
Density correlations in ultracold atomic Fermi gases

Belzig, W. and Schroll, C. and Bruder, C.. (2005) Density correlations in ultracold atomic Fermi gases. In: Noise and Fluctuations, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 780. Melville, NY, pp. 817-820.

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We investigate density fluctuations in a coherent ensemble of interacting fermionic atoms around the BEC-BCS crossover. Adapting the concept of full counting statistics, well-known from quantum optics and mesoscopic electron transport, we study second-order as well as higher-order correlators of density fluctuations. This method is applied to the crossover from a molecular BEC state to a fermionic BCS state and yields a transition from Poissonian statistics to binomial statistics. The statistics can thus be used as an experimental tool to gain information on the many-body ground state in the crossover regime.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Physik > Theoretische Physik (Bruder)
UniBasel Contributors:Bruder, Christoph
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item, refereed
Conference or workshop item Subtype:Conference Paper
Publisher:American Inst. of Physics
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper
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Last Modified:22 Mar 2012 14:25
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 13:49

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