Faculties and Departments matches any of "Medizinethnologie (Obrist)", "Visuelle und politische Ethnologie (Förster)", "Fachbereich Ethnologie", "Allgemeine Ethnologie (Meiu)", "Medical Anthropology (Obrist)" AND Subtype matches any of "Master Thesis" AND Thesis Status matches any of "Complete"
1. |
Balde, Mamadou Oury.
L’intégration des demandeurs d’asile et réfugiés à l’université de Bâle.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
2. |
Herisialonina, Nuru.
Westafrikanische Handelsperlen im ghanaischen Diskurs: Prozesse der Zuschreibungen in emischen Narrativen.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
3. |
Leonte, Ana-Maria.
Thinking Global and Respecting Local: Zanzibari Identity-Making and Dress.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
4. |
Meng, Xiao.
Academic In/Equity: Gender and Ethnicity Imbalances in Authorship and Citation of Tropical Medicine.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
5. |
Mwatondange, Maria Randy.
Unsettling Scene: An Analysis of Photographs Taken in a German Prisoner Camp in Grootfontein (Nambia).
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
6. |
Sivathasan, Santhiya.
La place de la diaspora Tamile au Canada.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
7. |
Zingg, Julie.
Kenianische Fairtrade-Rosen im Schweizer Blumenhandel. Zur Frage der Selbstbestimmung der kenianischen Akteur*innen während des Max Havelaar-Stiftung Pilotprojekts (2001–2005).
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
8. |
Eaton, Dominik.
Uniting the People: A Sketch of an Analysis of Zulu Dance Practices.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
9. |
Müllerová, Kamila.
Apps zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit zur Zeit der Covid-19 Pandemie – ihre Nutzung und ihr Nutzen.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
10. |
Noll, Lina.
Men’s meeting places in Volkspark Hasenheide, Berlin: An anthropological study with epistemological focus.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
11. |
Omodunbi, Olayemi.
Beyond Binaries: Reconceptualizing Hegemonic Notions of Race and Racism in an African-Chinese Context.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
12. |
Purayampillil, Bessy.
Margamkali – a performative practice of social memory?
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
13. |
Rüegg, Priska Handayani.
"Nobody was on my side." The Longing for Belonging of a Former Unaccompanied Refugee.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
14. |
Vogler, Leah.
‹Je suis pas devenu artiste pour décorer les maisons› Die Rolle zeitgenössischer bildender Künstler*innen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
15. |
Hoeks, Rebekah.
On Est Ensemble. Socialising and Solidarity in Women’s Savings Groups in the City of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
16. |
Kessler, Nicolas.
Grüne Inseln Bobo Dioulassos: Potenzial, Konflikte und Dynamiken urbaner Landwirtschaft im rechtspluralistischen Raum einer westafrikanischen Grossstadt.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
17. |
Lévy, Guillaume.
Entangled Lives:The Everyday Experience of African Asylum Seekers in Hongkong.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
18. |
Mathis, Sunanda.
Crossing Culinary Borders, Incorporating Change. The Multivocality of Six Migrant Women in Zurich.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
19. |
Schläfli, Samuel.
Victims of Chinese neo-colonialism or beneficiaries in a win-win-relationship? An ethnographic research on African agency in Ethio-China relations.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.
20. |
Aeschlimann, Mickness Eliakunda.
To What Extent has the Female Participation in Microfinance Programs Led to a Change in Gender Relations at the Household Level? An Ethnography of Neema Women SACCOS in Igota Village, Ulanga District, Tanzania.
Master Thesis, University of Basel,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Item not available from this repository.