Lift hoch oder die Welt runter? : vom angeblichen Leistungszerfall der heutigen Schülerinnen und Schüler. Meyer, Thomas. (2004) Rationierte Bildung. OtherSamuel, Robin and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2015) Zukunftsaspirationen junger Erwachsener in der Schweiz. ch-x Werkstattbericht, (2014/2015). pp. 19-22. Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Kanji, Shireen and Bergman, Manfred Max and Meyer, Thomas. (2012) Gender differences in the transition from secondary to post-secondary education in Switzerland : report commissioned by the OECD (TOR/PISA-l). Basel. Bergman, Manfred Max and Hupka-Brunner, Sandra and Meyer, Thomas and Stalder, Barbara E.. (2008) TREE project documentation 2000-2008. Basel. Lambert, Paul and Bergman, Manfred Max and Prandy, Kenneth. (2005) Leisurely moments or lifetimes? Contexts and the study of leisure, consumption, and stratification. Bergman, Manfred Max. (2004) Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Interview Data. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Logic and Methodology. p. 214. Amsterdam. Joye, D. and Schöbi, N. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2004) Response propensity and acquiescence: Effects on data quality. Report from Switzerland to the European Social Survey (ESS) project. Meyer, Thomas. (2003) Verlaufsprozesse im Berufsbildungssystem. Berufsbildung als System und Verlaufsprozesse / Übergänge im System. Gutachten im Auftrag der Kommission Technologie und Innovation (KTI). Joye, Dominique and Bergman, Manfred Max and Budowski, Monica. (2002) Technical report of the Swiss Household Panel : recodifications of variables for five social stratification schemas. Neuchâtel. Prandy, K. and Lambert, P. and Bergman, Manfred Max. (2002) National contexts and cross-national comparisons of structures of social stratification. Proceedings: XVth ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee 20. Brisbane, Australia. Bergman, Manfred Max and Cattacin, Sandro and Läubli-Loud, Marlene. (2001) Can the internet respond to evaluators' needs? The web as a training tool and information resource. Swiss Forum for Migration Studies, Discussion Paper, 1. Bergman, Manfred Max and Cattacin, Sandro and Läubli-Loud, Marlène. (1998) Evaluators Evaluating Evaluators: Peer-assessments and training opportunities of evaluators in Switzerland. Working Paper, 1/98. Genève. 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