
Induced Fit and Mobility of Cycloalkanes within Nanometer-Sized Confinements at 5 K

Ahsan, Aisha and Buimaga-Iarinca, Luiza and Nijs, Thomas and Nowakowska, Sylwia and Rejaul, Sk and Mousavi, S. Fatemeh and Heydari, Mehdi and Stöhr, Meike and Zaman, Sameena S. and Morari, Cristian and Gade, Lutz H. and Jung, Thomas A.. (2022) Induced Fit and Mobility of Cycloalkanes within Nanometer-Sized Confinements at 5 K. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13 (32). pp. 7504-7513.

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Host-guest architectures provide ideal systems for investigating site-specific physical and chemical effects. Condensation events in nanometer-sized confinements are particularly interesting for the investigation of intermolecular and molecule-surface interactions. They may be accompanied by conformational adjustments representing induced fit packing patterns. Here, we report that the symmetry of small clusters formed upon condensation, their registry with the substrate, their lateral packing, and their adsorption height are characteristically modified by the packing of cycloalkanes in confinements. While cyclopentane and cycloheptane display cooperativity upon filling of the hosting pores, cyclooctane and to a lesser degree cyclohexane diffusively redistribute to more favored adsorption sites. The dynamic behavior of cyclooctane is surprising at 5 K given the cycloalkane melting point of >0 °C. The site-specific modification of the interaction and behavior of adsorbates in confinements plays a crucial role in many applications of three-dimensional porous materials as gas storage agents or catalysts/biocatalysts.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Physik
UniBasel Contributors:Jung, Thomas A.
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Chemical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:09 Aug 2023 01:30
Deposited On:08 May 2023 12:36

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