
Virtual Network Stacks

Bouabene, Ghazi and Jelger, Christophe and Tschudin, Christian. (2008) Virtual Network Stacks. In: SIGCOMM '08 : proceedings of the 2008 SIGCOMM Conference and Co-Located Workshops NSDR'08, WOSN'08, MobiArch'08, NetEcon'08, & PRESTO'08. New York.

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In this paper, we get inspiration from peer to peer file sharing networks to provide a new way of inter-networking. In our proposal, nodes having access to multiple network types can share their networking resources with other peers residing in networks with different protocols and (potentially) different addressing schemes. Such neighbor nodes will form a peer to peer overlay backbone; the purpose of it being to offer to applications and protocols access to remote network stacks that their running hosts do not implement or have no direct access to. This creates RPC-like access to foreign network stacks well in line with a federation approach that avoids introducing a global overlay for integrating heterogeneous networks.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Informatik > Computer Networks (Tschudin)
UniBasel Contributors:Jelger, Christophe and Tschudin, Christian F and Bouabene, Ghazi
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item, refereed
Conference or workshop item Subtype:Conference Paper
Note:Note: Erschienen im Tagungsband zum SIGCOMM '08 Kongress : Seattle, WA, USA, August 17-22, 2008 -- Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper
Last Modified:22 Mar 2012 14:26
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 13:50

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